Для ( For )

(RUSV: 137 + NRT: 115) = 252
 Genesis 1:14 RUSV
14 И сказа́л Бог:
14 And [he said, said, say, saying, tell] God:
да бу́дут светила на тверди небе́сной для отделения дня от но́чи,
yes [will, be] светила [on the, it, at, to, in, by] firmament [heaven, heavenly] for отделения [days, of the day] from [night, nights],
и для знамений,
and for signs,
и времен,
and времен,
и дней,
and days,
и годо́в;
and years;
And God said,
&#;Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night.
And let them be for signs and for seasons,
and for days and years,
Genesis 1:14 ESV

And God said,
Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night;
and let them be for signs,
and for seasons,
and for days,
and years:
Genesis 1:14 KJV
 Genesis 1:16 RUSV
16 И созда́л Бог два светила вели́кие:
16 And created God two светила great:
свети́ло бо́льшее,
[lamp, light, the luminary] more,
для управле́ния днём,
for management [happy, day, in the afternoon],
и свети́ло меньшее,
and [lamp, light, the luminary] меньшее,
для управле́ния но́чью,
for management [at night, by night, night],
и звезды;
and stars;
And God made the two great lights&#;the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night&#;and the stars.
Genesis 1:16 ESV

And God made two great lights;
the greater light to rule the day,
and the lesser light to rule the night:
he made the stars also.
Genesis 1:16 KJV
 Genesis 2:5 RUSV
5 и вся́кий полевой куста́рник,
5 and [any, every, everyone, whoever, whosoever] полевой [bush, shrub],
кото́рого ещё не бы́ло на земле́,
[which, which one, whom] [again, also, another, even, further, more] [never, not] [it was, was] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [earth, ground, land, world],
и вся́кую полеву́ю траву́,
and [any, every] field grass,
кото́рая ещё не росла,
which [again, also, another, even, further, more] [never, not] росла,
и́бо Госпо́дь Бог не посыла́л дождя́ на зе́млю,
[for, because] Lord God [never, not] sent rain [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [earth, land],
и не бы́ло челове́ка для возделывания земли,
and [never, not] [it was, was] human for возделывания earth,
When no bush of the field was yet in the land and no small plant of the field had yet sprung up&#;for the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the land,
and there was no man to work the ground,
Genesis 2:5 ESV

And every plant of the field before it was in the earth,
and every herb of the field before it grew:
for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth,
and there was not a man to till the ground.
Genesis 2:5 KJV
 Genesis 2:9 RUSV
9 И произрастил Госпо́дь Бог из земли вся́кое де́рево,
9 And произрастил Lord God [from, in, of, out] earth [anything, everyone, everything] [timber, tree],
приятное на вид и хоро́шее для пищи,
приятное [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [appearance, countenance, face, view] and good for [food, meat, nutrition],
и де́рево жи́зни посреди́ ра́я,
and [timber, tree] life [among, in the middle, midst] paradise,
и де́рево познания добра́ и зла.
and [timber, tree] познания [good, goodness, kindness, of good] and evil.
And out of the ground the Lord God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food.
The tree of life was in the midst of the garden,
and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Genesis 2:9 ESV

And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight,
and good for food;
the tree of life also in the midst of the garden,
and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Genesis 2:9 KJV
 Genesis 2:10 RUSV
10 Из Едема выходи́ла река́ для орошения ра́я;
10 [From, In, Of, Out] Едема (came out) [river, stream] for орошения paradise;
и пото́м разделялась на четы́ре реки.
and [then, later] разделялась [on the, it, at, to, in, by] four rivers.
A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden,
and there it divided and became four rivers.
Genesis 2:10 ESV

And a river went out of Eden to water the garden;
and from thence it was parted,
and became into four heads.
Genesis 2:10 KJV
 Genesis 2:20 RUSV
20 И наре́к челове́к имена́ всем скотам и птицам небе́сным и всем зверям полевым;
20 And name [man, human, person] names [everyone, to everyone] скотам and птицам [heaven, heavenly] and [everyone, to everyone] зверям полевым;
но для челове́ка не нашло́сь помощника,
[but, yet] for human [never, not] found помощника,
подобного ему́.
подобного [him, it, to him].
The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field.
But for Adam there was not found a helper fit for him.
Genesis 2:20 ESV

And Adam gave names to all cattle,
and to the fowl of the air,
and to every beast of the field;
but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.
Genesis 2:20 KJV
 Genesis 3:6 RUSV
6 И уви́дела жена́,
6 And saw wife,
что де́рево хорошо́ для пищи,
[what, that, why] [timber, tree] [fine, good, nice, pleasant, well] for [food, meat, nutrition],
и что оно́ прия́тно для глаз и вожделенно,
and [what, that, why] it [nice, pleasantly] for eye and вожделенно,
потому́ что даёт знание;
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] [give, gives, giveth] знание;
и взяла́ плодо́в его́ и ела;
and [taken, took] [fruit, fruits] [his, him, it] and ела;
и дала́ та́кже му́жу своему́,
and [gave, i gave it to you] also husband [to his, your own],
и он ел.
and he ate.
So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food,
and that it was a delight to the eyes,
and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise,
she took of its fruit and ate,
and she also gave some to her husband who was with her,
and he ate.
Genesis 3:6 ESV

And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food,
and that it was pleasant to the eyes,
and a tree to be desired to make one wise,
she took of the fruit thereof,
and did eat,
and gave also unto her husband with her;
and he did eat.
Genesis 3:6 KJV
 Genesis 4:12 RUSV
12 когда́ ты бу́дешь возде́лывать зе́млю,
12 when you [will you be, you will] [cultivate, to cultivate] [earth, land],
она́ не ста́нет бо́лее дава́ть си́лы свое́й для тебя́;
[she, she is] [never, not] [become, it will become, will become] [above, greater, more, over] [bring, give, giving, provide, to give] [forces, power, strength] [his, mine] for you;
ты бу́дешь изгнанником и скитальцем на земле́.
you [will you be, you will] изгнанником and скитальцем [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [earth, ground, land, world].
When you work the ground,
it shall no longer yield to you its strength.
You shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth.&#;
Genesis 4:12 ESV

When thou tillest the ground,
it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength;
a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.
Genesis 4:12 KJV
 Genesis 6:21 RUSV
21 Ты же возьми́ себе́ вся́кой пищи,
21 You [but, same, then] [get, take] [himself, myself, thyself, to myself, yourself] any [food, meat, nutrition],
како́ю питаются,
what питаются,
и собери к себе́;
and собери [to, for, by] [himself, myself, thyself, to myself, yourself];
и бу́дет она́ для тебя́ и для них пи́щею.
and [will be, would be] [she, she is] for you and for [them, they] [by food, food].
For behold,
I will bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life under heaven.
Everything that is on the earth shall die.
Genesis 6:21 ESV

And take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten,
and thou shalt gather it to thee;
and it shall be for food for thee,
and for them.
Genesis 6:21 KJV
 Genesis 7:3 RUSV
3 та́кже и из птиц небе́сных по семи,
3 also and [from, in, of, out] birds heavenly [along, by, in, on, to, unto] seven,
му́жеского по́ла и же́нского,
male [gender, paula] and female,
что́бы сохрани́ть пле́мя для всей земли,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] save tribe for [all, the whole, whole] earth,
and seven pairs of the birds of the heavens also,
male and female,
to keep their offspring alive on the face of all the earth.
Genesis 7:3 ESV

Of fowls also of the air by sevens,
the male and the female;
to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.
Genesis 7:3 KJV
 Genesis 8:9 RUSV
9 но голубь не нашёл места поко́я для ног свои́х и возврати́лся к нему́ в ковчег,
9 [but, yet] [dove, pigeon] [never, not] found places [peace, rest] for [feet, foot, leg] their and [came again, come back, departed, returned, turn again, went down] [to, for, by] [him, his] [at, in, of, on] [ark, the ark],
и́бо вода́ была́ ещё на пове́рхности всей земли;
[for, because] water was [again, also, another, even, further, more] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [face, surfaces] [all, the whole, whole] earth;
и он простер ру́ку свою́,
and he [extend, stretch] hand [its, my, thy, your],
и взял его́,
and took [his, him, it],
и при́нял к себе́ в ковчег.
and accepted [to, for, by] [himself, myself, thyself, to myself, yourself] [at, in, of, on] [ark, the ark].
Then he sent forth a dove from him,
to see if the waters had subsided from the face of the ground.
Genesis 8:9 ESV

But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot,
and she returned unto him into the ark,
for the waters were on the face of the whole earth:
then he put forth his hand,
and took her,
and pulled her in unto him into the ark.
Genesis 8:9 KJV
 Genesis 12:18 RUSV
18 И призва́л фарао́н Авра́ма и сказа́л:
18 And [called, urged] [pharaoh, the pharaoh] Abram and [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
что ты э́то сде́лал со мно́ю?
[what, that, why] you [that, this, it] did [after, with] me?
для чего́ не сказа́л мне,
for what [never, not] [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [me, to me],
что она́ жена́ твоя́?
[what, that, why] [she, she is] wife yours?
So Pharaoh called Abram and said,
“What is this you have done to me?
Why did you not tell me that she was your wife?
Genesis 12:18 ESV

And Pharaoh called Abram and said,
What is this that thou hast done unto me?
why didst thou not tell me that she was thy wife?
Genesis 12:18 KJV
 Genesis 12:19 RUSV
19 для чего́ ты сказа́л:
19 for what you [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
она́ сестра́ моя́?
[she, she is] sister my?
и я взял бы́ло её себе́ в жену́.
and i took [it was, was] her [himself, myself, thyself, to myself, yourself] [at, in, of, on] [my wife, wife].
И тепе́рь вот жена́ твоя́;
And now [behold, here, there] wife yours;
возьми́ и пойди́.
[get, take] and go.
Why did you say,
&#;She is my sister,&#;
so that I took her for my wife?
Now then,
here is your wife;
take her,
and go.&#;
Genesis 12:19 ESV

Why saidst thou,
She is my sister?
so I might have taken her to me to wife:
now therefore behold thy wife,
take her,
and go thy way.
Genesis 12:19 KJV
 Genesis 13:6 RUSV
6 И непоместительна была́ земля́ для них,
6 And непоместительна was [earth, ground, land] for [them, they],
что́бы жить вме́сте,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] live together,
и́бо иму́щество их бы́ло так велико,
[for, because] property [them, their] [it was, was] so great,
что они́ не могли́ жить вме́сте.
[what, that, why] [they, they are] [never, not] could live together.
so that the land could not support both of them dwelling together;
for their possessions were so great that they could not dwell together,
Genesis 13:6 ESV

And the land was not able to bear them,
that they might dwell together:
for their substance was great,
so that they could not dwell together.
Genesis 13:6 KJV
 Genesis 18:14 RUSV
14 Есть ли что трудное для Господа?
14 [There Are, There Is] whether [what, that, why] трудное for Lord?
В назначенный срок бу́ду Я у тебя́ в сле́дующем году,
[At, In, Of, On] назначенный [date, period, term, time] [i will, will] I [at, by, with, of] you [at, in, of, on] next year,
и у Са́рры [бу́дет] сын.
and [at, by, with, of] Sarah [[will be, would be]] son.
Is anything too hard for the Lord?
At the appointed time I will return to you,
about this time next year,
and Sarah shall have a son.&#;
Genesis 18:14 ESV

Is any thing too hard for the LORD?
At the time appointed I will return unto thee,
according to the time of life,
and Sarah shall have a son.
Genesis 18:14 KJV
 Genesis 18:19 RUSV
19 и́бо Я избра́л его́ для того́,
19 [for, because] I [choose, chose, chosen, elected, i chose] [his, him, it] for that,
что́бы он запове́дал сынам свои́м и до́му своему́ по́сле себя́,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] he commanded [sons, to the sons] [his, mine, your] and [home, house] [to his, your own] [after, beyond] [itself, myself, yourself],
ходи́ть путём Госпо́дним,
[to walk, walk, walked] way [Lord's, The Lord 's],
творя пра́вду и суд;
творя [the truth, truth] and [court, judgment, tribunal];
и испо́лнит Госпо́дь над Авраа́мом,
and [execute, fulfill, will execute, will fulfill] Lord above [Abraham, By Abraham],
что сказа́л о нем.
[what, that, why] [he said, said, say, saying, tell] about [dumb, him, mute, speechless].
For I have chosen him,
that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice,
so that the Lord may bring to Abraham what he has promised him.&#;
Genesis 18:19 ESV

For I know him,
that he will command his children and his household after him,
and they shall keep the way of the LORD,
to do justice and judgment;
that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.
Genesis 18:19 KJV
 Genesis 20:16 RUSV
16 И Са́рре сказа́л:
16 And Sarah [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
[behold, here, there],
я дал бра́ту твоему́ тысячу [си́клей] серебра́;
i gave brother yours тысячу [[shekels, sickle]] silver;
[behold, here, there],
э́то тебе́ покрыва́ло для очей пред все́ми,
[that, this, it] [thee, you] cover for очей [before, front] (by all),
кото́рые с тобо́ю,
[which, who] [and, from, in, of, with] [by you, thee, you],
и пред все́ми ты опра́вдана.
and [before, front] (by all) you justified.
To Sarah he said,
I have given your brother a thousand pieces of silver.
It is a sign of your innocence in the eyes of all who are with you,
and before everyone you are vindicated.&#;
Genesis 20:16 ESV

And unto Sarah he said,
I have given thy brother a thousand pieces of silver:
he is to thee a covering of the eyes,
unto all that are with thee,
and with all other:
thus she was reproved.
Genesis 20:16 KJV
 Genesis 22:3 RUSV
3 Авраа́м встал ра́но у́тром,
3 Abraham [get up, got up] early [in the morning, morning],
оседлал осла́ своего́,
оседлал [donkey, the donkey] [his, yours],
взял с собо́ю двои́х из отроков свои́х и Исаа́ка,
took [and, from, in, of, with] [by myself, yourself, yourselves] two [from, in, of, out] отроков their and Isaac,
сы́на своего́;
[a son, my son, son] [his, yours];
наколол дров для всесожже́ния,
наколол дров for (burnt offerings),
и встав пошёл на ме́сто,
and [arose, get up, rose up, standing up] [gone, went] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] place,
о ко́тором сказа́л ему́ Бог.
about [that, which] [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [him, it, to him] God.
So Abraham rose early in the morning,
saddled his donkey,
and took two of his young men with him,
and his son Isaac.
And he cut the wood for the burnt offering and arose and went to the place of which God had told him.
Genesis 22:3 ESV

And Abraham rose up early in the morning,
and saddled his ass,
and took two of his young men with him,
and Isaac his son,
and clave the wood for the burnt offering,
and rose up,
and went unto the place of which God had told him.
Genesis 22:3 KJV
 Genesis 22:6 RUSV
6 И взял Авраа́м дрова́ для всесожже́ния,
6 And took Abraham [firewood, wood] for (burnt offerings),
и возложи́л на Исаа́ка,
and [entrusted, laid] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] Isaac,
сы́на своего́;
[a son, my son, son] [his, yours];
взял в руки ого́нь и нож,
took [at, in, of, on] [arms, hand, hands] [fire, flame] and [knife, switchblade],
и пошли́ о́ба вме́сте.
and [gone away, let us go, went] both together.
And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son.
And he took in his hand the fire and the knife.
So they went both of them together.
Genesis 22:6 ESV

And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering,
and laid it upon Isaac his son;
and he took the fire in his hand,
and a knife;
and they went both of them together.
Genesis 22:6 KJV
 Genesis 22:7 RUSV
7 И на́чал Исаа́к говори́ть Авраа́му,
7 And [began, start] Isaac [to speak, to talk] (To Abraham),
отцу́ своему́,
father [to his, your own],
и сказа́л:
and [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
оте́ц мой!
father [mine, my]!
Он отвеча́л:
He answered:
вот я,
[behold, here, there] i,
сын мой.
son [mine, my].
Он сказа́л:
He [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
вот ого́нь и дрова́,
[behold, here, there] [fire, flame] and [firewood, wood],
где же а́гнец для всесожже́ния?
[somewhere, where, wherever] [but, same, then] [lamb, sheep, the lamb] for (burnt offerings)?
And Isaac said to his father Abraham,
&#;My father!&#;
And he said,
&#;Here I am,
my son.&#;
He said,
the fire and the wood,
but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?&#;
Genesis 22:7 ESV

And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father,
and said,
My father:
and he said,
Here am I,
my son.
And he said,
Behold the fire and the wood:
but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?
Genesis 22:7 KJV
 Genesis 22:8 RUSV
8 Авраа́м сказа́л:
8 Abraham [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
Бог усмотрит Себе́ а́гнца для всесожже́ния,
God усмотрит [Himself, Myself, Thyself, To Myself, Yourself] [lamb, sheep, the lamb] for (burnt offerings),
сын мой.
son [mine, my].
И шли [да́лее] о́ба вме́сте.
And walked [[ahead, before, further]] both together.
Abraham said,
&#;God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering,
my son.&#;
So they went both of them together.
Genesis 22:8 ESV

And Abraham said,
My son,
God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering:
so they went both of them together.
Genesis 22:8 KJV
 Genesis 22:12 RUSV
12 [А́нгел] сказа́л:
12 [Angel] [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
не поднимай руки твое́й на о́трока и не де́лай над ним ничего́,
[never, not] поднимай [arms, hand, hands] yours [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [boy, child, the boy] and [never, not] do above him [anything, nothing, never mind],
и́бо тепе́рь Я зна́ю,
[for, because] now I [i know, know],
что бои́шься ты Бо́га и не пожале́л сы́на твоего́,
[what, that, why] [afraid, are you afraid, fear] you God and [never, not] [i regretted it, regretted] [a son, my son, son] [thy, your],
еди́нственного твоего́,
[only, the only, the only one] [thy, your],
для Меня́.
for [I, Me, Self].
He said,
&#;Do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him,
for now I know that you fear God,
seeing you have not withheld your son,
your only son,
from me.&#;
Genesis 22:12 ESV

And he said,
Lay not thine hand upon the lad,
neither do thou any thing unto him:
for now I know that thou fearest God,
seeing thou hast not withheld thy son,
thine only son from me.
Genesis 22:12 KJV
 Genesis 23:4 RUSV
4 я у вас пришлец и поселенец;
4 i [at, by, with, of] you пришлец and поселенец;
да́йте мне в со́бственность [ме́сто] [для] гроба ме́жду ва́ми,
(give me) [me, to me] [at, in, of, on] [own, possession, property] [place] [for] [coffin, sepulchre] [among, between, meanwhile] you,
что́бы мне уме́ршую мою схоронить от глаз мои́х.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [me, to me] [deceased, the deceased] [my, mine] схоронить from eye [mine, my, of mine].
And Abraham rose up from before his dead and said to the Hittites,
Genesis 23:4 ESV

I am a stranger and a sojourner with you:
give me a possession of a buryingplace with you,
that I may bury my dead out of my sight.
Genesis 23:4 KJV
 Genesis 23:6 RUSV
6 послу́шай нас,
6 listen [us, we],
господи́н наш;
[lord, master, mister] our;
ты князь Бо́жий посреди́ нас;
you [prince, ruler] [God, God's] [among, in the middle, midst] [us, we];
в лучшем из на́ших погребальных мест похорони́ уме́ршую твою́;
[at, in, of, on] лучшем [from, in, of, out] our погребальных places [bury, funeral] [deceased, the deceased] yours;
никто́ из нас не откажет тебе́ в погребальном ме́сте,
[no one, nobody] [from, in, of, out] [us, we] [never, not] откажет [thee, you] [at, in, of, on] погребальном location,
для погребе́ния умершей твое́й.
for [burial, burials, burying] умершей yours.
The Hittites answered Abraham,
Genesis 23:6 ESV

