Bible  Genesis 11:1-32 New Russian Translation (NRT)
 (Но́вый Ру́сский Перево́д)

1 Во всем ми́ре был оди́н язы́к и одно́ наре́чие.
voh vsem MEER-reh bihl ah-DEEN yee-ZIK ee ahd-NAW nah-REH-chee-ee
1 In [Everyone, To Everyone] [Peace, The World, World] [Be, To Be, Was, Were] [Alone, One] [Language, Tongue] And One [Adverb, Dialect, Tongue.]
2 Двигаясь к восто́ку, лю́ди вы́шли на равни́ну в Шинаре и поселились там.
k vahs-TAW-koo LEW-dee VISH-lee nuh rahv-NEE-noo (v)- ee tahm
2 [To, For, By] [East, Eastward, To The East] People [Came Out, Exited, Gone, Gone Out, Went] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [Flatland, Plain, The Plain] [At, In, Of, On] And There.
3 Они́ сказа́ли друг дру́гу: Дава́йте сде́лаем кирпичи́ и обожжем их
ah-NEE skah-ZAH-lee drook DROO-goo dah-VI-tee SDEH-lah-eem keer-pee-CHEE ee eehh
3 [They, They Are] [Said, Say, Tell, They Said] Friend Friend (Let Us) [Let Us Do It, Will Do] Bricks And [Them, Their]
полу́чше. Кирпичи́ у них бы́ли вме́сто ка́мня и смола вме́сто известкового раствора.
pah-LOOCH-shee keer-pee-CHEE oo neekh BIH-lee VMES-tah KAHM-nyah ee VMES-tah
Better. Bricks [At, By, With, Of] [Them, They] [Been, Has Been, Were] (Instead Of) [Rock, Stone, Stone's] And (Instead Of) .
4 Пото́м они́ сказа́ли: Дава́йте построим себе́ го́род с башней до
pah-TOM ah-NEE skah-ZAH-lee dah-VI-tee see-BEH GAW-raht (s)- daw
4 [Then, Later] [They, They Are] [Said, Say, Tell, They Said] (Let Us) [Himself, Myself, Thyself, To Myself, Yourself] [City, Town] [And, From, In, Of, With] [Before, Until]
небе́с, что́бы просла́вить своё и́мя и не рассе́яться по всей земле́.
nee-BES SHTOH-bih prahs-LAH-veet svah-YAW EE-myah ee nyeh rahs-SEH-eet-syah pah vsay zeem-LEH
Heaven [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] Glorify (Its Own) Name And [Never, Not] [Dissipate, Disperse, Scatter] [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [All, The Whole, Whole] [Earth, Ground, Land, World.]
5 Госпо́дь сошел посмотре́ть на го́род и ба́шню, кото́рые стро́или лю́ди,
gahs-POT saw-shel pahs-maht-RET nuh GAW-raht ee BAHSH-new kah-TAW-rih-ee STRAW-ee-lee LEW-dee
5 Lord [Came Down, Descended, Got Off] [Look, View] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [City, Town] And Tower [Which, Who] Built People
6 и сказа́л: Все лю́ди оди́н наро́д, у них оди́н язы́к;
ee skuh-ZAHL (v)syeh
LEW-dee ah-DEEN nah-ROT oo neekh ah-DEEN yee-ZIK
6 And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] People [Alone, One] [Crowd, Nation, People] [At, By, With, Of] [Them, They] [Alone, One] [Language, Tongue]
вот они́ и затеяли тако́е; тепе́рь не бу́дет для них ничего́ невозмо́жного.
vot ah-NEE ee tah-KAW-ee tee-PER nyeh BOO-deet dlyah neekh nee-cheh-VAU nee-vahz-MOJ-nah-vah
[Behold, Here, There] [They, They Are] And Such Now [Never, Not] [Will Be, Would Be] For [Them, They] [Anything, Nothing, Never Mind] [Impracticable, The Impossible.]
7 Сойдем же и смешаем им язы́к, что́бы они́ переста́ли понима́ть друг дру́га.
zheh ee eem yee-ZIK SHTOH-bih ah-NEE pee-rees-TAH-lee paw-nee-MAHT drook DROO-gah
7 [But, Same, Then] And [It, Them] [Language, Tongue] [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] [They, They Are] [Stopped, They Stopped] [To Understand, Understand] Friend Friend.
8 И Госпо́дь рассе́ял их отту́да по
ee gahs-POT rahs-SEH-eel eehh aht-TOO-dah pah
8 And Lord [Dispersed, Scattered] [Them, Their] (From There) [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto]
всему́ све́ту, и они́ переста́ли стро́ить тот го́род.
vsee-MOO SVEH-too ee ah-NEE pee-rees-TAH-lee STRAW-eet tot GAW-raht
[All, Everything] Light And [They, They Are] [Stopped, They Stopped] Build That [City, Town.]
9 Вот почему́ он был на́зван Вавило́н ведь Госпо́дь смеша́л
vot pah-chee-MOO ohn bihl NAHZ-vahn vah-vee-LON vet gahs-POT smee-SHAHL
9 [Behold, Here, There] Why He [Be, To Be, Was, Were] [Called, Named] Babylon [Because, After All, Indeed] Lord Mixed
там язы́к всего́ ми́ра. Отту́да Госпо́дь рассе́ял их по лицу́ всей земли.
tahm yee-ZIK vsee-VAU MEE-rah aht-TOO-dah gahs-POT rahs-SEH-eel eehh pah lee-TSOO vsay ZEM-lee
There [Language, Tongue] [Total, Only, Altogether] [Of The World, Peace, World.] (From There) Lord [Dispersed, Scattered] [Them, Their] [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] Face [All, The Whole, Whole] Earth.
10 Вот родосло́вие Си́ма. Симу бы́ло сто лет, когда́
vot rah-dahs-LAW-vee-ee SEE-mah BIH-lah staw let kah-g'DAH
10 [Behold, Here, There] [Family Tree, Genealogy, Generations, Pedigree] Shem. [It Was, Was] [Hundred, One Hundred] Years When
у него́ роди́лся Арпахшад, че́рез два года по́сле пото́па.
oo nyeh-VOH rah-DEEL-syah ahr-pahh-shaht CHEH-res dvah GAW-dah
POS-lee pah-TAW-pah
[At, By, With, Of] Him [Born, Was Born] Arphaxad [Across, By Way Of, Through] Two [Of The Year, Years] [After, Beyond] [Flood, The Flood.]
11 По́сле рожде́ния Арпахшада Сим жил 500 лет,
POS-lee rahj-DEH-nee-yah seem jeel let
11 [After, Beyond] [Birth, Birthday, Births, Childbirth] This Lived 500 Years
и у него́ бы́ли ещё сыновья и до́чери.
ee oo nyeh-VOH BIH-lee yee-SHHAW sih-NOV-yah ee DAW-chee-ree
And [At, By, With, Of] Him [Been, Has Been, Were] [Again, Also, Another, Even, Further, More] Sons And Daughters.
12 Когда́ Арпахшад прожи́л 35 лет, у него́ роди́лся Шелах.
kah-g'DAH ahr-pahh-shaht prah-JEEL let oo nyeh-VOH rah-DEEL-syah sheh-lahh
12 When Arphaxad Lived 35 Years [At, By, With, Of] Him [Born, Was Born] [Sala, Shelah.]
13 По́сле рожде́ния Шелаха Арпахшад жил 403 года,
POS-lee rahj-DEH-nee-yah ahr-pahh-shaht jeel GAW-dah
13 [After, Beyond] [Birth, Birthday, Births, Childbirth] Arphaxad Lived 403 [Of The Year, Years]
и у него́ бы́ли ещё сыновья и до́чери.
ee oo nyeh-VOH BIH-lee yee-SHHAW sih-NOV-yah ee DAW-chee-ree
And [At, By, With, Of] Him [Been, Has Been, Were] [Again, Also, Another, Even, Further, More] Sons And Daughters.
14 Когда́ Шелах прожи́л 30 лет, у него́ роди́лся Евер.
kah-g'DAH sheh-lahh prah-JEEL let oo nyeh-VOH rah-DEEL-syah yeh-ver
14 When [Sala, Shelah] Lived 30 Years [At, By, With, Of] Him [Born, Was Born] [Eber, Ever, Heber.]
15 По́сле рожде́ния Евера, Шелах жил 403 года,
POS-lee rahj-DEH-nee-yah yeh-veh-rah sheh-lahh jeel GAW-dah
15 [After, Beyond] [Birth, Birthday, Births, Childbirth] [Eber, Ever] [Sala, Shelah] Lived 403 [Of The Year, Years]
и у него́ бы́ли ещё сыновья и до́чери.
ee oo nyeh-VOH BIH-lee yee-SHHAW sih-NOV-yah ee DAW-chee-ree
And [At, By, With, Of] Him [Been, Has Been, Were] [Again, Also, Another, Even, Further, More] Sons And Daughters.