Hear us,
my lord:
thou art a mighty prince among us:
in the choice of our sepulchres bury thy dead;
none of us shall withhold from thee his sepulchre,
but that thou mayest bury thy dead.
Genesis 23:6 KJV
 Genesis 23:9 RUSV
9 что́бы он отда́л мне пещеру Махпелу,
9 [to, so that, in order to, because of] he gave [me, to me] пещеру Махпелу,
кото́рая у него́ на конце́ по́ля его́,
which [at, by, with, of] him [on the, it, at, to, in, by] end fields [his, him, it],
что́бы за довольную це́ну отда́л её мне посреди́ вас,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [after, around, at, behind, over] довольную [price, the price] gave her [me, to me] [among, in the middle, midst] you,
в со́бственность для погребе́ния.
[at, in, of, on] [own, possession, property] for [burial, burials, burying].
And he said to them,
“If you are willing that I should bury my dead out of my sight,
hear me and entreat for me Ephron the son of Zohar,
Genesis 23:9 ESV

That he may give me the cave of Machpelah,
which he hath,
which is in the end of his field;
for as much money as it is worth he shall give it me for a possession of a buryingplace amongst you.
Genesis 23:9 KJV
 Genesis 23:15 RUSV
15 господи́н мой!
15 [lord, master, mister] [mine, my]!
послу́шай меня́:
listen [i, me, self]:
земля́ [стоит] четы́реста си́клей серебра́;
[earth, ground, land] [[costs, is worth, worth]] (four hundred) [shekels, sickle] silver;
для меня́ и для тебя́ что э́то?
for [i, me, self] and for you [what, that, why] [that, this, it]?
похорони́ уме́ршую твою́.
[bury, funeral] [deceased, the deceased] yours.
Ephron answered Abraham,
Genesis 23:15 ESV

My lord,
hearken unto me:
the land is worth four hundred shekels of silver;
what is that betwixt me and thee?
bury therefore thy dead.
Genesis 23:15 KJV
 Genesis 23:20 RUSV
20 Так достались Авраа́му от сыно́в Хетовых по́ле и пещера,
20 So достались (To Abraham) from [children, sons] [Heth, Hit] field and cave,
кото́рая на нем,
which [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [dumb, him, mute, speechless],
в со́бственность для погребе́ния.
[at, in, of, on] [own, possession, property] for [burial, burials, burying].
After this,
Abraham buried Sarah his wife in the cave of the field of Machpelah east of Mamre (that is,
Hebron) in the land of Canaan.
Genesis 23:20 ESV

And the field,
and the cave that is therein,
were made sure unto Abraham for a possession of a buryingplace by the sons of Heth.
Genesis 23:20 KJV
 Genesis 24:19 RUSV
19 И,
19 And,
когда́ напои́ла его́,
when [drunk, got me drunk] [his, him, it],
((she) said):
я стану че́рпать и для верблю́дов твои́х,
i стану scoop and for camels [your, yours],
пока́ не напью́тся.
[bye, while] [never, not] [drunk, get drunk, they will get drunk].
When she had finished giving him a drink,
she said,
&#;I will draw water for your camels also,
until they have finished drinking.&#;
Genesis 24:19 ESV

And when she had done giving him drink,
she said,
I will draw water for thy camels also,
until they have done drinking.
Genesis 24:19 KJV
 Genesis 24:20 RUSV
20 И тотчас вы́лила во́ду из кувши́на своего́ в поило и побежа́ла опя́ть к колодезю почерпну́ть,
20 And immediately (poured out) water [from, in, of, out] [jug, pitcher, the jug] [his, yours] [at, in, of, on] поило and ran again [to, for, by] колодезю [glean, draw],
и начерпала для всех верблю́дов его́.
and начерпала for [all, everyone] camels [his, him, it].
So she quickly emptied her jar into the trough and ran again to the well to draw water,
and she drew for all his camels.
Genesis 24:20 ESV

And she hasted,
and emptied her pitcher into the trough,
and ran again unto the well to draw water,
and drew for all his camels.
Genesis 24:20 KJV
 Genesis 24:25 RUSV
25 И ещё сказа́ла ему́:
25 And [again, also, another, even, further, more] ((she) said) [him, it, to him]:
у нас мно́го соломы и корму,
[at, by, with, of] [us, we] [a lot of, many] соломы and [stern, the stern],
и [есть] ме́сто для ночлега.
and [[there are, there is]] place for ночлега.
She added,
&#;We have plenty of both straw and fodder,
and room to spend the night.&#;
Genesis 24:25 ESV

She said moreover unto him,
We have both straw and provender enough,
and room to lodge in.
Genesis 24:25 KJV
 Genesis 24:31 RUSV
31 и сказа́л:
31 and [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
[come in, login],
благослове́нный Го́сподом;
[blessed, blessed one] Lord;
заче́м ты стоишь вне?
[how, wherefore, why] you стоишь outside?
я пригото́вил дом и ме́сто для верблю́дов.
i [cooked, prepared] [dwelling, home, house] and place for camels.
He said,
&#;Come in,
O blessed of the Lord.
Why do you stand outside?
For I have prepared the house and a place for the camels.&#;
Genesis 24:31 ESV

And he said,
Come in,
thou blessed of the LORD;
wherefore standest thou without?
for I have prepared the house,
and room for the camels.
Genesis 24:31 KJV
 Genesis 25:22 RUSV
22 Сыновья в утро́бе её ста́ли би́ться,
22 Sons [at, in, of, on] [in the womb, womb] her [be, become, get] [fight, to fight],
и она́ сказа́ла:
and [she, she is] ((she) said):
е́сли так бу́дет,
[if, a, when, unless] so [will be, would be],
то для чего́ мне э́то?
that for what [me, to me] [that, this, it]?
И пошла́ вопросить Господа.
And went вопросить Lord.
and Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah,
the daughter of Bethuel the Aramean of Paddan-aram,
the sister of Laban the Aramean,
to be his wife.
Genesis 25:22 ESV

And the children struggled together within her;
and she said,
If it be so,
why am I thus?
And she went to inquire of the LORD.
Genesis 25:22 KJV
 Genesis 26:27 RUSV
27 Исаа́к сказа́л им:
27 Isaac [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
для чего́ вы пришли́ ко мне,
for what [ye, you] came to [me, to me],
когда́ вы возненави́дели меня́ и выслали меня́ от себя́?
when [ye, you] [hated, they hated it] [i, me, self] and выслали [i, me, self] from [itself, myself, yourself]?
Isaac said to them,
&#;Why have you come to me,
seeing that you hate me and have sent me away from you?&#;
Genesis 26:27 ESV

And Isaac said unto them,
Wherefore come ye to me,
seeing ye hate me,
and have sent me away from you?
Genesis 26:27 KJV
 Genesis 27:37 RUSV
37 Исаа́к отвеча́л Иса́ву:
37 Isaac answered Esau:
[behold, here, there],
я поста́вил его́ господи́ном над тобо́ю и всех бра́тьев его́ отда́л ему́ в рабы́;
i [put, set] [his, him, it] [lord, master, mister] above [by you, thee, you] and [all, everyone] [brethren, brothers] [his, him, it] gave [him, it, to him] [at, in, of, on] [handmaiden, servant, servants, slaves];
одарил его́ хле́бом и вино́м;
одарил [his, him, it] bread and wine;
что же я сде́лаю для тебя́,
[what, that, why] [but, same, then] i [i will do, i will make] for you,
сын мой?
son [mine, my]?
Isaac answered and said to Esau,
I have made him lord over you,
and all his brothers I have given to him for servants,
and with grain and wine I have sustained him.
What then can I do for you,
my son?&#;
Genesis 27:37 ESV

And Isaac answered and said unto Esau,
I have made him thy lord,
and all his brethren have I given to him for servants;
and with corn and wine have I sustained him:
and what shall I do now unto thee,
my son?
Genesis 27:37 KJV
 Genesis 27:45 RUSV
45 пока́ утолится гнев бра́та твоего́ на тебя́,
45 [bye, while] утолится [anger, rage, wrath] brother [thy, your] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] you,
и он позабудет,
and he позабудет,
что ты сде́лал ему́:
[what, that, why] you did [him, it, to him]:
тогда́ я пошлю́ и возьму́ тебя́ отту́да;
then i [i will send, send, send it] and [i will take, take] you (from there);
для чего́ мне в оди́н день лиши́ться обо́их вас?
for what [me, to me] [at, in, of, on] [alone, one] day [forfeit, lose] [both, both of them] you?
until your brother&#;s anger turns away from you,
and he forgets what you have done to him.
Then I will send and bring you from there.
Why should I be bereft of you both in one day?&#;
Genesis 27:45 ESV

Until thy brother&#;s anger turn away from thee,
and he forget that which thou hast done to him:
then I will send,
and fetch thee from thence:
why should I be deprived also of you both in one day?
Genesis 27:45 KJV
 Genesis 30:30 RUSV
30 и́бо мало́ бы́ло у тебя́ до меня́,
30 [for, because] few [it was, was] [at, by, with, of] you [before, until] [i, me, self],
а ста́ло мно́го;
[while, and, but] [became, it became] [a lot of, many];
Госпо́дь благослови́л тебя́ с приходом мои́м;
Lord blessed you [and, from, in, of, with] приходом my;
когда́ же я бу́ду рабо́тать для своего́ дома?
when [but, same, then] i [i will, will] (to work) for [his, yours] houses?
For you had little before I came,
and it has increased abundantly,
and the Lord has blessed you wherever I turned.
But now when shall I provide for my own household also?&#;
Genesis 30:30 ESV

For it was little which thou hadst before I came,
and it is now increased unto a multitude;
and the LORD hath blessed thee since my coming:
and now when shall I provide for mine own house also?
Genesis 30:30 KJV
 Genesis 31:26 RUSV
26 И сказа́л Лаван Иа́кову:
26 And [he said, said, say, saying, tell] Laban [Jacob, James, To Jacob]:
что ты сде́лал?
[what, that, why] you did?
для чего́ ты обману́л меня́,
for what you deceived [i, me, self],
и увел дочере́й мои́х,
and увел daughters [mine, my, of mine],
как плененных ору́жием?
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] плененных weapons?
And Laban said to Jacob,
“What have you done,
that you have tricked me and driven away my daughters like captives of the sword?
Genesis 31:26 ESV

And Laban said to Jacob,
What hast thou done,
that thou hast stolen away unawares to me,
and carried away my daughters,
as captives taken with the sword?
Genesis 31:26 KJV
 Genesis 31:52 RUSV
52 э́тот холм свиде́тель,
52 this hill witness,
и э́тот памятник свиде́тель,
and this monument witness,
что ни я не перейду к тебе́ за э́тот холм,
[what, that, why] neither i [never, not] перейду [to, for, by] [thee, you] [after, around, at, behind, over] this hill,
ни ты не перейдешь ко мне за э́тот холм и за э́тот памятник,
neither you [never, not] перейдешь to [me, to me] [after, around, at, behind, over] this hill and [after, around, at, behind, over] this monument,
для зла;
for evil;
This heap is a witness,
and the pillar is a witness,
that I will not pass over this heap to you,
and you will not pass over this heap and this pillar to me,
to do harm.
Genesis 31:52 ESV

This heap be witness,
and this pillar be witness,
that I will not pass over this heap to thee,
and that thou shalt not pass over this heap and this pillar unto me,
for harm.
Genesis 31:52 KJV
 Genesis 33:8 RUSV
8 И сказа́л Иса́в:
8 And [he said, said, say, saying, tell] Esau:
для чего́ у тебя́ э́то мно́жество,
for what [at, by, with, of] you [that, this, it] [lots of, many],
кото́рое я встре́тил?
which i met?
И сказа́л Иа́ков:
And [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [Jacob, James]:
дабы приобрести́ благоволе́ние в оча́х господи́на моего́.
[so that, in order to] [buy, purchase] [benevolence, favor, goodwill, grace, kindness] [at, in, of, on] eyes [lord, master, mister] my.
Esau said,
&#;What do you mean by all this company that I met?&#;
Jacob answered,
&#;To find favor in the sight of my lord.&#;
Genesis 33:8 ESV

And he said,
What meanest thou by all this drove which I met?
And he said,
These are to find grace in the sight of my lord.
Genesis 33:8 KJV
 Genesis 33:17 RUSV
17 А Иа́ков дви́нулся в Сокхоф,
17 [While, And, But] [Jacob, James] [journeyed, moved] [at, in, of, on] Сокхоф,
и постро́ил себе́ дом,
and built [himself, myself, thyself, to myself, yourself] [dwelling, home, house],
и для скота́ своего́ сде́лал шалаши.
and for [cattle, livestock] [his, yours] did шалаши.
От сего́ он наре́к и́мя ме́сту:
From (with his) he name name place:
But Jacob journeyed to Succoth,
and built himself a house and made booths for his livestock.
Therefore the name of the place is called Succoth.
Genesis 33:17 ESV

And Jacob journeyed to Succoth,
and built him an house,
and made booths for his cattle:
therefore the name of the place is called Succoth.
Genesis 33:17 KJV
 Genesis 34:14 RUSV
14 и сказа́ли им:
14 and [said, say, tell, they said] [it, them]:
не мо́жем э́того сде́лать,
[never, not] [can, be able to] this (to do),
вы́дать сестру́ нашу за челове́ка,
issue [my sister, sister] нашу [after, around, at, behind, over] human,
кото́рый необрезан,
[which, which the, who] необрезан,
и́бо э́то бесчестно для нас;
[for, because] [that, this, it] бесчестно for [us, we];
They said to them,
&#;We cannot do this thing,
to give our sister to one who is uncircumcised,
for that would be a disgrace to us.
Genesis 34:14 ESV

And they said unto them,
We cannot do this thing,
to give our sister to one that is uncircumcised;
for that were a reproach unto us:
Genesis 34:14 KJV
 Genesis 34:23 RUSV
23 Не для нас ли стада их,
23 [Never, Not] for [us, we] whether [herds, flocks] [them, their],
и име́ние их,
and [estate, possessions, property, substance] [them, their],
и весь скот их?
and [all, entire, everything, the whole, whole] [cattle, livestock] [them, their]?
То́лько согласимся с ни́ми,
[Alone, Only, Just] согласимся [and, from, in, of, with] them,
и бу́дут жить с на́ми.
and [will, be] live [and, from, in, of, with] [us, we].
Will not their livestock,
their property and all their beasts be ours?
Only let us agree with them,
and they will dwell with us.&#;
Genesis 34:23 ESV

Shall not their cattle and their substance and every beast of theirs be ours?
only let us consent unto them,
and they will dwell with us.
Genesis 34:23 KJV
 Genesis 34:30 RUSV
30 И сказа́л Иа́ков Симеону и Левию:
30 And [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [Jacob, James] Симеону and Левию:
вы возмутили меня́,
[ye, you] возмутили [i, me, self],
сде́лав меня́ ненавистным для жи́телей сей земли,
(having done) [i, me, self] ненавистным for [citizens, residents] this earth,
для Ханане́ев и Ферезеев.
for [Canaanites, The Canaanites] and Ферезеев.
У меня́ люде́й мало́;
[At, By, With, Of] [i, me, self] [human, of people, people] few;
соберу́тся про́тив меня́,
[gather, gathered, they will gather] against [i, me, self],
поразят меня́,
поразят [i, me, self],
и истреблен бу́ду я и дом мой.
and истреблен [i will, will] i and [dwelling, home, house] [mine, my].
Then Jacob said to Simeon and Levi,
“You have brought trouble on me by making me stink to the inhabitants of the land,
the Canaanites and the Perizzites.
My numbers are few,
and if they gather themselves against me and attack me,
I shall be destroyed,
both I and my household.”
Genesis 34:30 ESV

And Jacob said to Simeon and Levi,
Ye have troubled me to make me to stink among the inhabitants of the land,
among the Canaanites and the Perizzites:
and I being few in number,
they shall gather themselves together against me,
and slay me;
and I shall be destroyed,
I and my house.
Genesis 34:30 KJV
 Genesis 40:20 RUSV
20 На тре́тий день,
20 [On The, It, At, To, In, By] third day,
день рожде́ния фарао́нова,
day [birth, birthday, births, childbirth] [pharaoh, pharaoh's],
сде́лал он пир для всех слуг свои́х и вспо́мнил о главном виночерпии и главном хлебодаре среди́ слуг свои́х;
did he [feast, banquet] for [all, everyone] servants their and remembered about главном виночерпии and главном хлебодаре among servants their;
On the third day,
which was Pharaoh&#;s birthday,
he made a feast for all his servants and lifted up the head of the chief cupbearer and the head of the chief baker among his servants.
Genesis 40:20 ESV

And it came to pass the third day,
which was Pharaoh&#;s birthday,
that he made a feast unto all his servants:
and he lifted up the head of the chief butler and of the chief baker among his servants.
Genesis 40:20 KJV
 Genesis 41:36 RUSV
36 и бу́дет сия́ пища в запа́с для земли на семь лет го́лода,
36 and [will be, would be] this [food, meat] [at, in, of, on] [reserve, stock] for earth [on the, it, at, to, in, by] seven years [famine, hunger, starvation],
кото́рые бу́дут в земле́ Еги́петской,
[which, who] [will, be] [at, in, of, on] [earth, ground, land, world] Egyptian,
дабы земля́ не погибла от го́лода.
[so that, in order to] [earth, ground, land] [never, not] погибла from [famine, hunger, starvation].
That food shall be a reserve for the land against the seven years of famine that are to occur in the land of Egypt,
so that the land may not perish through the famine.&#;
Genesis 41:36 ESV

And that food shall be for store to the land against the seven years of famine,
which shall be in the land of Egypt;
that the land perish not through the famine.
Genesis 41:36 KJV
 Genesis 43:6 RUSV
6 Изра́иль сказа́л:
6 Israel [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
для чего́ вы сде́лали мне тако́е зло,
for what [ye, you] made [me, to me] such [evil, evils, wicked],
сказа́в тому́ челове́ку,
[having said, having said that, said, saying] [one, the one] (to a person),
что у вас есть ещё брат?
[what, that, why] [at, by, with, of] you [there are, there is] [again, also, another, even, further, more] brother?
Israel said,
“Why did you treat me so badly as to tell the man that you had another brother?”
Genesis 43:6 ESV

And Israel said,
Wherefore dealt ye so ill with me,
as to tell the man whether ye had yet a brother?
Genesis 43:6 KJV
 Genesis 43:22 RUSV
22 а для покупки пищи мы принесли́ друго́е серебро́ в рука́х на́ших,
22 [while, and, but] for покупки [food, meat, nutrition] [we, we are] [brought, they brought it] other [silver, silverware] [at, in, of, on] [hand, hands] our,
мы не зна́ем,
[we, we are] [never, not] [know, we know],
кто положи́л серебро́ на́ше в мешки на́ши.
who put [silver, silverware] [is our, our] [at, in, of, on] [bags, sacks] our.
and we have brought other money down with us to buy food.
We do not know who put our money in our sacks.”
Genesis 43:22 ESV

And other money have we brought down in our hands to buy food:
we cannot tell who put our money in our sacks.
Genesis 43:22 KJV
 Genesis 43:32 RUSV
32 И пода́ли ему́ осо́бо,
32 And [filed, submitted] [him, it, to him] [especially, specifically, particularly],
и им осо́бо,
and [it, them] [especially, specifically, particularly],
и Египтя́нам,
and [Egyptians, To The Egyptians],
обедавшим с ним,
обедавшим [and, from, in, of, with] him,
[especially, specifically, particularly],
и́бо Египтя́не не мо́гут есть с Евреями,
[for, because] [Egyptians, The Egyptians] [never, not] [can, could, may, maybe, might] [there are, there is] [and, from, in, of, with] Евреями,
потому́ что э́то ме́рзость для Египтя́н.
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] [that, this, it] abomination for [Egyptians, The Egyptians].
They served him by himself,
and them by themselves,
and the Egyptians who ate with him by themselves,
because the Egyptians could not eat with the Hebrews,
for that is an abomination to the Egyptians.
Genesis 43:32 ESV

And they set on for him by himself,
and for them by themselves,
and for the Egyptians,
which did eat with him,
by themselves:
because the Egyptians might not eat bread with the Hebrews;
for that is an abomination unto the Egyptians.
Genesis 43:32 KJV
 Genesis 44:4 RUSV
4 Ещё не далеко́ отошли́ они́ от города,
4 [Again, Also, Another, Even, Further, More] [never, not] [away, far, far away] [departed, move away, went away] [they, they are] from [cities, city, town, towns],
как Ио́сиф сказа́л нача́льнику дома своего́:
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] Joseph [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [boss, ruler, to the boss] houses [his, yours]:
[go, go on],
догоняй э́тих люде́й и,
догоняй these [human, of people, people] and,
когда́ догонишь,
when догонишь,
скажи́ им:
[say, tell] [it, them]:
для чего́ вы заплатили злом за добро́?
for what [ye, you] заплатили злом [after, around, at, behind, over] [good, goodness, kindness]?
They had gone only a short distance from the city.
Now Joseph said to his steward,
follow after the men,
and when you overtake them,
say to them,
&#;Why have you repaid evil for good?
Genesis 44:4 ESV

And when they were gone out of the city,
and not yet far off,
Joseph said unto his steward,
follow after the men;
and when thou dost overtake them,
say unto them,
Wherefore have ye rewarded evil for good?
Genesis 44:4 KJV
 Genesis 44:7 RUSV
7 Они́ сказа́ли ему́:
7 [They, They Are] [said, say, tell, they said] [him, it, to him]:
для чего́ господи́н наш говори́т таки́е слова?
for what [lord, master, mister] our [he speaks, say, speaks, talk, to talk] such [speech, the words, word, words]?
[No, Not],
рабы́ твои́ не сде́лают тако́го дела.
[handmaiden, servant, servants, slaves] [thy, your] [never, not] [will do, give] [such, this] [affairs, business, deeds, works].
They said to him,
&#;Why does my lord speak such words as these?
Far be it from your servants to do such a thing!
Genesis 44:7 ESV

And they said unto him,
Wherefore saith my lord these words?
God forbid that thy servants should do according to this thing:
Genesis 44:7 KJV
 Genesis 45:5 RUSV
5 но тепе́рь не печальтесь и не жалейте о том,
5 [but, yet] now [never, not] печальтесь and [never, not] жалейте about [that, volume],
что вы прода́ли меня́ сюда́,
[what, that, why] [ye, you] sold [i, me, self] [here, hither],
потому́ что Бог посла́л меня́ пе́ред ва́ми для сохранения ва́шей жи́зни;
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] God sent [i, me, self] before you for сохранения [your, yours] life;
And now do not be distressed or angry with yourselves because you sold me here,
for God sent me before you to preserve life.
Genesis 45:5 ESV

Now therefore be not grieved,
nor angry with yourselves,
that ye sold me hither:
for God did send me before you to preserve life.
Genesis 45:5 KJV
 Genesis 45:19 RUSV
19 Тебе́ же повелева́ю сказа́ть им:
19 [Thee, You] [but, same, then] [command, i command, i command you] [say, speak, tell, to say, to tell] [it, them]:
сде́лайте сие́:
[do, make] this:
возьми́те себе́ из земли Еги́петской колесниц для дете́й ва́ших и для жён ва́ших,
take [himself, myself, thyself, to myself, yourself] [from, in, of, out] earth Egyptian колесниц for [child, children] [thy, your] and for [wives, women] [thy, your],
и привезите отца́ ва́шего и приди́те;
and привезите [father, the father] (your his) and [come, come here];
And you,
are commanded to say,
&#;Do this:
take wagons from the land of Egypt for your little ones and for your wives,
and bring your father,
and come.
Genesis 45:19 ESV

Now thou art commanded,
this do ye;
take you wagons out of the land of Egypt for your little ones,
and for your wives,
and bring your father,
and come.
Genesis 45:19 KJV
 Genesis 46:34 RUSV
34 то вы скажи́те:
34 that [ye, you] tell:
[[we, we are]],
рабы́ твои́,
[handmaiden, servant, servants, slaves] [thy, your],
скотоводами бы́ли от ю́ности на́шей доны́не,
скотоводами [been, has been, were] from [adolescence, youth] our [now, until now],
и мы и отцы́ на́ши,
and [we, we are] and fathers our,
что́бы вас поселили в земле́ Гесем.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] you поселили [at, in, of, on] [earth, ground, land, world] Goshen.
И́бо ме́рзость для Египтя́н вся́кий пасту́х ове́ц.
[For, Because] abomination for [Egyptians, The Egyptians] [any, every, everyone, whoever, whosoever] shepherd sheep.
you shall say,
&#;Your servants have been keepers of livestock from our youth even until now,
both we and our fathers,&#;
in order that you may dwell in the land of Goshen,
for every shepherd is an abomination to the Egyptians.&#;
Genesis 46:34 ESV

That ye shall say,
Thy servants&#;
trade hath been about cattle from our youth even until now,
both we,
and also our fathers:
that ye may dwell in the land of Goshen;
for every shepherd is an abomination unto the Egyptians.
Genesis 46:34 KJV
 Genesis 47:4 RUSV
4 И сказа́ли они́ фарао́ну:
4 And [said, say, tell, they said] [they, they are] [pharaoh, to the pharaoh]:
мы пришли́ пожить в э́той земле́,
[we, we are] came пожить [at, in, of, on] this [earth, ground, land, world],
потому́ что нет пажити для скота́ рабо́в твои́х,
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] [no, not] пажити for [cattle, livestock] [servant, servants, slaves] [your, yours],
и́бо в земле́ Ханаа́нской си́льный го́лод;
[for, because] [at, in, of, on] [earth, ground, land, world] [Canaan, Canaanite] [strong, powerful] hunger;
ита́к позво́ль поселиться раба́м твои́м в земле́ Гесем.
so [allow me, enable, let] поселиться [servants, slaves] yours [at, in, of, on] [earth, ground, land, world] Goshen.
They said to Pharaoh,
&#;We have come to sojourn in the land,
for there is no pasture for your servants&#;
for the famine is severe in the land of Canaan.
And now,
please let your servants dwell in the land of Goshen.&#;
Genesis 47:4 ESV

They said moreover unto Pharaoh,
For to sojourn in the land are we come;
for thy servants have no pasture for their flocks;
for the famine is sore in the land of Canaan:
now therefore,
we pray thee,
let thy servants dwell in the land of Goshen.
Genesis 47:4 KJV
 Genesis 47:19 RUSV
19 для чего́ нам погибать в глаза́х твои́х,
19 for what [to us, us] погибать [at, in, of, on] eyes [your, yours],
и нам и землям на́шим?
and [to us, us] and землям our?
купи́ нас и земли на́ши за хлеб,
buy [us, we] and earth our [after, around, at, behind, over] [bread, loaves, shewbread],
и мы с землями на́шими бу́дем раба́ми фарао́ну,
and [we, we are] [and, from, in, of, with] землями our (we will be) slaves [pharaoh, to the pharaoh],
а ты дай нам семя́н,
[while, and, but] you give [to us, us] [seed, seeds],
что́бы нам быть живыми и не умере́ть,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [to us, us] [be, become, been, has been, to be, to become] живыми and [never, not] die,
и что́бы не опустела земля́.
and [to, so that, in order to, because of] [never, not] опустела [earth, ground, land].
And when that year was ended,
they came to him the following year and said to him,
&#;We will not hide from my lord that our money is all spent.
The herds of livestock are my lord&#;s.
There is nothing left in the sight of my lord but our bodies and our land.
Genesis 47:19 ESV

Wherefore shall we die before thine eyes,
both we and our land?
buy us and our land for bread,
and we and our land will be servants unto Pharaoh:
and give us seed,
that we may live,
and not die,
that the land be not desolate.
Genesis 47:19 KJV
 Genesis 47:20 RUSV
20 И купи́л Ио́сиф всю зе́млю Египетскую для фарао́на,
20 And [bought, i bought] Joseph [all, whole] [earth, land] Египетскую for [pharaoh, the pharaoh],
потому́ что прода́ли Египтя́не ка́ждый своё по́ле,
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] sold [Egyptians, The Egyptians] [each, every] (its own) field,
и́бо го́лод одолевал их.
[for, because] hunger одолевал [them, their].
И досталась земля́ фарао́ну.
And досталась [earth, ground, land] [pharaoh, to the pharaoh].
Why should we die before your eyes,
both we and our land?
Buy us and our land for food,
and we with our land will be servants to Pharaoh.
And give us seed that we may live and not die,
and that the land may not be desolate.&#;
Genesis 47:20 ESV

And Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh;
for the Egyptians sold every man his field,
because the famine prevailed over them:
so the land became Pharaoh&#;s.
Genesis 47:20 KJV
 Genesis 47:23 RUSV
23 И сказа́л Ио́сиф наро́ду:
23 And [he said, said, say, saying, tell] Joseph [to the people, nation]:
[behold, here, there],
я купи́л тепе́рь для фарао́на вас и зе́млю ва́шу;
i [bought, i bought] now for [pharaoh, the pharaoh] you and [earth, land] your;
вот вам семёна,
[behold, here, there] [to you, ye, you] seeds,
и засевайте зе́млю;
and засевайте [earth, land];
Only the land of the priests he did not buy,
for the priests had a fixed allowance from Pharaoh and lived on the allowance that Pharaoh gave them;
therefore they did not sell their land.
Genesis 47:23 ESV

Then Joseph said unto the people,
I have bought you this day and your land for Pharaoh:
here is seed for you,
and ye shall sow the land.
Genesis 47:23 KJV
 Genesis 49:15 RUSV
15 и уви́дел он,
15 and [had seen, saw, seeing, seen, seeth] he,
что поко́й хоро́ш,
[what, that, why] [peace, rest, quiet] good,
и что земля́ приятна:
and [what, that, why] [earth, ground, land] приятна:
и преклонил пле́чи свои́ для ношения бремени и стал рабо́тать в уплату дани.
and преклонил shoulders their for ношения бремени and became (to work) [at, in, of, on] уплату дани.
He saw that a resting place was good,
and that the land was pleasant,
so he bowed his shoulder to bear,
and became a servant at forced labor.
Genesis 49:15 ESV

And he saw that rest was good,
and the land that it was pleasant;
and bowed his shoulder to bear,
and became a servant unto tribute.
Genesis 49:15 KJV
 Genesis 49:20 RUSV
20 Для Асира-Слишком тучен хлеб его́,
20 For Асира--слишком тучен [bread, loaves, shewbread] [his, him, it],
и он бу́дет доставля́ть царские яства.
and he [will be, would be] deliver царские яства.
“Asher's food shall be rich,
and he shall yield royal delicacies.
Genesis 49:20 ESV

Out of Asher his bread shall be fat,
and he shall yield royal dainties.
Genesis 49:20 KJV
 Genesis 49:30 RUSV
30 в пеще́ре,
30 [at, in, of, on] [cave, the cave],
кото́рая на по́ле Махпела,
which [on the, it, at, to, in, by] field Махпела,
что пред Мамре,
[what, that, why] [before, front] Mamre,
в земле́ Ханаа́нской,
[at, in, of, on] [earth, ground, land, world] [Canaan, Canaanite],
кото́рую купи́л Авраа́м с полем у Ефрона Хеттеянина в со́бственность для погребе́ния;
[which, which one] [bought, i bought] Abraham [and, from, in, of, with] полем [at, by, with, of] Ephron [Hittite, The Hittite] [at, in, of, on] [own, possession, property] for [burial, burials, burying];
in the cave that is in the field at Machpelah,
to the east of Mamre,
in the land of Canaan,
which Abraham bought with the field from Ephron the Hittite to possess as a burying place.
Genesis 49:30 ESV

In the cave that is in the field of Machpelah,
which is before Mamre,
in the land of Canaan,
which Abraham bought with the field of Ephron the Hittite for a possession of a buryingplace.
Genesis 49:30 KJV
 Genesis 50:13 RUSV
13 и отнесли́ его́ сыновья его́ в зе́млю Ханаа́нскую и похорони́ли его́ в пеще́ре на по́ле Махпела,
13 and carried [his, him, it] sons [his, him, it] [at, in, of, on] [earth, land] Canaanite and buried [his, him, it] [at, in, of, on] [cave, the cave] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] field Махпела,
кото́рую купи́л Авраа́м с полем в со́бственность для погребе́ния у Ефрона Хеттеянина,
[which, which one] [bought, i bought] Abraham [and, from, in, of, with] полем [at, in, of, on] [own, possession, property] for [burial, burials, burying] [at, by, with, of] Ephron [Hittite, The Hittite],
пред Мамре.
[before, front] Mamre.
for his sons carried him to the land of Canaan and buried him in the cave of the field at Machpelah,
to the east of Mamre,
which Abraham bought with the field from Ephron the Hittite to possess as a burying place.
Genesis 50:13 ESV

For his sons carried him into the land of Canaan,
and buried him in the cave of the field of Machpelah,
which Abraham bought with the field for a possession of a buryingplace of Ephron the Hittite,
before Mamre.
Genesis 50:13 KJV
 Matthew 4:1 NRT
1 Зате́м Дух повёл Иису́са в пусты́ню для того́,
1 Then Spirit led Jesus [at, in, of, on] [desert, the desert, wasteland, wilderness] for that,
что́бы Ему́ пройти́ искуше́ние от дья́вола.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [Him, It, To Him] [enter, to pass, go through, walk] temptation from [devil, the devil].
Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
Matthew 4:1 ESV

Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.
Matthew 4:1 KJV
 Matthew 4:1 RUSV
1 Тогда́ Иису́с возведен был Ду́хом в пусты́ню,
1 Then Jesus возведен [be, to be, was, were] [Spirit, The Spirit] [at, in, of, on] [desert, the desert, wasteland, wilderness],
для искуше́ния от диа́вола,
for [seduction, temptations] from [devil, the devil],
Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
Matthew 4:1 ESV

Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.
Matthew 4:1 KJV
 Matthew 5:29 RUSV
29 Е́сли же пра́вый глаз твой соблазня́ет тебя́,
29 [If, A, When, Unless] [but, same, then] right eye your [seduces, offend] you,
вы́рви его́ и брось от себя́,
(rip it out) [his, him, it] and [come on, drop it] from [itself, myself, yourself],
и́бо лу́чше для тебя́,
[for, because] [better, expedient] for you,
что́бы поги́б оди́н из чле́нов твои́х,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [perish, perished] [alone, one] [from, in, of, out] members [your, yours],
а не все те́ло твоё бы́ло ввержено в гее́нну.
[while, and, but] [never, not] [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] body [thy, your] [it was, was] confused [at, in, of, on] [gehenna, hell].
If your right eye causes you to sin,
tear it out and throw it away.
For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell.
Matthew 5:29 ESV

And if thy right eye offend thee,
pluck it out,
and cast it from thee:
for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish,
and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
Matthew 5:29 KJV
 Matthew 5:30 RUSV
30 И е́сли пра́вая твоя́ рука́ соблазня́ет тебя́,
30 And [if, a, when, unless] right yours [arm, hand] [seduces, offend] you,
отсеки её и брось от себя́,
[chamber, compartments] her and [come on, drop it] from [itself, myself, yourself],
и́бо лу́чше для тебя́,
[for, because] [better, expedient] for you,
что́бы поги́б оди́н из чле́нов твои́х,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [perish, perished] [alone, one] [from, in, of, out] members [your, yours],
а не все те́ло твоё бы́ло ввержено в гее́нну.
[while, and, but] [never, not] [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] body [thy, your] [it was, was] confused [at, in, of, on] [gehenna, hell].
And if your right hand causes you to sin,
cut it off and throw it away.
For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell.
Matthew 5:30 ESV

And if thy right hand offend thee,
cut it off,
and cast it from thee:
for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish,
and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
Matthew 5:30 KJV
 Matthew 6:2 NRT
2 Когда́ даешь ми́лостыню бе́дным,
2 When даешь alms [poor, the poor],
то не объявляй об э́том всем,
that [never, not] объявляй about this [everyone, to everyone],
как де́лают лицеме́ры в синаго́гах и на у́лицах для того́,
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] [are doing, do, doing, make] hypocrites [at, in, of, on] synagogues and [on the, it, at, to, in, by] streets for that,
что́бы их хвали́ли.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [them, their] praised.
Говорю́ вам и́стину:
[I Am Talking, Say, Talking, Tell] [to you, ye, you] [the truth, truth]:
они́ уже́ получи́ли свою́ награ́ду.
[they, they are] already [got, received] [its, my, thy, your] reward.
when you give to the needy,
sound no trumpet before you,
as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets,
that they may be praised by others.
I say to you,
they have received their reward.
Matthew 6:2 ESV

Therefore when thou doest thine alms,
do not sound a trumpet before thee,
as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets,
that they may have glory of men.
Verily I say unto you,
They have their reward.
Matthew 6:2 KJV
 Matthew 6:22 RUSV
22 Свети́льник для тела есть о́ко.
22 Lamp for body [there are, there is] [eye, the eye].
е́сли о́ко твоё бу́дет чи́сто,
[if, a, when, unless] [eye, the eye] [thy, your] [will be, would be] [purely, clearly],
то все те́ло твоё бу́дет светло́;
that [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] body [thy, your] [will be, would be] light;
&#;The eye is the lamp of the body.
if your eye is healthy,
your whole body will be full of light,
Matthew 6:22 ESV

The light of the body is the eye:
if therefore thine eye be single,
thy whole body shall be full of light.
Matthew 6:22 KJV
 Matthew 6:25 RUSV
25 Посему говорю́ вам:
25 Therefore [i am talking, say, talking, tell] [to you, ye, you]:
не забо́тьтесь для души ва́шей,
[never, not] [anxious, take care] for [lives, souls] [your, yours],
что вам есть и что пить,
[what, that, why] [to you, ye, you] [there are, there is] and [what, that, why] [drink, thirsty],
ни для тела ва́шего,
neither for body (your his),
во что оде́ться.
in [what, that, why] (get dressed).
Душа не бо́льше ли пищи,
Soul [never, not] [again, great, more] whether [food, meat, nutrition],
и те́ло оде́жды?
and body [clothes, coats, tunics]?
&#;Therefore I tell you,
do not be anxious about your life,
what you will eat or what you will drink,
nor about your body,
what you will put on.
Is not life more than food,
and the body more than clothing?
Matthew 6:25 ESV

Therefore I say unto you,
Take no thought for your life,
what ye shall eat,
or what ye shall drink;
nor yet for your body,
what ye shall put on.
Is not the life more than meat,
and the body than raiment?
Matthew 6:25 KJV
 Matthew 6:34 NRT
34 Поэ́тому не трево́жьтесь о за́втрашнем дне;
34 [That Is Why, Therefore, Wherefore] [never, not] [anxious, worry] about [morrow, tomorrow] day;
за́втрашний день сам побеспокоится о себе́.
[tomorrow, tomorrow's] day [himself, itself, myself, self] побеспокоится about [himself, myself, thyself, to myself, yourself].
Для ка́ждого дня доста́точно свои́х тревог.
For [everyone, whosoever] [days, of the day] enough their тревог.
&#;Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow,
for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.
Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Matthew 6:34 ESV

Take therefore no thought for the morrow:
for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.
Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
Matthew 6:34 KJV
 Matthew 6:34 RUSV
34 Ита́к не забо́тьтесь о за́втрашнем дне,
34 So [never, not] [anxious, take care] about [morrow, tomorrow] day,
и́бо за́втрашний [сам] бу́дет забо́титься о своём:
[for, because] [tomorrow, tomorrow's] [[himself, itself, myself, self]] [will be, would be] (take care) about his:
дово́льно для [ка́ждого] дня свое́й забо́ты.
[enough, quite, sufficiently, suffice] for [[everyone, whosoever]] [days, of the day] [his, mine] [care, cares, concerns].
&#;Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow,
for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.
Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Matthew 6:34 ESV

Take therefore no thought for the morrow:
for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.
Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
Matthew 6:34 KJV
 Matthew 8:15 NRT
15 Он прикосну́лся к её руке́,
15 He touched [to, for, by] her [arm, hand],
и жар оста́вил её,
and heat [departed, left] her,
она́ вста́ла и начала накрыва́ть для Него́ на стол.
[she, she is] [arose, got up] and [beginning, beginnings] cover for Him [on the, it, at, to, in, by] table.
He touched her hand,
and the fever left her,
and she rose and began to serve him.
Matthew 8:15 ESV

And he touched her hand,
and the fever left her:
and she arose,
and ministered unto them.
Matthew 8:15 KJV
 Matthew 9:4 RUSV
4 Иису́с же,
4 Jesus [but, same, then],
ви́дя помышле́ния их,
[saw, seeing] thoughts [them, their],
[he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
для чего́ вы мыслите худо́е в сердца́х ва́ших?
for what [ye, you] мыслите thin [at, in, of, on] hearts [thy, your]?
But Jesus,
knowing their thoughts,
&#;Why do you think evil in your hearts?
Matthew 9:4 ESV