16 Когда́ Евер прожи́л 34 года, у него́ роди́лся Пелег.
kah-g'DAH yeh-ver prah-JEEL GAW-dah
oo nyeh-VOH rah-DEEL-syah peh-lek
16 When [Eber, Ever, Heber] Lived 34 [Of The Year, Years] [At, By, With, Of] Him [Born, Was Born] [Bearing, Peleg, Phalec.]
17 По́сле рожде́ния Пелега Евер жил 430 лет, и у него́ бы́ли ещё сыновья и до́чери.
POS-lee rahj-DEH-nee-yah yeh-ver jeel let ee oo nyeh-VOH BIH-lee yee-SHHAW sih-NOV-yah ee DAW-chee-ree
17 [After, Beyond] [Birth, Birthday, Births, Childbirth] [Eber, Ever, Heber] Lived 430 Years And [At, By, With, Of] Him [Been, Has Been, Were] [Again, Also, Another, Even, Further, More] Sons And Daughters.
18 Когда́ Пелег прожи́л 30 лет, у него́ роди́лся Реу.
kah-g'DAH peh-lek prah-JEEL let oo nyeh-VOH rah-DEEL-syah reh-oo
18 When [Bearing, Peleg, Phalec] Lived 30 Years [At, By, With, Of] Him [Born, Was Born] [Ragau, Reu.]
19 По́сле рожде́ния Реу Пелег жил 209 лет, и у него́ бы́ли ещё сыновья и до́чери.
POS-lee rahj-DEH-nee-yah reh-oo peh-lek jeel let ee oo nyeh-VOH BIH-lee yee-SHHAW sih-NOV-yah ee DAW-chee-ree
19 [After, Beyond] [Birth, Birthday, Births, Childbirth] [Ragau, Reu] [Bearing, Peleg, Phalec] Lived 209 Years And [At, By, With, Of] Him [Been, Has Been, Were] [Again, Also, Another, Even, Further, More] Sons And Daughters.
20 Когда́ Реу прожи́л 32 года, у него́ роди́лся Серуг.
kah-g'DAH reh-oo prah-JEEL GAW-dah
oo nyeh-VOH rah-DEEL-syah seh-rook
20 When [Ragau, Reu] Lived 32 [Of The Year, Years] [At, By, With, Of] Him [Born, Was Born] [Saruch, Serug.]
21 По́сле рожде́ния Серуга Реу жил 207 лет, и у него́ бы́ли ещё сыновья и до́чери.
POS-lee rahj-DEH-nee-yah reh-oo jeel let ee oo nyeh-VOH BIH-lee yee-SHHAW sih-NOV-yah ee DAW-chee-ree
21 [After, Beyond] [Birth, Birthday, Births, Childbirth] [Ragau, Reu] Lived 207 Years And [At, By, With, Of] Him [Been, Has Been, Were] [Again, Also, Another, Even, Further, More] Sons And Daughters.
22 Когда́ Серуг прожи́л 30 лет, у него́ роди́лся Нахор.
kah-g'DAH seh-rook prah-JEEL let oo nyeh-VOH rah-DEEL-syah nah-hhor
22 When [Saruch, Serug] Lived 30 Years [At, By, With, Of] Him [Born, Was Born] Nahor.
23 По́сле рожде́ния Нахора Серуг жил 200 лет, и у него́ бы́ли ещё сыновья и до́чери.
POS-lee rahj-DEH-nee-yah nah-hhaw-rah seh-rook jeel let ee oo nyeh-VOH BIH-lee yee-SHHAW sih-NOV-yah ee DAW-chee-ree
23 [After, Beyond] [Birth, Birthday, Births, Childbirth] Nahor [Saruch, Serug] Lived 200 Years And [At, By, With, Of] Him [Been, Has Been, Were] [Again, Also, Another, Even, Further, More] Sons And Daughters.
24 Когда́ Нахор прожи́л 29 лет, у него́ роди́лся Терах.
kah-g'DAH nah-hhor prah-JEEL let oo nyeh-VOH rah-DEEL-syah teh-rahh
24 When Nahor Lived 29 Years [At, By, With, Of] Him [Born, Was Born] .
25 По́сле рожде́ния Тераха Нахор жил 119 лет, и у него́ бы́ли ещё сыновья и до́чери.
POS-lee rahj-DEH-nee-yah nah-hhor jeel let ee oo nyeh-VOH BIH-lee yee-SHHAW sih-NOV-yah ee DAW-chee-ree
25 [After, Beyond] [Birth, Birthday, Births, Childbirth] Nahor Lived 119 Years And [At, By, With, Of] Him [Been, Has Been, Were] [Again, Also, Another, Even, Further, More] Sons And Daughters.
26 По́сле того́ как Терах прожи́л 70 лет, у него́ роди́лись Авра́м, Нахор и Ара́н.