And Jesus knowing their thoughts said,
Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts?
Matthew 9:4 KJV
 Matthew 9:11 RUSV
11 Уви́дев то,
11 [Having Seen, Saw, Seeing, Seen] that,
фарисе́и сказа́ли ученика́м Его́:
pharisees [said, say, tell, they said] [for students, disciples] [His, Him, It]:
для чего́ Учи́тель ваш ест и пьёт с мы́тарями и гре́шниками?
for what [Master, Teacher, Tutor] [your, yours] [eating, eats] and [drinking, drinks] [and, from, in, of, with] publicans and sinners?
And when the Pharisees saw this,
they said to his disciples,
&#;Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?&#;
Matthew 9:11 ESV

And when the Pharisees saw it,
they said unto his disciples,
Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners?
Matthew 9:11 KJV
 Matthew 9:23 NRT
23 Когда́ Иису́с вошёл в дом нача́льника и уви́дел флейтистов,
23 When Jesus [entered, has entered] [at, in, of, on] [dwelling, home, house] [chief, the boss] and [had seen, saw, seeing, seen, seeth] флейтистов,
приглашённых для похорон,
invited for похорон,
и смяте́ние толпы,
and confusion [crowd, crowds, multitude],
And when Jesus came to the ruler's house and saw the flute players and the crowd making a commotion,
Matthew 9:23 ESV

And when Jesus came into the ruler's house,
and saw the minstrels and the people making a noise,
Matthew 9:23 KJV
 Matthew 10:18 RUSV
18 и поведу́т вас к прави́телям и царя́м за Меня́,
18 and (they will lead) you [to, for, by] [magistrates, rulers, to the rulers] and [kings, to the kings] [after, around, at, behind, over] [I, Me, Self],
для свиде́тельства пе́ред ни́ми и язы́чниками.
for evidence before them and pagans.
and you will be dragged before governors and kings for my sake,
to bear witness before them and the Gentiles.
Matthew 10:18 ESV

And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake,
for a testimony against them and the Gentiles.
Matthew 10:18 KJV
 Matthew 10:25 RUSV
25 дово́льно для ученика́,
25 [enough, quite, sufficiently, suffice] for disciple,
что́бы он был,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] he [be, to be, was, were],
как учи́тель его́,
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] [master, teacher, tutor] [his, him, it],
и для слуги,
and for [servant, servants],
что́бы он был,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] he [be, to be, was, were],
как господи́н его́.
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] [lord, master, mister] [his, him, it].
Е́сли хозя́ина дома назва́ли веельзевулом,
[If, A, When, Unless] [the host, the owner] houses [called, named] [beelzebub, beelzebul],
не тем ли бо́лее дома́шних его́?
[never, not] [by that, that] whether [above, greater, more, over] [at home, homemade] [his, him, it]?
It is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher,
and the servant like his master.
If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul,
how much more will they malign those of his household.
Matthew 10:25 ESV

It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master,
and the servant as his lord.
If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub,
how much more shall they call them of his household?
Matthew 10:25 KJV
 Matthew 12:43 NRT
43 Когда́ нечи́стый дух выхо́дит из челове́ка,
43 When [dirty, unclean] spirit [cast out, comes out, cometh, coming, coming out, goeth, gone, gone out] [from, in, of, out] human,
то он скита́ется по безво́дным места́м,
that he [wandering, wanders] [along, by, in, on, to, unto] waterless [place, places],
ища́ ме́сто для о́тдыха,
[looking for, seek, search] place for [recreation, rest],
но не нахо́дит его́.
[but, yet] [never, not] finds [his, him, it].
&#;When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person,
it passes through waterless places seeking rest,
but finds none.
Matthew 12:43 ESV

When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man,
he walketh through dry places,
seeking rest,
and findeth none.
Matthew 12:43 KJV
 Matthew 12:45 NRT
45 Тогда́ он идёт,
45 Then he goes,
берет с собо́й семь други́х духов,
takes [and, from, in, of, with] [by himself, himself] seven other spirits,
ещё бо́лее злых,
[again, also, another, even, further, more] [above, greater, more, over] [angry, evil],
чём он сам,
[how, than, what, whence, which, why] he [himself, itself, myself, self],
и они́ прихо́дят и поселя́ются там.
and [they, they are] [they are coming, they come] and [settle in, they settle down] there.
И э́то для челове́ка ещё ху́же того́,
And [that, this, it] for human [again, also, another, even, further, more] worse that,
что бы́ло внача́ле.
[what, that, why] [it was, was] [at first, at the beginning, beginning, first, initially].
Так бу́дет и с э́тим злым поколе́нием.
So [will be, would be] and [and, from, in, of, with] this [angry, evil] [by generation, generation].
Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself,
and they enter and dwell there,
and the last state of that person is worse than the first.
So also will it be with this evil generation.&#;
Matthew 12:45 ESV

Then goeth he,
and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself,
and they enter in and dwell there:
and the last state of that man is worse than the first.
Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.
Matthew 12:45 KJV
 Matthew 12:45 RUSV
45 тогда́ идёт и берет с собо́ю семь други́х духов,
45 then goes and takes [and, from, in, of, with] [by myself, yourself, yourselves] seven other spirits,
зле́йших себя́,
(the worst) [itself, myself, yourself],
живу́т там;
[dwell, live, living] there;
и быва́ет для челове́ка того́ после́днее ху́же пе́рвого.
and [it happens, things happen] for human that [last, last thing] worse [the first, original].
Так бу́дет и с э́тим злым ро́дом.
So [will be, would be] and [and, from, in, of, with] this [angry, evil] [come from, originally].
Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself,
and they enter and dwell there,
and the last state of that person is worse than the first.
So also will it be with this evil generation.&#;
Matthew 12:45 ESV

Then goeth he,
and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself,
and they enter in and dwell there:
and the last state of that man is worse than the first.
Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.
Matthew 12:45 KJV
 Matthew 13:10 RUSV
10 И,
10 And,
(getting started),
ученики́ сказа́ли Ему́:
[students, disciples] [said, say, tell, they said] [Him, It, To Him]:
для чего́ при́тчами говори́шь им?
for what parables (you say) [it, them]?
Then the disciples came and said to him,
&#;Why do you speak to them in parables?&#;
Matthew 13:10 ESV

And the disciples came,
and said unto him,
Why speakest thou unto them in parables?
Matthew 13:10 KJV
 Matthew 13:11 RUSV
11 Он сказа́л им в отве́т:
11 He [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them] [at, in, of, on] answer:
для того́,
for that,
что вам дано́ знать та́йны Ца́рствия Небе́сного,
[what, that, why] [to you, ye, you] given [knew, know, knoweth, to know] [mysteries, secrets] [Kingdom, Kingdoms] [Heaven, Heavenly],
а им не дано́,
[while, and, but] [it, them] [never, not] given,
And he answered them,
&#;To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven,
but to them it has not been given.
Matthew 13:11 ESV

He answered and said unto them,
Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven,
but to them it is not given.
Matthew 13:11 KJV
 Matthew 13:44 NRT
44 Ца́рство Небе́сное мо́жно сравни́ть со спрятанным в по́ле кладом.
44 [Kingdom, The Kingdom] Heavenly [can, may] compare [after, with] спрятанным [at, in, of, on] field кладом.
Когда́ челове́к нахо́дит тот клад,
When [man, human, person] finds that клад,
он прячет его́ и,
he прячет [his, him, it] and,
[glad, joyful, joyous, rejoices, rejoiceth],
идёт и продаёт все,
goes and [selleth, sells, sold] [all, any, every, everybody, everyone],
что име́ет,
[what, that, why] [has, it has],
для того́,
for that,
что́бы купи́ть э́то по́ле.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] buy [that, this, it] field.
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field,
which a man found and covered up.
Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
Matthew 13:44 ESV

the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field;
the which when a man hath found,
he hideth,
and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath,
and buyeth that field.
Matthew 13:44 KJV
 Matthew 17:20 NRT
20 Иису́с отве́тил:
20 Jesus answered:
Потому́ что у вас мало́ ве́ры.
[Because, That Is Why, Therefore] [what, that, why] [at, by, with, of] you few [belief, doctrine, faith].
Говорю́ вам и́стину:
[I Am Talking, Say, Talking, Tell] [to you, ye, you] [the truth, truth]:
е́сли бы ва́ша ве́ра была́ с горчи́чное зерно́,
[if, a, when, unless] would your [belief, faith] was [and, from, in, of, with] mustard [corn, grain, seed, seeds],
то вы могли́ бы э́той горе сказа́ть:
that [ye, you] could would this [woe, grief, mountain, sorrow] [say, speak, tell, to say, to tell]:
«Передвинься отсю́да туда́»,
«Передвинься (from here) there»,
и она́ бы передвинулась;
and [she, she is] would передвинулась;
для вас не бы́ло бы ничего́ невозмо́жного.
for you [never, not] [it was, was] would [anything, nothing, never mind] [impracticable, the impossible].
He said to them,
&#;Because of your little faith.
For truly,
I say to you,
if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed,
you will say to this mountain,
&#;Move from here to there,&#;
and it will move,
and nothing will be impossible for you.&#;
Matthew 17:20 ESV

And Jesus said unto them,
Because of your unbelief:
for verily I say unto you,
If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed,
ye shall say unto this mountain,
Remove hence to yonder place;
and it shall remove;
and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Matthew 17:20 KJV
 Matthew 17:20 RUSV
20 Иису́с же сказа́л им:
20 Jesus [but, same, then] [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
по неве́рию ва́шему;
[along, by, in, on, to, unto] [disbelief, unbelief] [your, yours];
и́бо и́стинно говорю́ вам:
[for, because] [truly, verily] [i am talking, say, talking, tell] [to you, ye, you]:
е́сли вы бу́дете име́ть ве́ру с горчи́чное зерно́ и ска́жете горе сей:
[if, a, when, unless] [ye, you] [will, will be] [have, to have] [belief, doctrine, faith] [and, from, in, of, with] mustard [corn, grain, seed, seeds] and [tell, you say] [woe, grief, mountain, sorrow] this:
'перейди́ отсю́да туда́',
'[go over, move over] (from here) there',
и она́ перейдет;
and [she, she is] перейдет;
и ничего́ не бу́дет невозмо́жного для вас;
and [anything, nothing, never mind] [never, not] [will be, would be] [impracticable, the impossible] for you;
He said to them,
&#;Because of your little faith.
For truly,
I say to you,
if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed,
you will say to this mountain,
&#;Move from here to there,&#;
and it will move,
and nothing will be impossible for you.&#;
Matthew 17:20 ESV

And Jesus said unto them,
Because of your unbelief:
for verily I say unto you,
If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed,
ye shall say unto this mountain,
Remove hence to yonder place;
and it shall remove;
and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Matthew 17:20 KJV
 Matthew 18:6 NRT
6 Но е́сли же кто введёт в грех одного́ из э́тих ма́лых,
6 [But, Yet] [if, a, when, unless] [but, same, then] who [introduce, will introduce] [at, in, of, on] [offences, sin] one [from, in, of, out] these [little, small],
ве́рующих в Меня́,
[believe, believers] [at, in, of, on] [I, Me, Self],
то для него́ бы́ло бы лу́чше,
that for him [it was, was] would [better, expedient],
е́сли бы ему́ пове́сили на ше́ю ме́льничный жёрнов и утопили в мо́ре.
[if, a, when, unless] would [him, it, to him] [hanged, hung] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [neck, throat] mill millstone and утопили [at, in, of, on] [sea, water].
but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin,
it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
Matthew 18:6 ESV

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me,
it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck,
and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Matthew 18:6 KJV
 Matthew 18:17 NRT
17 Е́сли он и их не захо́чет слу́шать,
17 [If, A, When, Unless] he and [them, their] [never, not] wants [hear, listen, to hear],
то скажи́ об э́том це́ркви,
that [say, tell] about this churches,
и е́сли он не послушается и це́ркви,
and [if, a, when, unless] he [never, not] послушается and churches,
то тогда́ пусть он бу́дет для тебя́ как язы́чник и́ли как сбо́рщик нало́гов.
that then let he [will be, would be] for you [how, what, as, like (comparison)] [pagan, the pagan] or [how, what, as, like (comparison)] collector taxes.
If he refuses to listen to them,
tell it to the church.
And if he refuses to listen even to the church,
let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.
Matthew 18:17 ESV

And if he shall neglect to hear them,
tell it unto the church:
but if he neglect to hear the church,
let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.
Matthew 18:17 KJV
 Matthew 18:19 NRT
19 Ещё раз говорю́ вам,
19 [Again, Also, Another, Even, Further, More] [once, time] [i am talking, say, talking, tell] [to you, ye, you],
что е́сли дво́е из вас здесь,
[what, that, why] [if, a, when, unless] two [from, in, of, out] you [here, there],
на земле́,
[on the, it, at, to, in, by] [earth, ground, land, world],
согласятся вме́сте проси́ть о чем-ли́бо,
согласятся together ask about anything,
то Мой Небе́сный Оте́ц непреме́нно сде́лает для вас все,
that [Mine, My] Heavenly Father [certainly, by all means] [it will do, will do] for you [all, any, every, everybody, everyone],
о чём вы просите.
about [how, than, what, whence, which, why] [ye, you] ask.
Again I say to you,
if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask,
it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.
Matthew 18:19 ESV

Again I say unto you,
That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask,
it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 18:19 KJV
 Matthew 18:25 NRT
25 Так как у должника́ не бы́ло чём расплатиться,
25 So [how, what, as, like (comparison)] [at, by, with, of] [debtor, debtors, the debtor] [never, not] [it was, was] [how, than, what, whence, which, why] расплатиться,
то царь повеле́л прода́ть для уплаты долга самого должника́,
that king [commanded, commandment] [sell, sold] for уплаты debt [himself, myself] [debtor, debtors, the debtor],
его́ жену́,
[his, him, it] [my wife, wife],
дете́й и все их иму́щество.
[child, children] and [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] [them, their] property.
And since he could not pay,
his master ordered him to be sold,
with his wife and children and all that he had,
and payment to be made.
Matthew 18:25 ESV

But forasmuch as he had not to pay,
his lord commanded him to be sold,
and his wife,
and children,
and all that he had,
and payment to be made.
Matthew 18:25 KJV
 Matthew 19:12 RUSV
12 и́бо есть скопцы,
12 [for, because] [there are, there is] скопцы,
кото́рые из чре́ва матернего роди́лись так;
[which, who] [from, in, of, out] womb матернего [come, originate, were born] so;
и есть скопцы,
and [there are, there is] скопцы,
кото́рые оскоплены от люде́й;
[which, who] оскоплены from [human, of people, people];
и есть скопцы,
and [there are, there is] скопцы,
кото́рые сде́лали са́ми себя́ скопцами для Ца́рства Небе́сного.
[which, who] made themselves [itself, myself, yourself] скопцами for Kingdoms [Heaven, Heavenly].
Кто мо́жет вмести́ть,
Who [can, may, maybe] [accommodate, contain, to accommodate],
да вместит.
yes вместит.
For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth,
and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men,
and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.
Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.&#;
Matthew 19:12 ESV

For there are some eunuchs,
which were so born from their mother&#;s womb:
and there are some eunuchs,
which were made eunuchs of men:
and there be eunuchs,
which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven&#;s sake.
He that is able to receive it,
let him receive it.
Matthew 19:12 KJV
 Matthew 20:28 NRT
28 Ведь и Сын Челове́ческий пришёл не для того́,
28 [Because, After All, Indeed] and Son [Human, Man] [arrive, came, come] [never, not] for that,
что́бы Ему́ служи́ли,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [Him, It, To Him] served,
но что́бы служи́ть други́м и отда́ть Свою́ жизнь как вы́куп за мно́гих.
[but, yet] [to, so that, in order to, because of] [serve, serving] other and [give, give away] [Its, My, Thy, Your] [life, living] [how, what, as, like (comparison)] [ransom, the ransom] [after, around, at, behind, over] [many, most].
even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve,
and to give his life as a ransom for many.&#;
Matthew 20:28 ESV

Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto,
but to minister,
and to give his life a ransom for many.
Matthew 20:28 KJV
 Matthew 20:28 RUSV
28 так как Сын Челове́ческий не [для того́] пришёл,
28 so [how, what, as, like (comparison)] Son [Human, Man] [never, not] [for that] [arrive, came, come],
что́бы Ему́ служи́ли,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [Him, It, To Him] served,
но что́бы послужить и отда́ть душу Свою́ для искупле́ния мно́гих.
[but, yet] [to, so that, in order to, because of] послужить and [give, give away] [soul, the soul] [Its, My, Thy, Your] for [atonement, ransom, redemption] [many, most].
even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve,
and to give his life as a ransom for many.&#;
Matthew 20:28 ESV

Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto,
but to minister,
and to give his life a ransom for many.
Matthew 20:28 KJV
 Matthew 20:32 NRT
32 Иису́с останови́лся и позва́л их.
32 Jesus [has stopped, he stopped, stopped] and called [them, their].
Что вы хоти́те,
[What, That, Why] [ye, you] [want, want to, you want],
что́бы Я сде́лал для вас?
[to, so that, in order to, because of] I did for you?
спроси́л Он.
asked He.
And stopping,
Jesus called them and said,
“What do you want me to do for you?”
Matthew 20:32 ESV

And Jesus stood still,
and called them,
and said,
What will ye that I shall do unto you?
Matthew 20:32 KJV
 Matthew 21:4 NRT
4 Э́то произошло́ для того́,
4 [That, This, It] happened for that,
что́бы испо́лнилось ска́занное че́рез проро́ка:
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [turned, fulfilled] (what has been said) [across, by way of, through] [prophet, the prophet]:
This took place to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet,
Matthew 21:4 ESV

All this was done,
that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet,
Matthew 21:4 KJV
 Matthew 21:33 NRT
33 Послу́шайте ещё одну́ при́тчу:
33 [Listen, Listen Up] [again, also, another, even, further, more] [alone, one] [a parable, parable]:
оди́н землевладелец посади́л виногра́дник,
[alone, one] землевладелец planted vineyard,
обнёс его́ забо́ром,
surrounded [his, him, it] [fence, the fence],
вы́копал я́му для дави́льни и постро́ил сторожевую ба́шню.
[dug out, dug up, excavate] [ditch, hole, pit, the pit] for (wine presses) and built сторожевую tower.
Он отда́л виногра́дник внаём виногра́дарям,
He gave vineyard [for rent, hiring] [for winegrowers, winegrowers],
а сам уе́хал в чужи́е края.
[while, and, but] [himself, itself, myself, self] [drive away, leave, left] [at, in, of, on] [aliens, foreigners, strangers] [coasts, corners, edges, sides, the edges].
&#;Hear another parable.
There was a master of a house who planted a vineyard and put a fence around it and dug a winepress in it and built a tower and leased it to tenants,
and went into another country.
Matthew 21:33 ESV

Hear another parable:
There was a certain householder,
which planted a vineyard,
and hedged it round about,
and digged a winepress in it,
and built a tower,
and let it out to husbandmen,
and went into a far country:
Matthew 21:33 KJV
 Matthew 22:2 NRT
2 –Ца́рство Небе́сное мо́жно сравни́ть со свадебным пи́ром,
2 –[Kingdom, The Kingdom] Heavenly [can, may] compare [after, with] свадебным [a feast, feast],
кото́рый оди́н царь пригото́вил для своего́ сы́на.
[which, which the, who] [alone, one] king [cooked, prepared] for [his, yours] [a son, my son, son].
“The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son,
Matthew 22:2 ESV

The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king,
which made a marriage for his son,
Matthew 22:2 KJV
 Matthew 22:2 RUSV
2 Ца́рство Небе́сное подо́бно челове́ку царю,
2 [Kingdom, The Kingdom] Heavenly like (to a person) [king, to the king],
кото́рый сде́лал бра́чный пир для сы́на своего́
[which, which the, who] did marriage [feast, banquet] for [a son, my son, son] [his, yours]
&#;The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son,
Matthew 22:2 ESV

The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king,
which made a marriage for his son,
Matthew 22:2 KJV
 Matthew 24:14 NRT
14 Ра́достная Весть о Ца́рстве бу́дет возвещена́ по всему́ ми́ру как свиде́тельство для всех наро́дов,
14 [Good, Joyful] [News, Tidings] about [Kingdom, The Kingdom] [will be, would be] [announced, preached, proclaimed] [along, by, in, on, to, unto] [all, everything] [the world, to the world] [how, what, as, like (comparison)] [certificate, evidence, testimony, witness] for [all, everyone] peoples,
и то́лько тогда́ насту́пит коне́ц.
and [alone, only, just] then [come, will come] end.
And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations,
and then the end will come.
Matthew 24:14 ESV

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations;
and then shall the end come.
Matthew 24:14 KJV
 Matthew 24:32 NRT
32 Пусть для вас приме́ром бу́дет инжи́р:
32 Let for you [an example, example] [will be, would be] [fig, figs]:
когда́ по́чки набухают и выпуска́ют ли́стья,
when [bud, kidneys] [swell, they swell] and [release, they release] [foliage, leaves],
вы зна́ете,
[ye, you] [know, you know],
что приближа́ется ле́то.
[what, that, why] [approaches, approacheth, approaching, coming, it is coming] summer.
&#;From the fig tree learn its lesson:
as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves,
you know that summer is near.
Matthew 24:32 ESV

Now learn a parable of the fig tree;
When his branch is yet tender,
and putteth forth leaves,
ye know that summer is nigh:
Matthew 24:32 KJV
 Matthew 25:3 NRT
3 Глу́пые де́вушки взя́ли ла́мпы,
3 [Foolish, Stupid] [girls, virgins] [have taken, they took it, took] lamps,
но не взя́ли для них масла.
[but, yet] [never, not] [have taken, they took it, took] for [them, they] [oil, oils].
For when the foolish took their lamps,
they took no oil with them,
Matthew 25:3 ESV

They that were foolish took their lamps,
and took no oil with them:
Matthew 25:3 KJV
 Matthew 25:41 NRT
41 Тогда́ Он ска́жет и тем,
41 Then He [he will say, saith, say, will say] and [by that, that],
кто бу́дет по ле́вую сто́рону:
who [will be, would be] [along, by, in, on, to, unto] left side:
«Иди́те от Меня́,
«[Come, Go, Go Ahead] from [I, Me, Self],
в ве́чный ого́нь,
[at, in, of, on] [eternal, everlasting] [fire, flame],
пригото́вленный для дья́вола и его́ а́нгелов.
[cooked, prepared, ready] for [devil, the devil] and [his, him, it] angels.
&#;Then he will say to those on his left,
&#;Depart from me,
you cursed,
into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
Matthew 25:41 ESV

Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand,
Depart from me,
ye cursed,
into everlasting fire,
prepared for the devil and his angels:
Matthew 25:41 KJV
 Matthew 25:45 NRT
45 Он им отве́тит:
45 He [it, them] [will answer, will respond]:
«Говорю́ вам и́стину:
«[I Am Talking, Say, Talking, Tell] [to you, ye, you] [the truth, truth]:
[all, any, every, everybody, everyone],
чего́ вы не сде́лали для одного́ из наиме́ньших,
what [ye, you] [never, not] made for one [from, in, of, out] [least, smallest, the smallest],
вы не сде́лали Мне».
[ye, you] [never, not] made [Me, To Me]».
Then he will answer them,
I say to you,
as you did not do it to one of the least of these,
you did not do it to me.&#;
Matthew 25:45 ESV

Then shall he answer them,
Verily I say unto you,
Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these,
ye did it not to me.
Matthew 25:45 KJV
 Matthew 26:10 NRT
10 Но Иису́с,
10 [But, Yet] Jesus,
[knew, knowing],
что они́ говоря́т,
[what, that, why] [they, they are] [say, they say],
сказа́л им:
[he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
Что вы упрекаете же́нщину?
[What, That, Why] [ye, you] упрекаете woman?
Ведь она́ сде́лала для Меня́ до́брое де́ло.
[Because, After All, Indeed] [she, she is] did for [I, Me, Self] [good, kind] [affair, business].
But Jesus,
aware of this,
said to them,
&#;Why do you trouble the woman?
For she has done a beautiful thing to me.
Matthew 26:10 ESV

When Jesus understood it,
he said unto them,
Why trouble ye the woman?
for she hath wrought a good work upon me.
Matthew 26:10 KJV
 Matthew 26:10 RUSV
10 Но Иису́с,
10 [But, Yet] Jesus,
уразуме́в сие́,
[comprehend, knew, having understood, understanding] this,
сказа́л им:
[he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
что смущаете же́нщину?
[what, that, why] смущаете woman?
она́ до́брое де́ло сде́лала для Меня́:
[she, she is] [good, kind] [affair, business] did for [I, Me, Self]:
But Jesus,
aware of this,
said to them,
&#;Why do you trouble the woman?
For she has done a beautiful thing to me.
Matthew 26:10 ESV

When Jesus understood it,
he said unto them,
Why trouble ye the woman?
for she hath wrought a good work upon me.
Matthew 26:10 KJV
 Matthew 26:28 NRT
28 Э́то Моя́ кровь заве́та,
28 [That, This, It] My blood [covenant, testament, the covenant],
проливаемая за мно́гих люде́й для проще́ния гре́хов.
проливаемая [after, around, at, behind, over] [many, most] [human, of people, people] for [forgiveness, i am sorry] sins.
for this is my blood of the covenant,
which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
Matthew 26:28 ESV

For this is my blood of the new testament,
which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
Matthew 26:28 KJV
 Matthew 26:50 NRT
50 Иису́с же сказа́л ему́:
50 Jesus [but, same, then] [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [him, it, to him]:
де́лай то,
do that,
для чего́ пришёл.
for what [arrive, came, come].
Тут подошли́ лю́ди и,
Here (came up) people and,
схвати́в Иису́са,
grabbing Jesus,
взя́ли Его́ под стра́жу.
[have taken, they took it, took] [His, Him, It] [below, beneath, under, underneath] [guard, watch].
Jesus said to him,
do what you came to do.&#;
Then they came up and laid hands on Jesus and seized him.
Matthew 26:50 ESV

And Jesus said unto him,
wherefore art thou come?
Then came they,
and laid hands on Jesus and took him.
Matthew 26:50 KJV
 Matthew 26:50 RUSV
50 Иису́с же сказа́л ему́:
50 Jesus [but, same, then] [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [him, it, to him]:
для чего́ ты пришёл?
for what you [arrive, came, come]?
Тогда́ подошли́ и возложи́ли руки на Иису́са,
Then (came up) and entrusted [arms, hand, hands] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] Jesus,
и взя́ли Его́.
and [have taken, they took it, took] [His, Him, It].
Jesus said to him,
do what you came to do.&#;
Then they came up and laid hands on Jesus and seized him.
Matthew 26:50 ESV

And Jesus said unto him,
wherefore art thou come?
Then came they,
and laid hands on Jesus and took him.
Matthew 26:50 KJV
 Matthew 27:7 NRT
7 И,
7 And,
[after consulting, consulting, counsel],
они́ реши́ли купи́ть на них по́ле горше́чника и испо́льзовать его́ под кладбище для чужезе́мцев.
[they, they are] decided buy [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [them, they] field [potter, potter's, the potter] and [to use, use, utilize] [his, him, it] [below, beneath, under, underneath] кладбище for [aliens, strangers].
So they took counsel and bought with them the potter&#;s field as a burial place for strangers.
Matthew 27:7 ESV

And they took counsel,
and bought with them the potter&#;s field,
to bury strangers in.
Matthew 27:7 KJV
 Matthew 27:7 RUSV
7 Сде́лав же совеща́ние,
7 (Having Done) [but, same, then] [council, counsel, meeting],
купи́ли на них зе́млю горше́чника,
[bought, have bought] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [them, they] [earth, land] [potter, potter's, the potter],
для погребе́ния странников;
for [burial, burials, burying] странников;
So they took counsel and bought with them the potter&#;s field as a burial place for strangers.
Matthew 27:7 ESV

And they took counsel,
and bought with them the potter&#;s field,
to bury strangers in.
Matthew 27:7 KJV
 Matthew 27:46 RUSV
46 а о́коло девя́того ча́са возопи́л Иису́с гро́мким го́лосом:
46 [while, and, but] [near, nearby] [ninth, the ninth] [hour, hours] [cried, he cried out, he screamed, screamed] Jesus loud voice:
лама савахфани?
лама савахфани?
то есть:
that [there are, there is]:
Бо́же Мой,
God [Mine, My],
Бо́же Мой!
God [Mine, My]!
для чего́ Ты Меня́ оста́вил?
for what You [I, Me, Self] [departed, left]?
And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice,
lema sabachthani?&#;
that is,
&#;My God,
my God,
why have you forsaken me?&#;
Matthew 27:46 ESV

And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice,
lama sabachthani?
that is to say,
My God,
my God,
why hast thou forsaken me?
Matthew 27:46 KJV
 Mark 1:4 NRT
4 В пусты́не появи́лся Иоа́нн Крести́тель и пропове́довал креще́ние в знак покая́ния для проще́ния гре́хов.
4 [At, In, Of, On] [desert, deserts, wilderness] appeared John [Baptist, The Baptist] and preached [baptism, christening, epiphany] [at, in, of, on] [beckoned, indication, sign, signaled] repentance for [forgiveness, i am sorry] sins.
John appeared,
baptizing in the wilderness and proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
Mark 1:4 ESV

John did baptize in the wilderness,
and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.
Mark 1:4 KJV
 Mark 1:4 RUSV
4 Яви́лся Иоа́нн,
4 [Appeared, He Appeared] John,
крестя́ в пусты́не и пропове́дуя креще́ние покая́ния для проще́ния гре́хов.
[baptize, baptizing, crossing] [at, in, of, on] [desert, deserts, wilderness] and [preaching, proclaiming] [baptism, christening, epiphany] repentance for [forgiveness, i am sorry] sins.
John appeared,
baptizing in the wilderness and proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
Mark 1:4 ESV

John did baptize in the wilderness,
and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.
Mark 1:4 KJV
 Mark 1:38 NRT
38 А Он им отве́тил:
38 [While, And, But] He [it, them] answered:
Пойдём в други́е места,
[Let Us Go To, Let's Go To] [at, in, of, on] [other, others] places,
в соседние селе́ния,
[at, in, of, on] соседние [village, villages],
что́бы Мне и там пропове́довать Ра́достную Весть,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [Me, To Me] and there (to preach) [Glad, Good, Happy, Joyful] [News, Tidings],
Я ведь для э́того и пришёл.
I [because, after all, indeed] for this and [arrive, came, come].
And he said to them,
&#;Let us go on to the next towns,
that I may preach there also,
for that is why I came out.&#;
Mark 1:38 ESV

And he said unto them,
Let us go into the next towns,
that I may preach there also:
for therefore came I forth.
Mark 1:38 KJV
 Mark 1:38 RUSV
38 Он говори́т им:
38 He [he speaks, say, speaks, talk, to talk] [it, them]:
пойдём в бли́жние селе́ния и города,
[let us go to, let's go to] [at, in, of, on] [middle, neighbors] [village, villages] and [cities, city, town, towns],
что́бы Мне и там пропове́дывать,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [Me, To Me] and there [preach, to preach],
и́бо Я для того́ пришёл.
[for, because] I for that [arrive, came, come].
And he said to them,
&#;Let us go on to the next towns,
that I may preach there also,
for that is why I came out.&#;
Mark 1:38 ESV

And he said unto them,
Let us go into the next towns,
that I may preach there also:
for therefore came I forth.
Mark 1:38 KJV
 Mark 2:8 RUSV
8 Иису́с,
8 Jesus,
тотчас узна́в ду́хом Свои́м,
immediately [having found out, having learned, learned, perceived] [spirit, the spirit] [His, Mine, Your],
что они́ так помышляют в себе́,
[what, that, why] [they, they are] so помышляют [at, in, of, on] [himself, myself, thyself, to myself, yourself],
сказа́л им:
[he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
для чего́ так помышля́ете в сердца́х ва́ших?
for what so (are you thinking?) [at, in, of, on] hearts [thy, your]?
And immediately Jesus,
perceiving in his spirit that they thus questioned within themselves,
said to them,
“Why do you question these things in your hearts?
Mark 2:8 ESV

And immediately when Jesus perceived in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves,
he said unto them,
Why reason ye these things in your hearts?
Mark 2:8 KJV
 Mark 2:27 NRT
27 И доба́вил:
27 And added:
Суббо́та создана для челове́ка,
[Saturday, Sabbath] создана for human,
а не челове́к для суббо́ты.
[while, and, but] [never, not] [man, human, person] for [saturdays, sabbath].
And he said to them,
“The Sabbath was made for man,
not man for the Sabbath.
Mark 2:27 ESV

And he said unto them,
The sabbath was made for man,
and not man for the sabbath:
Mark 2:27 KJV
 Mark 2:27 RUSV
27 И сказа́л им:
27 And [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
суббо́та для челове́ка,
[saturday, sabbath] for human,
а не челове́к для суббо́ты;
[while, and, but] [never, not] [man, human, person] for [saturdays, sabbath];
And he said to them,
&#;The Sabbath was made for man,
not man for the Sabbath.
Mark 2:27 ESV

And he said unto them,
The sabbath was made for man,
and not man for the sabbath:
Mark 2:27 KJV
 Mark 3:9 RUSV
9 И сказа́л ученика́м Свои́м,
9 And [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [for students, disciples] [His, Mine, Your],
что́бы гото́ва была́ для Него́ ло́дка по причи́не многолюдства,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [ready, prepared] was for Him [boat, ship] [along, by, in, on, to, unto] [cause, reason] многолюдства,
дабы не тесни́ли Его́.
[so that, in order to] [never, not] pressed [His, Him, It].
And he told his disciples to have a boat ready for him because of the crowd,
lest they crush him,
Mark 3:9 ESV

And he spake to his disciples,
that a small ship should wait on him because of the multitude,
lest they should throng him.
Mark 3:9 KJV
 Mark 4:21 NRT
21 Зате́м Он сказа́л им:
21 Then He [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
Ра́зве для того́ вносят в дом свети́льник,
[Is, Perhaps, Really] for that вносят [at, in, of, on] [dwelling, home, house] lamp,
что́бы поста́вить его́ под горшо́к и́ли под крова́ть?
[to, so that, in order to, because of] put [his, him, it] [below, beneath, under, underneath] [basket, pot] or [below, beneath, under, underneath] bed?
(Vice Versa),
его́ ста́вят на подста́вку.
[his, him, it] [put, they put] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [stand, the stand].
And he said to them,
&#;Is a lamp brought in to be put under a basket,
or under a bed,
and not on a stand?
Mark 4:21 ESV

And he said unto them,
Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel,
or under a bed?
and not to be set on a candlestick?
Mark 4:21 KJV
 Mark 4:21 RUSV
21 И сказа́л им:
21 And [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
для того́ ли приносится свеча́,
for that whether приносится candle,
что́бы поста́вить её под сосу́д и́ли под крова́ть?
[to, so that, in order to, because of] put her [below, beneath, under, underneath] [box, flask, jar, jars, vessel] or [below, beneath, under, underneath] bed?
не для того́ ли,
[never, not] for that whether,
что́бы поста́вить её на подсве́чнике?
[to, so that, in order to, because of] put her [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [candlestick, the candlestick]?
And he said to them,
&#;Is a lamp brought in to be put under a basket,
or under a bed,
and not on a stand?
Mark 4:21 ESV

And he said unto them,
Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel,
or under a bed?
and not to be set on a candlestick?
Mark 4:21 KJV
 Mark 5:19 NRT
19 но Иису́с отказал ему́.
19 [but, yet] Jesus отказал [him, it, to him].
Ступа́й домо́й к свои́м родным,
[Go, Go On] [home, house] [to, for, by] [his, mine, your] родным,
сказа́л Он,
[he said, said, say, saying, tell] He,
и расскажи́ им,
and [declare, tell] [it, them],
что сде́лал для тебя́ Госпо́дь,
[what, that, why] did for you Lord,
и каку́ю ми́лость Он к тебе́ прояви́л.
and [what, which] [favor, favored, favour, favoured, grace, mercy] He [to, for, by] [thee, you] showed.
And he did not permit him but said to him,
&#;Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you,
and how he has had mercy on you.&#;
Mark 5:19 ESV

Howbeit Jesus suffered him not,
but saith unto him,
Go home to thy friends,
and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee,
and hath had compassion on thee.
Mark 5:19 KJV
 Mark 5:20 NRT
20 Тот пошёл и стал расска́зывать в Десятиградии о том,
20 That [gone, went] and became [speak, tell] [at, in, of, on] Decapolis about [that, volume],
что сде́лал для него́ Иису́с.
[what, that, why] did for him Jesus.
Его́ расска́з приводил всех в изумле́ние.
[His, Him, It] story приводил [all, everyone] [at, in, of, on] [amazement, astonishment, wonder].
And he went away and began to proclaim in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him,
and everyone marveled.
Mark 5:20 ESV

And he departed,
and began to publish in Decapolis how great things Jesus had done for him:
and all men did marvel.
Mark 5:20 KJV
 Mark 6:21 NRT
21 Наконе́ц Иродиа́де представился подходящий слу́чай.
21 [Finally, At Last] Herodias представился подходящий [case, event, happening].
И́род в день своего́ рожде́ния устро́ил пир для свои́х приближенных,
Herod [at, in, of, on] day [his, yours] [birth, birthday, births, childbirth] [arranged, organized] [feast, banquet] for their приближенных,
военачальников и са́мых уважа́емых люде́й Галиле́и.
военачальников and most dear [human, of people, people] Galilee.
But an opportunity came when Herod on his birthday gave a banquet for his nobles and military commanders and the leading men of Galilee.
Mark 6:21 ESV

And when a convenient day was come,
that Herod on his birthday made a supper to his lords,
high captains,
and chief estates of Galilee;
Mark 6:21 KJV
 Mark 7:12 NRT
12 то вы уже́ позволяете ему́ ничего́ не де́лать для своего́ отца́ и́ли ма́тери.
12 that [ye, you] already позволяете [him, it, to him] [anything, nothing, never mind] [never, not] [to do, to make] for [his, yours] [father, the father] or [mother, mother's, mothers].
then you no longer permit him to do anything for his father or mother,
Mark 7:12 ESV

And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother;
Mark 7:12 KJV
 Mark 7:12 RUSV
12 тому́ вы уже́ попускаете ничего́ не де́лать для отца́ своего́ и́ли ма́тери свое́й,
12 [one, the one] [ye, you] already попускаете [anything, nothing, never mind] [never, not] [to do, to make] for [father, the father] [his, yours] or [mother, mother's, mothers] [his, mine],
then you no longer permit him to do anything for his father or mother,
Mark 7:12 ESV

And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother;
Mark 7:12 KJV
 Mark 8:12 RUSV
12 И Он,
12 And He,
глубоко́ вздохнув,
deep вздохнув,
[he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
для чего́ род сей тре́бует знамения?
for what [genus, species, type] this requires signs?
И́стинно говорю́ вам,
[Truly, Verily] [i am talking, say, talking, tell] [to you, ye, you],
не да́стся ро́ду сёму знамение.
[never, not] [given, will be given] family this [miracle, sign, the sign].
And he sighed deeply in his spirit and said,
&#;Why does this generation seek a sign?
I say to you,
no sign will be given to this generation.&#;
Mark 8:12 ESV

And he sighed deeply in his spirit,
and saith,
Why doth this generation seek after a sign?
verily I say unto you,
There shall no sign be given unto this generation.
Mark 8:12 KJV
 Mark 8:19 RUSV
19 Когда́ Я пять хлебов преломи́л для пяти́ ты́сяч [челове́к],
19 When I five [bread, loaves] [couraged, i broke it] for five [thousand, thousands] [[man, human, person]],
ско́лько по́лных ко́робов набра́ли вы куско́в?
[how, how many, how much] [complete, full] [basket, baskets, box] [gain, typed, we dialed] [ye, you] [chunks, fragments, morsels, pieces]?
Говоря́т Ему́:
[Say, They Say] [Him, It, To Him]:
When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand,
how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?&#;
They said to him,
Mark 8:19 ESV