POS-lee tah-VOH kahk teh-rahh prah-JEEL let oo nyeh-VOH rah-DEE-lees ahv-RAHM nah-hhor ee ah-RAHN
26 [After, Beyond] That [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] Lived 70 Years [At, By, With, Of] Him [Come, Originate, Were Born] Abram Nahor And [Aran, Haran.]
27 Вот родосло́вие Тераха. У Тераха роди́лись
vot rah-dahs-LAW-vee-ee oo rah-DEE-lees
27 [Behold, Here, There] [Family Tree, Genealogy, Generations, Pedigree] . [At, By, With, Of] [Come, Originate, Were Born]
Авра́м, Нахор и Ара́н. У Ара́на роди́лся Лот.
ahv-RAHM nah-hhor ee ah-RAHN oo ah-RAH-nah rah-DEEL-syah lot
Abram Nahor And [Aran, Haran.] [At, By, With, Of] Haran [Born, Was Born] Lot.
28 Когда́ его́ оте́ц Терах был ещё жив, Ара́н
kah-g'DAH yeh-VOAH ah-TYETS teh-rahh bihl yee-SHHAW jeef ah-RAHN
28 When [His, Him, It] Father [Be, To Be, Was, Were] [Again, Also, Another, Even, Further, More] [Alive, Liveth, Living] [Aran, Haran]
у́мер в Уре Халдейском, в земле́, где он роди́лся.
OO-meer (v)- (v)- zeem-LEH gdeh ohn rah-DEEL-syah
Died [At, In, Of, On] [At, In, Of, On] [Earth, Ground, Land, World] [Somewhere, Where, Wherever] He [Born, Was Born.]
29 Авра́м и Нахор взя́ли себе́ жён. Жену́ Авра́ма зва́ли Са́ра, а
ahv-RAHM ee nah-hhor VZYAH-lee see-BEH jon jee-NOO ahv-RAH-mah ZVAH-lee SAH-rah ah
29 Abram And Nahor [Have Taken, They Took It, Took] [Himself, Myself, Thyself, To Myself, Yourself] [Wives, Women.] [My Wife, Wife] Abram [Called, My Name Was, Name] Sarah [While, And, But]
жену́ Нахора Милка, она́ была́ дочерью Ара́на, отца́ Милки и Иски.
jee-NOO nah-hhaw-rah MEEL-kah
ah-NAH bih-LAH ah-RAH-nah aht-TSAH MEEL-kee
[My Wife, Wife] Nahor Milcah [She, She Is] Was Haran [Father, The Father] Milcah And .
30 Са́ра была́ беспло́дна, и у неё не бы́ло дете́й.
SAH-rah bih-LAH beesp-LOD-nah ee oo nee-YAW nyeh BIH-lah dee-TAY
30 Sarah Was [Barren, Infertile] And [At, By, With, Of] Her [Never, Not] [It Was, Was] [Child, Children.]
31 Терах взял своего́ сы́на Авра́ма, своего́ вну́ка Ло́та, сы́на Ара́на, и свою́ неве́стку Са́ру, жену́
teh-rahh vzyahl svah-ee-VAU SIH-nah ahv-RAH-mah svah-ee-VAU VNOO-kah LAW-tah SIH-nah ah-RAH-nah ee svah-YOO nee-VEST-koo SAH-roo jee-NOO
31 Took [His, Yours] [A Son, My Son, Son] Abram [His, Yours] [Grandson, The Grandson] Lot [A Son, My Son, Son] Haran And [Its, My, Thy, Your] Daughter-in-law [Sarah, Sarai] [My Wife, Wife]
Авра́ма, и вме́сте они́ отпра́вились из Ура Халдейского в Ханаа́н. Но, дойдя́ до Харрана, они́ поселились там.
ahv-RAH-mah ee VMES-tee ah-NEE ahtp-RAH-vee-lees ees (v)- hhah-nah-AHN noh die-DYAH daw hhahr-rah-nah ah-NEE tahm
Abram And Together [They, They Are] [Departed, Set Off, We Went] [From, In, Of, Out] [At, In, Of, On] Canaan. [But, Yet] [After Reaching, Having Reached, Reached, Reaching] [Before, Until] Haran [They, They Are] There.
32 Терах жил две́сти пять лет и у́мер в Харране.
teh-rahh jeel DVES-tee pyaht let ee OO-meer (v)-
32 Lived (Two Hundred) Five Years And Died [At, In, Of, On] .
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 Holy Bible, New Russian Translation (Но́вый Перево́д на Ру́сский Язы́к)
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