When I brake the five loaves among five thousand,
how many baskets full of fragments took ye up?
They say unto him,
Mark 8:19 KJV
 Mark 8:20 RUSV
20 А когда́ семь для четырёх ты́сяч,
20 [While, And, But] when seven for four [thousand, thousands],
ско́лько корзи́н набра́ли вы оста́вшихся куско́в.
[how, how many, how much] [basket, baskets] [gain, typed, we dialed] [ye, you] [remaining, the remaining ones] [chunks, fragments, morsels, pieces].
[Said, Say, Tell, They Said]:
“And the seven for the four thousand,
how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?”
And they said to him,
Mark 8:20 ESV

And when the seven among four thousand,
how many baskets full of fragments took ye up?
And they said,
Mark 8:20 KJV
 Mark 9:42 NRT
42 Е́сли же кто введёт в грех одного́ из э́тих ма́лых,
42 [If, A, When, Unless] [but, same, then] who [introduce, will introduce] [at, in, of, on] [offences, sin] one [from, in, of, out] these [little, small],
ве́рующих в Меня́,
[believe, believers] [at, in, of, on] [I, Me, Self],
то для него́ бы́ло бы лу́чше,
that for him [it was, was] would [better, expedient],
е́сли бы ему́ надели на ше́ю ме́льничный жёрнов и бро́сили в мо́ре.
[if, a, when, unless] would [him, it, to him] [put on, wear, empower, give] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [neck, throat] mill millstone and [threw, abandoned] [at, in, of, on] [sea, water].
&#;Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin,
it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.
Mark 9:42 ESV

And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me,
it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck,
and he were cast into the sea.
Mark 9:42 KJV
 Mark 10:35 NRT
35 К Иису́су подошли́ Иа́ков и Иоа́нн,
35 [To, For, By] Jesus (came up) [Jacob, James] and John,
сыновья Зеведея.
sons Zebedee.
[Master, Teacher, Tutor],
сказа́ли они́,
[said, say, tell, they said] [they, they are],
мы хоти́м,
[we, we are] [want, we want],
что́бы Ты сде́лал для нас то,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] You did for [us, we] that,
о чём мы Тебя́ попро́сим.
about [how, than, what, whence, which, why] [we, we are] You [ask, let us ask].
And James and John,
the sons of Zebedee,
came up to him and said to him,
we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you.”
Mark 10:35 ESV

And James and John,
the sons of Zebedee,
come unto him,
we would that thou shouldest do for us whatsoever we shall desire.
Mark 10:35 KJV
 Mark 10:36 NRT
36 –Что вы хоти́те,
36 –[What, That, Why] [ye, you] [want, want to, you want],
что́бы Я для вас сде́лал?
[to, so that, in order to, because of] I for you did?
спроси́л Он их.
asked He [them, their].
And he said to them,
“What do you want me to do for you?”
Mark 10:36 ESV

And he said unto them,
What would ye that I should do for you?
Mark 10:36 KJV
 Mark 10:44 NRT
44 и кто хо́чет быть среди́ вас пе́рвым,
44 and who wants [be, become, been, has been, to be, to become] among you first,
пусть бу́дет для всех рабом.
let [will be, would be] for [all, everyone] [a slave, servant, slave].
and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all.
Mark 10:44 ESV

And whosoever of you will be the chiefest,
shall be servant of all.
Mark 10:44 KJV
 Mark 10:45 NRT
45 Ведь и Сын Челове́ческий пришёл не для того́,
45 [Because, After All, Indeed] and Son [Human, Man] [arrive, came, come] [never, not] for that,
что́бы Ему́ служи́ли,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [Him, It, To Him] served,
но что́бы служи́ть други́м и отда́ть Свою́ жизнь как вы́куп за мно́гих.
[but, yet] [to, so that, in order to, because of] [serve, serving] other and [give, give away] [Its, My, Thy, Your] [life, living] [how, what, as, like (comparison)] [ransom, the ransom] [after, around, at, behind, over] [many, most].
For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve,
and to give his life as a ransom for many.&#;
Mark 10:45 ESV

For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto,
but to minister,
and to give his life a ransom for many.
Mark 10:45 KJV
 Mark 10:45 RUSV
45 И́бо и Сын Челове́ческий не для того́ пришёл,
45 [For, Because] and Son [Human, Man] [never, not] for that [arrive, came, come],
что́бы Ему́ служи́ли,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [Him, It, To Him] served,
но что́бы послужить и отда́ть душу Свою́ для искупле́ния мно́гих.
[but, yet] [to, so that, in order to, because of] послужить and [give, give away] [soul, the soul] [Its, My, Thy, Your] for [atonement, ransom, redemption] [many, most].
For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve,
and to give his life as a ransom for many.&#;
Mark 10:45 ESV

For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto,
but to minister,
and to give his life a ransom for many.
Mark 10:45 KJV
 Mark 10:51 NRT
51 –Что ты хо́чешь,
51 –[What, That, Why] you [do you want, want, you want to],
что́бы Я сде́лал для тебя́?
[to, so that, in order to, because of] I did for you?
спроси́л Иису́с.
asked Jesus.
[Master, Teacher, Tutor],
я хочу́ ви́деть,
i [i want, want] [behold, find, see, to see, watch, witness],
отве́тил он.
answered he.
And Jesus said to him,
&#;What do you want me to do for you?&#;
And the blind man said to him,
let me recover my sight.&#;
Mark 10:51 ESV

And Jesus answered and said unto him,
What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?
The blind man said unto him,
that I might receive my sight.
Mark 10:51 KJV
 Mark 11:13 NRT
13 Уви́дев вдали́ покры́тый ли́стьями инжи́р,
13 [Having Seen, Saw, Seeing, Seen] far-away [coated, covered] [leaf, leaves] [fig, figs],
Он подошёл посмотре́ть,
He (came up) [look, view],
нет ли на нем плодо́в,
[no, not] whether [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [dumb, him, mute, speechless] [fruit, fruits],
но не нашёл ничего́,
[but, yet] [never, not] found [anything, nothing, never mind],
кро́ме ли́стьев.
[but, except, besides] leaves.
Вре́мя же для сбо́ра инжира ещё не пришло́.
[Hour, Time] [but, same, then] for [assembly, collection, gathering] инжира [again, also, another, even, further, more] [never, not] [come, it has come].
And seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf,
he went to see if he could find anything on it.
When he came to it,
he found nothing but leaves,
for it was not the season for figs.
Mark 11:13 ESV

And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves,
he came,
if haply he might find any thing thereon:
and when he came to it,
he found nothing but leaves;
for the time of figs was not yet.
Mark 11:13 KJV
 Mark 11:17 NRT
17 –Ра́зве не напи́сано:
17 –[Is, Perhaps, Really] [never, not] written:
«Дом Мой бу́дет на́зван до́мом моли́твы для всех наро́дов»?
«[Dwelling, Home, House] [Mine, My] [will be, would be] [called, named] home prayers for [all, everyone] peoples»?
учи́л Он их.
[learned, taught, teaching] He [them, their].
А вы преврати́ли его́ в разбо́йничье ло́гово.
[While, And, But] [ye, you] turned [his, him, it] [at, in, of, on] [robber's, robberies, robbers, thieves] [den, lair].
And he was teaching them and saying to them,
&#;Is it not written,
&#;My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations&#;?
But you have made it a den of robbers.&#;
Mark 11:17 ESV

And he taught,
saying unto them,
Is it not written,
My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer?
but ye have made it a den of thieves.
Mark 11:17 KJV
 Mark 11:17 RUSV
17 И учи́л их,
17 And [learned, taught, teaching] [them, their],
[saying, talking]:
не напи́сано ли:
[never, not] written whether:
дом Мой до́мом моли́твы наречётся для всех наро́дов?
[dwelling, home, house] [Mine, My] home prayers [will be called, will be named] for [all, everyone] peoples?
а вы сде́лали его́ верте́пом разбо́йников.
[while, and, but] [ye, you] made [his, him, it] (nativity scene) [robbers, thieves].
And he was teaching them and saying to them,
&#;Is it not written,
&#;My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations&#;?
But you have made it a den of robbers.&#;
Mark 11:17 ESV

And he taught,
saying unto them,
Is it not written,
My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer?
but ye have made it a den of thieves.
Mark 11:17 KJV
 Mark 12:1 NRT
1 И Он стал говори́ть с ни́ми при́тчами.
1 And He became [to speak, to talk] [and, from, in, of, with] them parables.
Оди́н челове́к посади́л виногра́дник,
[Alone, One] [man, human, person] planted vineyard,
обнёс его́ забо́ром,
surrounded [his, him, it] [fence, the fence],
вы́копал я́му для дави́льни и постро́ил сторожевую ба́шню.
[dug out, dug up, excavate] [ditch, hole, pit, the pit] for (wine presses) and built сторожевую tower.
Он отда́л виногра́дник внаём виногра́дарям,
He gave vineyard [for rent, hiring] [for winegrowers, winegrowers],
а сам уе́хал в чужи́е края.
[while, and, but] [himself, itself, myself, self] [drive away, leave, left] [at, in, of, on] [aliens, foreigners, strangers] [coasts, corners, edges, sides, the edges].
And he began to speak to them in parables.
&#;A man planted a vineyard and put a fence around it and dug a pit for the winepress and built a tower,
and leased it to tenants and went into another country.
Mark 12:1 ESV

And he began to speak unto them by parables.
A certain man planted a vineyard,
and set an hedge about it,
and digged a place for the winefat,
and built a tower,
and let it out to husbandmen,
and went into a far country.
Mark 12:1 KJV
 Mark 13:9 RUSV
9 Но вы смотрите за собо́ю,
9 [But, Yet] [ye, you] see [after, around, at, behind, over] [by myself, yourself, yourselves],
и́бо вас бу́дут предава́ть в судилища и бить в синаго́гах,
[for, because] you [will, be] betray [at, in, of, on] судилища and [beat, flogged, hit, scourged] [at, in, of, on] synagogues,
и пе́ред прави́телями и царя́ми поставят вас за Меня́,
and before [governors, rulers, the rulers] and kings поставят you [after, around, at, behind, over] [I, Me, Self],
для свиде́тельства пе́ред ни́ми.
for evidence before them.
&#;But be on your guard.
For they will deliver you over to councils,
and you will be beaten in synagogues,
and you will stand before governors and kings for my sake,
to bear witness before them.
Mark 13:9 ESV

But take heed to yourselves:
for they shall deliver you up to councils;
and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten:
and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake,
for a testimony against them.
Mark 13:9 KJV
 Mark 13:28 NRT
28 Пусть для вас приме́ром бу́дет инжи́р:
28 Let for you [an example, example] [will be, would be] [fig, figs]:
когда́ по́чки набухают и выпуска́ют ли́стья,
when [bud, kidneys] [swell, they swell] and [release, they release] [foliage, leaves],
вы зна́ете,
[ye, you] [know, you know],
что приближа́ется ле́то.
[what, that, why] [approaches, approacheth, approaching, coming, it is coming] summer.
&#;From the fig tree learn its lesson:
as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves,
you know that summer is near.
Mark 13:28 ESV

Now learn a parable of the fig tree;
When her branch is yet tender,
and putteth forth leaves,
ye know that summer is near:
Mark 13:28 KJV
 Mark 14:6 NRT
6 Но Иису́с сказа́л:
6 [But, Yet] Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
Оста́вьте её,
[Leave, Leave It] her,
что вы её упрекаете?
[what, that, why] [ye, you] her упрекаете?
Она́ сде́лала для Меня́ до́брое де́ло.
[She, She Is] did for [I, Me, Self] [good, kind] [affair, business].
But Jesus said,
&#;Leave her alone.
Why do you trouble her?
She has done a beautiful thing to me.
Mark 14:6 ESV

And Jesus said,
Let her alone;
why trouble ye her?
she hath wrought a good work on me.
Mark 14:6 KJV
 Mark 14:6 RUSV
6 Но Иису́с сказа́л:
6 [But, Yet] Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
оста́вьте её;
[leave, leave it] her;
что её смущаете?
[what, that, why] her смущаете?
Она́ до́брое де́ло сде́лала для Меня́.
[She, She Is] [good, kind] [affair, business] did for [I, Me, Self].
But Jesus said,
&#;Leave her alone.
Why do you trouble her?
She has done a beautiful thing to me.
Mark 14:6 ESV

And Jesus said,
Let her alone;
why trouble ye her?
she hath wrought a good work on me.
Mark 14:6 KJV
 Mark 14:8 NRT
8 Она́ сде́лала,
8 [She, She Is] did,
что могла́:
[what, that, why] could:
зара́нее пома́зала Моё те́ло для погребе́ния.
[aforehand, before, beforehand, in advance, previously] anointed My body for [burial, burials, burying].
She has done what she could;
she has anointed my body beforehand for burial.
Mark 14:8 ESV

She hath done what she could:
she is come aforehand to anoint my body to the burying.
Mark 14:8 KJV
 Mark 14:11 NRT
11 Услы́шав,
11 [Having Heard, Heard, Hearing],
для чего́ он пришёл,
for what he [arrive, came, come],
они́ обра́довались и обеща́ли заплати́ть ему́.
[they, they are] rejoiced and [promised, they promised] pay [him, it, to him].
И Иу́да стал иска́ть удо́бного случая,
And Judas became [looking, search, searching, seeking, sought] convenient [case, instance],
что́бы преда́ть Иису́са.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] betray Jesus.
And when they heard it,
they were glad and promised to give him money.
And he sought an opportunity to betray him.
Mark 14:11 ESV

And when they heard it,
they were glad,
and promised to give him money.
And he sought how he might conveniently betray him.
Mark 14:11 KJV
 Mark 15:8 NRT
8 Толпа́ ста́ла проси́ть у Пила́та,
8 [Crowd, Multitude] became ask [at, by, with, of] Pilate,
что́бы он сде́лал то,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] he did that,
что обы́чно де́лал для них.
[what, that, why] [custom, normally, traditionally, typically, usually] did for [them, they].
And the crowd came up and began to ask Pilate to do as he usually did for them.
Mark 15:8 ESV

And the multitude crying aloud began to desire him to do as he had ever done unto them.
Mark 15:8 KJV
 Mark 15:8 RUSV
8 И наро́д на́чал крича́ть и проси́ть [Пила́та] о том,
8 And [crowd, nation, people] [began, start] [cry, scream, shout] and ask [Pilate] about [that, volume],
что он всегда́ де́лал для них.
[what, that, why] he [always, is always] did for [them, they].
And the crowd came up and began to ask Pilate to do as he usually did for them.
Mark 15:8 ESV

And the multitude crying aloud began to desire him to do as he had ever done unto them.
Mark 15:8 KJV
 Mark 15:34 RUSV
34 В девя́том ча́су возопи́л Иису́с гро́мким го́лосом:
34 [At, In, Of, On] [ninth, the ninth] hour [cried, he cried out, he screamed, screamed] Jesus loud voice:
ламма савахфани?
ламма савахфани?
--что зна́чит:
--[what, that, why] [interpreted, means]:
Бо́же Мой!
God [Mine, My]!
Бо́же Мой!
God [Mine, My]!
для чего́ Ты Меня́ оста́вил?
for what You [I, Me, Self] [departed, left]?
And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice,
lema sabachthani?&#;
which means,
&#;My God,
my God,
why have you forsaken me?&#;
Mark 15:34 ESV

And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice,
lama sabachthani?
which is,
being interpreted,
My God,
my God,
why hast thou forsaken me?
Mark 15:34 KJV
 Luke 1:9 NRT
9 В соотве́тствии с устано́вленным для свяще́нников поря́дком ему́ вы́пало по жре́бию войти́ в храм Господа и возжига́ть благово́ния.
9 [At, In, Of, On] [accordance, according, compliance] [and, from, in, of, with] [established, installed] for priests (in order) [him, it, to him] (dropped out) [along, by, in, on, to, unto] (by lot) [enter, to come in, to enter] [at, in, of, on] temple Lord and [ignite, kindle] incense.
according to the custom of the priesthood,
he was chosen by lot to enter the temple of the Lord and burn incense.
Luke 1:9 ESV

According to the custom of the priest&#;s office,
his lot was to burn incense when he went into the temple of the Lord.
Luke 1:9 KJV
 Luke 1:9 RUSV
9 по жре́бию,
9 [along, by, in, on, to, unto] (by lot),
как обыкнове́нно бы́ло у свяще́нников,
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] [usually, commonly, ordinarily] [it was, was] [at, by, with, of] priests,
доста́лось ему́ войти́ в храм Госпо́день для кажде́ния,
[got it, inherit] [him, it, to him] [enter, to come in, to enter] [at, in, of, on] temple [Jehovah, Lord's] for [everyday, incense],
according to the custom of the priesthood,
he was chosen by lot to enter the temple of the Lord and burn incense.
Luke 1:9 ESV

According to the custom of the priest&#;s office,
his lot was to burn incense when he went into the temple of the Lord.
Luke 1:9 KJV
 Luke 1:25 NRT
25 Она́ говори́ла:
25 [She, She Is] [spoke, said]:
Вот что сде́лал для меня́ Госпо́дь,
[Behold, Here, There] [what, that, why] did for [i, me, self] Lord,
по ми́лости Свое́й сняв с меня́ позо́р пе́ред людьми́!
[along, by, in, on, to, unto] [grace, graces, kindness, mercy] [His, Mine] [eliminate, having removed, removing, take off] [and, from, in, of, with] [i, me, self] [a shame, disgrace, dishonor, reproach, shame] before people!
&#;Thus the Lord has done for me in the days when he looked on me,
to take away my reproach among people.&#;
Luke 1:25 ESV

Thus hath the Lord dealt with me in the days wherein he looked on me,
to take away my reproach among men.
Luke 1:25 KJV
 Luke 1:37 NRT
37 Для Бо́га нет ничего́ невозмо́жного.
37 For God [no, not] [anything, nothing, never mind] [impracticable, the impossible].
For nothing will be impossible with God.”
Luke 1:37 ESV

For with God nothing shall be impossible.
Luke 1:37 KJV
 Luke 1:49 NRT
49 потому́ что Всемогу́щий соверши́л тако́е вели́кое де́ло для меня́!
49 [because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] [Omnipotent, The Almighty] committed such [great, the great] [affair, business] for [i, me, self]!
Его́ и́мя свя́то!
[His, Him, It] name holy!
for he who is mighty has done great things for me,
and holy is his name.
Luke 1:49 ESV

For he that is mighty hath done to me great things;
and holy is his name.
Luke 1:49 KJV
 Luke 1:63 NRT
63 Заха́рия попроси́л табли́чку для письма и,
63 [Zacharias, Zechariah] asked [tablet, nameplate, a sign] for letters and,
к удивле́нию всех,
[to, for, by] surprise [all, everyone],
[compose, posted, posted by, wrote]:
«Его́ и́мя Иоа́нн».
«[His, Him, It] name John».
And he asked for a writing tablet and wrote,
&#;His name is John.&#;
And they all wondered.
Luke 1:63 ESV

And he asked for a writing table,
and wrote,
His name is John.
And they marvelled all.
Luke 1:63 KJV
 Luke 2:3 NRT
3 Поэ́тому ка́ждый отпра́вился в свой го́род для регистра́ции.
3 [That Is Why, Therefore, Wherefore] [each, every] [departed, set off, went] [at, in, of, on] [mine, my own] [city, town] for [registered, registration, registrations].
And all went to be registered,
each to his own town.
Luke 2:3 ESV

And all went to be taxed,
every one into his own city.
Luke 2:3 KJV
 Luke 2:7 NRT
7 и она́ родила своего́ пе́рвенца,
7 and [she, she is] [bore, gave birth] [his, yours] [firstborn, the firstborn],
запелена́ла Его́ и положи́ла в корму́шку для скота́,
swaddled [His, Him, It] and [i put it down, laid, lay, put] [at, in, of, on] [feeder, manger, trough] for [cattle, livestock],
потому́ что для них не нашло́сь места в гости́нице.
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] for [them, they] [never, not] found places [at, in, of, on] hotel.
And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger,
because there was no place for them in the inn.
Luke 2:7 ESV

And she brought forth her firstborn son,
and wrapped him in swaddling clothes,
and laid him in a manger;
because there was no room for them in the inn.
Luke 2:7 KJV
 Luke 2:16 NRT
16 Они́ поспеши́ли туда́ и нашли́ Мари́ю,
16 [They, They Are] [hurried, we hurried] there and found [Maria, Mary],
Ио́сифа и Младе́нца,
Joseph and [Babe, Baby, Child],
лежа́щего в корму́шке для скота́.
lying [at, in, of, on] [feeder, the feeder] for [cattle, livestock].
And they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph,
and the baby lying in a manger.
Luke 2:16 ESV

And they came with haste,
and found Mary,
and Joseph,
and the babe lying in a manger.
Luke 2:16 KJV
 Luke 2:25 NRT
25 В Иерусали́ме в э́то вре́мя был челове́к,
25 [At, In, Of, On] Jerusalem [at, in, of, on] [that, this, it] [hour, time] [be, to be, was, were] [man, human, person],
кото́рого зва́ли Симео́ном.
[which, which one, whom] [called, my name was, name] Simeon.
Он был пра́веден и благочести́в,
He [be, to be, was, were] [just, righteous] and [devout, godly, pious],
и с наде́ждой ожида́л Того́,
and [and, from, in, of, with] hope [anticipated, expected] That,
Кто принесёт утеше́ние для Изра́иля,
Who (will bring) [comfort, consolation] for Israel,
и на нем был Свято́й Дух.
and [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [dumb, him, mute, speechless] [be, to be, was, were] Holy Spirit.
Now there was a man in Jerusalem,
whose name was Simeon,
and this man was righteous and devout,
waiting for the consolation of Israel,
and the Holy Spirit was upon him.
Luke 2:25 ESV

there was a man in Jerusalem,
whose name was Simeon;
and the same man was just and devout,
waiting for the consolation of Israel:
and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
Luke 2:25 KJV
 Luke 2:34 NRT
34 Пото́м Симео́н благослови́л их и сказа́л Мари́и,
34 [Then, Later] Simeon blessed [them, their] and [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [Maria, Mary],
ма́тери Его́:
[mother, mother's, mothers] [His, Him, It]:
Он бу́дет причи́ной паде́ния и возвыше́ния для мно́гих в Изра́иле и ста́нет знамением,
He [will be, would be] [reason, the reason] falls and [elevations, exaltation] for [many, most] [at, in, of, on] Israel and [become, it will become, will become] [a sign, sign],
кото́рое бу́дет мно́гими отверга́емо
which [will be, would be] [by many, many] [rejectable, rejected]
And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother,
this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel,
and for a sign that is opposed Luke 2:34 ESV

And Simeon blessed them,
and said unto Mary his mother,
this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel;
and for a sign which shall be spoken against;
Luke 2:34 KJV
 Luke 2:38 NRT
38 Подойдя́ в э́тот моме́нт к тем,
38 [Approaching, Coming Up] [at, in, of, on] this [moment, minute] [to, for, by] [by that, that],
кто принёс Его́,
who brought [His, Him, It],
она́ возблагодари́ла Бо́га и говори́ла о Ребёнке всем ожида́вшим избавле́ния для Иерусали́ма.
[she, she is] [give thanks, thank you, thanked] God and [spoke, said] about [Child, The Child] [everyone, to everyone] waiting [deliverance, redemption] for Jerusalem.
And coming up at that very hour she began to give thanks to God and to speak of him to all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem.
Luke 2:38 ESV

And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord,
and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.
Luke 2:38 KJV
 Luke 3:3 NRT
3 По́сле э́того Иоа́нн пошёл по всем областя́м,
3 [After, Beyond] this John [gone, went] [along, by, in, on, to, unto] [everyone, to everyone] regions,
прилега́ющим к Иорда́ну,
adjacent [to, for, by] Jordan,
и пропове́довал креще́ние в знак покая́ния для проще́ния гре́хов.
and preached [baptism, christening, epiphany] [at, in, of, on] [beckoned, indication, sign, signaled] repentance for [forgiveness, i am sorry] sins.
And he went into all the region around the Jordan,
proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
Luke 3:3 ESV

And he came into all the country about Jordan,
preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins;
Luke 3:3 KJV
 Luke 3:3 RUSV
3 И он проходи́л по всей окре́стной стране́ Иорда́нской,
3 And he passed [along, by, in, on, to, unto] [all, the whole, whole] [surrounding, the surrounding area] country Jordanian,
пропове́дуя креще́ние покая́ния для проще́ния гре́хов,
[preaching, proclaiming] [baptism, christening, epiphany] repentance for [forgiveness, i am sorry] sins,
And he went into all the region around the Jordan,
proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
Luke 3:3 ESV

And he came into all the country about Jordan,
preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins;
Luke 3:3 KJV
 Luke 4:43 NRT
43 Но Иису́с сказа́л:
43 [But, Yet] Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
Я до́лжен возвеща́ть Ра́достную Весть о Ца́рстве Бо́жьем и в други́х города́х,
I [must, ought, should] [announce, proclaim] [Glad, Good, Happy, Joyful] [News, Tidings] about [Kingdom, The Kingdom] [God, God's] and [at, in, of, on] other [cities, towns],
ведь для э́того Я и по́слан.
[because, after all, indeed] for this I and sent.
but he said to them,
&#;I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns as well;
for I was sent for this purpose.&#;
Luke 4:43 ESV

And he said unto them,
I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also:
for therefore am I sent.
Luke 4:43 KJV
 Luke 5:4 NRT
4 Когда́ Иису́с зако́нчил говори́ть,
4 When Jesus [completed, finished, graduated] [to speak, to talk],
Он сказа́л Симону:
He [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [Simon, Simon's]:
Отплыви́ на глубо́кое ме́сто и заки́нь се́ти для ло́ва.
(Sail Away) [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [deep, depth] place and [drop it, let down, throw up] [net, nets, networks] for fishing.
And when he had finished speaking,
he said to Simon,
&#;Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.&#;
Luke 5:4 ESV

Now when he had left speaking,
he said unto Simon,
Launch out into the deep,
and let down your nets for a draught.
Luke 5:4 KJV
 Luke 5:4 RUSV
4 Когда́ же переста́л учи́ть,
4 When [but, same, then] [ceased, finished, he stopped, stopped] [learn, speaking, taught, teach, teaching],
сказа́л Симону:
[he said, said, say, saying, tell] [Simon, Simon's]:
отплыви́ на глубину́ и заки́ньте се́ти свои́ для ло́ва.
(sail away) [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [deep, depth, profound] and [cast, throw] [net, nets, networks] their for fishing.
And when he had finished speaking,
he said to Simon,
&#;Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.&#;
Luke 5:4 ESV

Now when he had left speaking,
he said unto Simon,
Launch out into the deep,
and let down your nets for a draught.
Luke 5:4 KJV
 Luke 5:29 NRT
29 Пото́м он устро́ил у себя́ дома большо́й пир для Иису́са.
29 [Then, Later] he [arranged, organized] [at, by, with, of] [itself, myself, yourself] houses [big, large] [feast, banquet] for Jesus.
На пир собра́лось мно́го сбо́рщиков нало́гов и друго́го наро́да.
[On The, It, At, To, In, By] [feast, banquet] gathered [a lot of, many] [collectors, pickers] taxes and [another, the other one] [people, the people].
Они́ возлежа́ли вме́сте с Иису́сом.
[They, They Are] reclined together [and, from, in, of, with] Jesus.
And Levi made him a great feast in his house,
and there was a large company of tax collectors and others reclining at table with them.
Luke 5:29 ESV

And Levi made him a great feast in his own house:
and there was a great company of publicans and of others that sat down with them.
Luke 5:29 KJV
 Luke 5:29 RUSV
29 И сде́лал для Него́ Леви́й в до́ме своём большо́е угоще́ние;
29 And did for Him Levi [at, in, of, on] [home, house] his [big, large, many] [a treat, food, treat];
и там бы́ло мно́жество мы́тарей и други́х,
and there [it was, was] [lots of, many] (tax collector) and other,
кото́рые возлежа́ли с ни́ми.
[which, who] reclined [and, from, in, of, with] them.
And Levi made him a great feast in his house,
and there was a large company of tax collectors and others reclining at table with them.
Luke 5:29 ESV

And Levi made him a great feast in his own house:
and there was a great company of publicans and of others that sat down with them.
Luke 5:29 KJV
 Luke 5:36 NRT
36 Он та́кже рассказа́л им при́тчу:
36 He also [he told me, told] [it, them] [a parable, parable]:
Никто́ не пришива́ет запла́ту к ста́рому плащу́,
[No One, Nobody] [never, not] [sews on, stitches] [patch, piece] [to, for, by] old [mantle, raincoat],
оторва́в для э́того кусо́к от но́вого.
(tearing off) for this [a chunk, a fragment, a lump, a morsel, a piece] from [new, recent].
Е́сли он э́то сде́лает,
[If, A, When, Unless] he [that, this, it] [it will do, will do],
то он и но́вый плащ испо́ртит,
that he and [modern, new, recent] [cloak, coat, mantle, raincoat] [spoil, will spoil],
и к ста́рому запла́та не подойдёт.
and [to, for, by] old patch [never, not] [will do, will fit].
He also told them a parable:
&#;No one tears a piece from a new garment and puts it on an old garment.
If he does,
he will tear the new,
and the piece from the new will not match the old.
Luke 5:36 ESV

And he spake also a parable unto them;
No man putteth a piece of a new garment upon an old;
if otherwise,
then both the new maketh a rent,
and the piece that was taken out of the new agreeth not with the old.
Luke 5:36 KJV
 Luke 7:4 RUSV
4 И они́,
4 And [they, they are],
придя к Иису́су,
[came, coming] [to, for, by] Jesus,
проси́ли Его́ убеди́тельно,
[appealed, asked, begged, besought, pleaded, they asked] [His, Him, It] [convincing, earnestly],
[saying, talking]:
он досто́ин,
he worthy,
что́бы Ты сде́лал для него́ э́то,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] You did for him [that, this, it],
And when they came to Jesus,
they pleaded with him earnestly,
&#;He is worthy to have you do this for him,
Luke 7:4 ESV

And when they came to Jesus,
they besought him instantly,
That he was worthy for whom he should do this:
Luke 7:4 KJV
 Luke 8:39 NRT
39 –Возвраща́йся домо́й и расскажи́,
39 –(Come Back) [home, house] and [declare, tell],
что сде́лал для тебя́ Бог.
[what, that, why] did for you God.
Тот пошёл,
That [gone, went],
расска́зывая по всему́ го́роду о том,
telling [along, by, in, on, to, unto] [all, everything] [city, town] about [that, volume],
что сде́лал для него́ Иису́с.
[what, that, why] did for him Jesus.
&#;Return to your home,
and declare how much God has done for you.&#;
And he went away,
proclaiming throughout the whole city how much Jesus had done for him.
Luke 8:39 ESV

Return to thine own house,
and shew how great things God hath done unto thee.
And he went his way,
and published throughout the whole city how great things Jesus had done unto him.
Luke 8:39 KJV
 Luke 9:13 RUSV
13 Но Он сказа́л им:
13 [But, Yet] He [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
вы да́йте им есть.
[ye, you] (give me) [it, them] [there are, there is].
Они́ сказа́ли:
[They, They Are] [said, say, tell, they said]:
у нас нет бо́лее пяти́ хлебов и двух рыб;
[at, by, with, of] [us, we] [no, not] [above, greater, more, over] five [bread, loaves] and two pisces;
ра́зве нам пойти́ купи́ть пищи для всех сих люде́й?
[is, perhaps, really] [to us, us] [come, depart, go, walk] buy [food, meat, nutrition] for [all, everyone] [now, these, those] [human, of people, people]?
But he said to them,
&#;You give them something to eat.&#;
They said,
&#;We have no more than five loaves and two fish&#;unless we are to go and buy food for all these people.&#;
Luke 9:13 ESV

But he said unto them,
Give ye them to eat.
And they said,
We have no more but five loaves and two fishes;
except we should go and buy meat for all this people.
Luke 9:13 KJV
 Luke 9:52 RUSV
52 и посла́л ве́стников пред лицем Свои́м;
52 and sent [heralds, messenger] [before, front] [face, hypocrite] [His, Mine, Your];
и они́ пошли́ и вошли́ в селе́ние Самарянское;
and [they, they are] [gone away, let us go, went] and [entered, they entered] [at, in, of, on] village [Samaritan, Samaritans];
что́бы пригото́вить для Него́;
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [cook, prepare] for Him;
And he sent messengers ahead of him,
who went and entered a village of the Samaritans,
to make preparations for him.
Luke 9:52 ESV

And sent messengers before his face:
and they went,
and entered into a village of the Samaritans,
to make ready for him.
Luke 9:52 KJV
 Luke 9:62 NRT
62 Иису́с отве́тил:
62 Jesus answered:
Ни оди́н челове́к,
Neither [alone, one] [man, human, person],
положи́вший ру́ку на плуг и огля́дывающийся наза́д,
[putting, who put it down] hand [on the, it, at, to, in, by] plow and [looking, looking back] back,
не приго́ден для Бо́жьего Ца́рства.
[never, not] [fit, suitable] for [God, God's] Kingdoms.
Jesus said to him,
“No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”
Luke 9:62 ESV

And Jesus said unto him,
No man,
having put his hand to the plough,
and looking back,
is fit for the kingdom of God.
Luke 9:62 KJV
 Luke 9:62 RUSV
62 Но Иису́с сказа́л ему́:
62 [But, Yet] Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [him, it, to him]:
[no one, nobody],
возложи́вший ру́ку свою́ на плуг и озирающийся наза́д,
[laid, who laid, who laid the] hand [its, my, thy, your] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] plow and [looking, looking around] back,
не благонадёжен для Ца́рствия Божия.
[never, not] [reliable, trustworthy] for [Kingdom, Kingdoms] [God, God's].
Jesus said to him,
&#;No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.&#;
Luke 9:62 ESV

And Jesus said unto him,
No man,
having put his hand to the plough,
and looking back,
is fit for the kingdom of God.
Luke 9:62 KJV
 Luke 10:19 NRT
19 Вот,
19 [Behold, Here, There],
Я дал вам власть наступа́ть без вреда́ для вас на змей и скорпио́нов и преодолева́ть всю си́лу врага́.
I gave [to you, ye, you] [authority, dominion, power] [advance, come] without [damage, harm, injury] for you [on the, it, at, to, in, by] serpent and scorpions and overcome [all, whole] strength enemy.
I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions,
and over all the power of the enemy,
and nothing shall hurt you.
Luke 10:19 ESV

I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions,
and over all the power of the enemy:
and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Luke 10:19 KJV
 Luke 11:24 NRT
24 Когда́ нечи́стый дух выхо́дит из челове́ка,
24 When [dirty, unclean] spirit [cast out, comes out, cometh, coming, coming out, goeth, gone, gone out] [from, in, of, out] human,
то он скита́ется по безво́дным места́м,
that he [wandering, wanders] [along, by, in, on, to, unto] waterless [place, places],
ища́ ме́сто для о́тдыха,
[looking for, seek, search] place for [recreation, rest],
но не нахо́дит его́.
[but, yet] [never, not] finds [his, him, it].
Тогда́ он говори́т:
Then he [he speaks, say, speaks, talk, to talk]:
«Возвращу́сь-ка я в дом,
«[Come Back, I Will Be Back, I Will Come Back] i [at, in, of, on] [dwelling, home, house],
из кото́рого вы́шел».
[from, in, of, out] [which, which one, whom] [came, came out]».
&#;When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person,
it passes through waterless places seeking rest,
and finding none it says,
&#;I will return to my house from which I came.&#;
Luke 11:24 ESV

When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man,
he walketh through dry places,
seeking rest;
and finding none,
he saith,
I will return unto my house whence I came out.
Luke 11:24 KJV
 Luke 11:26 NRT
26 Тогда́ он идёт и берет семь други́х духов,
26 Then he goes and takes seven other spirits,
ещё бо́лее злых,
[again, also, another, even, further, more] [above, greater, more, over] [angry, evil],
чём он сам,
[how, than, what, whence, which, why] he [himself, itself, myself, self],
и они́ прихо́дят и поселя́ются там.
and [they, they are] [they are coming, they come] and [settle in, they settle down] there.
И э́то для челове́ка ещё ху́же того́,
And [that, this, it] for human [again, also, another, even, further, more] worse that,
что бы́ло внача́ле.
[what, that, why] [it was, was] [at first, at the beginning, beginning, first, initially].
Then it goes and brings seven other spirits more evil than itself,
and they enter and dwell there.
And the last state of that person is worse than the first.&#;
Luke 11:26 ESV

Then goeth he,
and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself;
and they enter in,
and dwell there:
and the last state of that man is worse than the first.
Luke 11:26 KJV
 Luke 11:26 RUSV
26 тогда́ идёт и берет с собо́ю семь други́х духов,
26 then goes and takes [and, from, in, of, with] [by myself, yourself, yourselves] seven other spirits,
зле́йших себя́,
(the worst) [itself, myself, yourself],
живу́т там,
[dwell, live, living] there,
--и быва́ет для челове́ка того́ после́днее ху́же пе́рвого.
--and [it happens, things happen] for human that [last, last thing] worse [the first, original].
Then it goes and brings seven other spirits more evil than itself,
and they enter and dwell there.
And the last state of that person is worse than the first.&#;
Luke 11:26 ESV

Then goeth he,
and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself;
and they enter in,
and dwell there:
and the last state of that man is worse than the first.
Luke 11:26 KJV
 Luke 11:30 NRT
30 И как Ио́на стал знамением для жи́телей Ниневи́и,
30 And [how, what, as, like (comparison)] Jonah became [a sign, sign] for [citizens, residents] Nineveh,
так и Сын Челове́ческий ста́нет знамением для э́того поколе́ния.
so and Son [Human, Man] [become, it will become, will become] [a sign, sign] for this [generation, generations].
For as Jonah became a sign to the people of Nineveh,
so will the Son of Man be to this generation.
Luke 11:30 ESV

For as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites,
so shall also the Son of man be to this generation.
Luke 11:30 KJV
 Luke 11:30 RUSV
30 и́бо как Ио́на был знамением для Ниневитя́н,
30 [for, because] [how, what, as, like (comparison)] Jonah [be, to be, was, were] [a sign, sign] for [Ninevite, Ninevites],
так бу́дет и Сын Челове́ческий для ро́да сего́.
so [will be, would be] and Son [Human, Man] for [family, tribe] (with his).
For as Jonah became a sign to the people of Nineveh,
so will the Son of Man be to this generation.
Luke 11:30 ESV

For as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites,
so shall also the Son of man be to this generation.
Luke 11:30 KJV
 Luke 12:18 NRT
18 –Вот что я сде́лаю,
18 –[Behold, Here, There] [what, that, why] i [i will do, i will make],
реши́л он тогда́,
(i decided) he then,
я снесу́ мои́ храни́лища и постро́ю большие,
i [demolish, i will demolish] my storage and [build, i will build] [big, large, huge],
в них бу́дет доста́точно места для моего́ зерна и друго́го иму́щества.
[at, in, of, on] [them, they] [will be, would be] enough places for my grains and [another, the other one] [estate, properties].
And he said,
&#;I will do this:
I will tear down my barns and build larger ones,
and there I will store all my grain and my goods.
Luke 12:18 ESV

And he said,
This will I do:
I will pull down my barns,
and build greater;
and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods.
Luke 12:18 KJV
 Luke 12:21 NRT
21 Так бу́дет с ка́ждым,
21 So [will be, would be] [and, from, in, of, with] everyone,
кто ко́пит бога́тство для себя́,
who [accumulate, saves, saving up] [riches, treasure, wealth] for [itself, myself, yourself],
но не приобрета́ет бога́тства для Бо́га.
[but, yet] [never, not] acquires [rich, riches, wealth] for God.
So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.”
Luke 12:21 ESV

So is he that layeth up treasure for himself,
and is not rich toward God.
Luke 12:21 KJV
 Luke 12:21 RUSV
21 Так [быва́ет с тем],
21 So [[it happens, things happen] [and, from, in, of, with] [by that, that]],
кто собира́ет сокро́вища для себя́,
who [collects, gather, gathereth] [hidden treasures, treasures] for [itself, myself, yourself],
а не в Бо́га богате́ет.
[while, and, but] [never, not] [at, in, of, on] God [getting richer, prospering, rich].
So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.&#;
Luke 12:21 ESV

So is he that layeth up treasure for himself,
and is not rich toward God.
Luke 12:21 KJV
 Luke 12:22 RUSV
22 И сказа́л ученика́м Свои́м:
22 And [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [for students, disciples] [His, Mine, Your]:
посему говорю́ вам,
therefore [i am talking, say, talking, tell] [to you, ye, you],
--не забо́тьтесь для души ва́шей,
--[never, not] [anxious, take care] for [lives, souls] [your, yours],
что вам есть,
[what, that, why] [to you, ye, you] [there are, there is],
ни для тела,
neither for body,
во что оде́ться:
in [what, that, why] (get dressed):
And he said to his disciples,
&#;Therefore I tell you,
do not be anxious about your life,
what you will eat,
nor about your body,
what you will put on.
Luke 12:22 ESV

And he said unto his disciples,
Therefore I say unto you,
Take no thought for your life,
what ye shall eat;
neither for the body,
what ye shall put on.
Luke 12:22 KJV
 Luke 13:14 NRT
14 Но нача́льника синаго́ги разозли́ло,
14 [But, Yet] [chief, the boss] synagogues angry,
что Иису́с исцели́л в суббо́ту,
[what, that, why] Jesus healed [at, in, of, on] [sabbath, saturday],
и он обрати́лся к прису́тствующим:
and he [applied, contacted] [to, for, by] [for those present, present]:
Есть шесть дней для рабо́ты,
[There Are, There Is] six days for [work, works],
вот и приходите для исцеле́ния не в суббо́ту,
[behold, here, there] and come for [cure, healing] [never, not] [at, in, of, on] [sabbath, saturday],
а в оди́н из э́тих дней.
[while, and, but] [at, in, of, on] [alone, one] [from, in, of, out] these days.
But the ruler of the synagogue,
indignant because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath,
said to the people,
&#;There are six days in which work ought to be done.
Come on those days and be healed,
and not on the Sabbath day.&#;
Luke 13:14 ESV

And the ruler of the synagogue answered with indignation,
because that Jesus had healed on the sabbath day,
and said unto the people,
There are six days in which men ought to work:
in them therefore come and be healed,
and not on the sabbath day.
Luke 13:14 KJV
 Luke 14:28 NRT
28 Предполо́жим,
28 Suppose,
кто-то из вас хо́чет стро́ить ба́шню.
[anyone, somebody, someone] [from, in, of, out] you wants build tower.
Ра́зве он не ся́дет внача́ле и не подсчита́ет все расхо́ды,
[Is, Perhaps, Really] he [never, not] [sit, sit down, will sit down] [at first, at the beginning, beginning, first, initially] and [never, not] [count, counteth, it will calculate, will count] [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] expenses,
что́бы знать,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [knew, know, knoweth, to know],
хва́тит ли ему́ де́нег для заверше́ния строи́тельства?
[enough, sufficient] whether [him, it, to him] [money, moneys', of money] for [complete, completions, conclusion, endings, finish, terminations] construction?
For which of you,
desiring to build a tower,
does not first sit down and count the cost,
whether he has enough to complete it?
Luke 14:28 ESV

For which of you,
intending to build a tower,
sitteth not down first,
and counteth the cost,
whether he have sufficient to finish it?
Luke 14:28 KJV
 Luke 14:28 RUSV
28 И́бо кто из вас,
28 [For, Because] who [from, in, of, out] you,
жела́я постро́ить ба́шню,
wishing build tower,
не ся́дет пре́жде и не вы́числит изде́ржек,
[never, not] [sit, sit down, will sit down] before and [never, not] [calculate, will calculate] costs,
име́ет ли он,
[has, it has] whether he,
что ну́жно для соверше́ния её,
[what, that, why] [necessary, necessity, need, needful] for [commission, commitments] her,
For which of you,
desiring to build a tower,
does not first sit down and count the cost,
whether he has enough to complete it?
Luke 14:28 ESV

For which of you,
intending to build a tower,
sitteth not down first,
and counteth the cost,
whether he have sufficient to finish it?
Luke 14:28 KJV
 Luke 15:30 NRT
30 Но когда́ э́тот твой сын,
30 [But, Yet] when this your son,
кото́рый растра́тил твоё иму́щество с блудни́цами,
[which, which the, who] [devoured, squandered, wasted] [thy, your] property [and, from, in, of, with] [harlots, prostitutes],
пришёл домо́й,
[arrive, came, come] [home, house],
ты зарезал для него́ отко́рмленного телёнка
you [slaughter, stabbed, stabbed to death] for him [fatted, fattened, well-fed] calf
But when this son of yours came,
who has devoured your property with prostitutes,
you killed the fattened calf for him!’
Luke 15:30 ESV

But as soon as this thy son was come,
which hath devoured thy living with harlots,
thou hast killed for him the fatted calf.
Luke 15:30 KJV
 Luke 15:30 RUSV
30 а когда́ э́тот сын твой,
30 [while, and, but] when this son your,
расточи́вший име́ние своё с блудни́цами,
[wasted, wasteful] [estate, possessions, property, substance] (its own) [and, from, in, of, with] [harlots, prostitutes],
[arrive, came, come],
ты заколо́л для него́ отко́рмленного телёнка.
you [killed, stabbed] for him [fatted, fattened, well-fed] calf.
But when this son of yours came,
who has devoured your property with prostitutes,
you killed the fattened calf for him!&#;
Luke 15:30 ESV

But as soon as this thy son was come,
which hath devoured thy living with harlots,
thou hast killed for him the fatted calf.
Luke 15:30 KJV
 Luke 17:1 NRT
1 Иису́с сказа́л Свои́м ученика́м:
1 Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [His, Mine, Your] [for students, disciples]:
Всегда́ бу́дет по́вод для греха́,
[Always, Is Always] [will be, would be] [occasion, cause] for [of sin, offences, sin],
но горе тому́,
[but, yet] [woe, grief, mountain, sorrow] [one, the one],
кто толка́ет люде́й на грех.
who pushes [human, of people, people] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [offences, sin].
And he said to his disciples,
&#;Temptations to sin are sure to come,
but woe to the one through whom they come!
Luke 17:1 ESV

Then said he unto the disciples,
It is impossible but that offences will come:
but woe unto him,
through whom they come!
Luke 17:1 KJV
 Luke 17:2 NRT
2 Для того́,
2 For that,
кто хотя́ бы одному́ из э́тих ма́лых даст по́вод ко греху́,
who [although, though] would [alone, to one] [from, in, of, out] these [little, small] [give, shall give, will give] [occasion, cause] to [offend, sin, to sin],
бы́ло бы лу́чше,
[it was, was] would [better, expedient],
е́сли бы ему́ надели на ше́ю ме́льничный жёрнов и бро́сили в мо́ре.
[if, a, when, unless] would [him, it, to him] [put on, wear, empower, give] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [neck, throat] mill millstone and [threw, abandoned] [at, in, of, on] [sea, water].
It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin.
Luke 17:2 ESV

It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck,
and he cast into the sea,
than that he should offend one of these little ones.
Luke 17:2 KJV
 Luke 17:8 NRT
8 Нет,
8 [No, Not],
вы скоре́е ска́жете:
[ye, you] [quickly, rather] [tell, you say]:
«Пригото́вь для меня́ у́жин,
«[Prepare, Prepare It] for [i, me, self] [banquet, dinner, supper],
зате́м подпоя́шься и прислу́живай мне,
then [gird yourself, will you get drunk] and [serve, wait on me] [me, to me],
пока́ я бу́ду есть и пить,
[bye, while] i [i will, will] [there are, there is] and [drink, thirsty],
а пото́м бу́дешь есть и пить сам».
[while, and, but] [then, later] [will you be, you will] [there are, there is] and [drink, thirsty] [himself, itself, myself, self]».
Will he not rather say to him,
‘Prepare supper for me,
and dress properly,
and serve me while I eat and drink,
and afterward you will eat and drink’?
Luke 17:8 ESV

And will not rather say unto him,
Make ready wherewith I may sup,
and gird thyself,
and serve me,
till I have eaten and drunken;
and afterward thou shalt eat and drink?
Luke 17:8 KJV
 Luke 18:29 RUSV
29 Он сказа́л им:
29 He [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
и́стинно говорю́ вам:
[truly, verily] [i am talking, say, talking, tell] [to you, ye, you]:
нет никого́,
[no, not] [no one, nobody, none],
кто оста́вил бы дом,
who [departed, left] would [dwelling, home, house],
и́ли роди́телей,
or parents,
и́ли бра́тьев,
or [brethren, brothers],
и́ли сестёр,
or sisters,
и́ли жену́,
or [my wife, wife],
и́ли дете́й для Ца́рствия Божия,
or [child, children] for [Kingdom, Kingdoms] [God, God's],
And he said to them,
I say to you,
there is no one who has left house or wife or brothers or parents or children,
for the sake of the kingdom of God,
Luke 18:29 ESV

And he said unto them,
Verily I say unto you,
There is no man that hath left house,
or parents,
or brethren,
or wife,
or children,
for the kingdom of God&#;s sake,
Luke 18:29 KJV
 Luke 18:34 NRT
34 Ученики́ ничего́ из э́того не по́няли;
34 [Students, Disciples] [anything, nothing, never mind] [from, in, of, out] this [never, not] [understand, understood];
[all, any, every, everybody, everyone],
что Он сказа́л,
[what, that, why] He [he said, said, say, saying, tell],
бы́ло для них закры́то,
[it was, was] for [them, they] closed,
и они́ не дога́дывались,
and [they, they are] [never, not] [did you guess, guessed],
что Он име́л в ви́ду.
[what, that, why] He had [at, in, of, on] [i think, kind of, mind, think].
But they understood none of these things.
This saying was hidden from them,
and they did not grasp what was said.
Luke 18:34 ESV

And they understood none of these things:
and this saying was hid from them,
neither knew they the things which were spoken.
Luke 18:34 KJV
 Luke 18:34 RUSV
34 Но они́ ничего́ из э́того не по́няли;
34 [But, Yet] [they, they are] [anything, nothing, never mind] [from, in, of, out] this [never, not] [understand, understood];
слова сии́ бы́ли для них сокрове́нны,
[speech, the words, word, words] [these, those] [been, has been, were] for [them, they] [hid, hidden, intimate, secret],
и они́ не разуме́ли ска́занного.
and [they, they are] [never, not] [got it, understood] (what has been said).
But they understood none of these things.
This saying was hidden from them,
and they did not grasp what was said.
Luke 18:34 ESV

And they understood none of these things:
and this saying was hid from them,
neither knew they the things which were spoken.
Luke 18:34 KJV
 Luke 18:41 NRT
41 –Что ты хо́чешь,
41 –[What, That, Why] you [do you want, want, you want to],
что́бы Я сде́лал для тебя́?
[to, so that, in order to, because of] I did for you?
[Lord, God],
я хочу́ ви́деть,
i [i want, want] [behold, find, see, to see, watch, witness],
отве́тил слепо́й.
answered blind.
&#;What do you want me to do for you?&#;
He said,
let me recover my sight.&#;
Luke 18:41 ESV

What wilt thou that I shall do unto thee?
And he said,
that I may receive my sight.
Luke 18:41 KJV
 Luke 19:23 RUSV
23 для чего́ же ты не отда́л серебра́ моего́ в оборо́т,
23 for what [but, same, then] you [never, not] gave silver my [at, in, of, on] [return, revolution, turnaround, turnover],
что́бы я,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] i,
[came, coming],
получи́л его́ с при́былью?
[get, received] [his, him, it] [and, from, in, of, with] [interest, profit, usury]?
Why then did you not put my money in the bank,
and at my coming I might have collected it with interest?&#;
Luke 19:23 ESV

Wherefore then gavest not thou my money into the bank,
that at my coming I might have required mine own with usury?
Luke 19:23 KJV
 Luke 20:38 NRT
38 Он Бог не мёртвых,
38 He God [never, not] [dead, the dead],
а живы́х,
[while, and, but] [alive, living],
потому́ что для Него́ все жи́вы!
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] for Him [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] [alive, live]!
Now he is not God of the dead,
but of the living,
for all live to him.”
Luke 20:38 ESV

For he is not a God of the dead,
but of the living:
for all live unto him.
Luke 20:38 KJV
 Luke 21:13 RUSV
13 бу́дет же э́то вам для свиде́тельства.
13 [will be, would be] [but, same, then] [that, this, it] [to you, ye, you] for evidence.
This will be your opportunity to bear witness.
Luke 21:13 ESV

And it shall turn to you for a testimony.
Luke 21:13 KJV
 Luke 22:8 NRT
8 и Иису́с посла́л Петра́ и Иоа́нна с поруче́нием:
8 and Jesus sent Peter and John [and, from, in, of, with] [by assignment, by order]:
Иди́те и пригото́вьте для нас пасха́льный у́жин.
[Come, Go, Go Ahead] and [prepare, prepare it] for [us, we] [easter, passover] [banquet, dinner, supper].
So Jesus sent Peter and John,
“Go and prepare the Passover for us,
that we may eat it.”
Luke 22:8 ESV

And he sent Peter and John,
Go and prepare us the passover,
that we may eat.
Luke 22:8 KJV
 Luke 22:11 NRT
11 и скажи́те хозя́ину дома:
11 and tell (to the owner) houses:
«Учи́тель спра́шивает тебя́:
«[Master, Teacher, Tutor] [asks, question] you:
Где ко́мната для госте́й,
[Somewhere, Where, Wherever] [apartment, room] for [guests, visitor],
в кото́рой Я бу́ду есть пасха́льный у́жин с Мои́ми ученика́ми
[at, in, of, on] [which, which one] I [i will, will] [there are, there is] [easter, passover] [banquet, dinner, supper] [and, from, in, of, with] [Mine, My] [disciples, pupils]
and tell the master of the house,
&#;The Teacher says to you,
Where is the guest room,
where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?&#;
Luke 22:11 ESV

And ye shall say unto the goodman of the house,
The Master saith unto thee,
Where is the guestchamber,
where I shall eat the passover with my disciples?
Luke 22:11 KJV
 Luke 23:8 NRT
8 И́род,
8 Herod,
уви́дев Иису́са,
[having seen, saw, seeing, seen] Jesus,
о́чень обра́довался,
[greatly, highly, very] [delighted, happy, i was delighted, i was happy],
потому́ что уже́ давно́ хоте́л Его́ уви́деть.
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] already [for a long time, long ago] [he wanted, wanted] [His, Him, It] see.
Он мно́го слы́шал об Иису́се и наде́ялся,
He [a lot of, many] heard about Jesus and hoped,
что Тот соверши́т для него́ како́е-нибу́дь чу́до.
[what, that, why] That (will commit) for him [any, some kind of] [miracle, sign].
When Herod saw Jesus,
he was very glad,
for he had long desired to see him,
because he had heard about him,
and he was hoping to see some sign done by him.
Luke 23:8 ESV

And when Herod saw Jesus,
he was exceeding glad:
for he was desirous to see him of a long season,
because he had heard many things of him;
and he hoped to have seen some miracle done by him.
Luke 23:8 KJV
 Luke 23:17 RUSV
17 А ему́ и ну́жно бы́ло для пра́здника отпусти́ть им одного́ [у́зника].
17 [While, And, But] [him, it, to him] and [necessary, necessity, need, needful] [it was, was] for [feast, holiday, the holiday] [let go, release] [it, them] one [[prisoner, the prisoner]].

(For of necessity he must release one unto them at the feast.)
Luke 23:17 KJV
 Luke 24:20 RUSV
20 как преда́ли Его́ первосвяще́нники и нача́льники на́ши для осужде́ния на смерть и распя́ли Его́.
20 [how, what, as, like (comparison)] betrayed [His, Him, It] (high priests) and chiefs our for [convictions, damnation, judgment] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [death, dying] and crucified [His, Him, It].
and how our chief priests and rulers delivered him up to be condemned to death,
and crucified him.
Luke 24:20 ESV

And how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death,
and have crucified him.
Luke 24:20 KJV
 Luke 24:31 NRT
31 Тогда́ их глаза откры́лись,
31 Then [them, their] eyes opened,
и они́ узна́ли Его́.
and [they, they are] [found out, known, learned] [His, Him, It].
Но Он стал неви́дим для них.
[But, Yet] He became [invisible, unseen] for [them, they].
And their eyes were opened,
and they recognized him.
And he vanished from their sight.
Luke 24:31 ESV

And their eyes were opened,
and they knew him;
and he vanished out of their sight.
Luke 24:31 KJV
 Luke 24:31 RUSV
31 Тогда́ откры́лись у них глаза,
31 Then opened [at, by, with, of] [them, they] eyes,
и они́ узна́ли Его́.
and [they, they are] [found out, known, learned] [His, Him, It].
Но Он стал неви́дим для них.
[But, Yet] He became [invisible, unseen] for [them, they].
And their eyes were opened,
and they recognized him.
And he vanished from their sight.
Luke 24:31 ESV

And their eyes were opened,
and they knew him;
and he vanished out of their sight.
Luke 24:31 KJV
 Luke 24:38 RUSV
38 Но Он сказа́л им:
38 [But, Yet] He [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
что смуща́етесь,
[what, that, why] [embarrassed, troubled, you are embarrassed],
и для чего́ таки́е мы́сли вхо́дят в сердца ва́ши?
and for what such [think, thoughts] [enter, include] [at, in, of, on] [heart, hearts, very heart] [your, yours]?
And he said to them,
&#;Why are you troubled,
and why do doubts arise in your hearts?
Luke 24:38 ESV

And he said unto them,
Why are ye troubled?
and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?
Luke 24:38 KJV
 John 1:7 RUSV
7 Он пришёл для свиде́тельства,
7 He [arrive, came, come] for evidence,
что́бы свиде́тельствовать о Све́те,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [testify, witness] about [Light, The Light],
дабы все уве́ровали чрез него́.
[so that, in order to] [all, any, every, everybody, everyone] [believed, they believed] through him.
He came as a witness,
to bear witness about the light,
that all might believe through him.
John 1:7 ESV

The same came for a witness,
to bear witness of the Light,
that all men through him might believe.
John 1:7 KJV
 John 1:23 NRT
23 Иоа́нн отве́тил им слова́ми проро́ка Иса́ии:
23 John answered [it, them] [in words, words] [prophet, the prophet] Isaiah:
– «Я го́лос,
– «I voice,
кото́рый раздаётся в пусты́не:
[which, which the, who] [crying, dispense, distributed, is distributed] [at, in, of, on] [desert, deserts, wilderness]:
вы́прямите путь для Господа».
straighten [path, the way, way] for Lord».
He said,
&#;I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness,
&#;Make straight the way of the Lord,&#;
as the prophet Isaiah said.&#;
John 1:23 ESV

He said,
I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness,
Make straight the way of the Lord,
as said the prophet Esaias.
John 1:23 KJV
 John 1:31 NRT
31 Я сам не знал,
31 I [himself, itself, myself, self] [never, not] [knew, know],
кто Он,
who He,
но я крещу́ водо́й для того́,
[but, yet] i [baptize, baptizing, i baptize] water for that,
что́бы Он был явлен Изра́илю.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] He [be, to be, was, were] [manifest, manifested, revealed] Israel.
I myself did not know him,
but for this purpose I came baptizing with water,
that he might be revealed to Israel.&#;
John 1:31 ESV

And I knew him not:
but that he should be made manifest to Israel,
therefore am I come baptizing with water.
John 1:31 KJV
 John 1:31 RUSV
31 Я не знал Его́;
31 I [never, not] [knew, know] [His, Him, It];
но для того́ пришёл крести́ть в воде́,
[but, yet] for that [arrive, came, come] baptize [at, in, of, on] water,
что́бы Он явлен был Изра́илю.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] He [manifest, manifested, revealed] [be, to be, was, were] Israel.
I myself did not know him,
but for this purpose I came baptizing with water,
that he might be revealed to Israel.&#;
John 1:31 ESV

And I knew him not:
but that he should be made manifest to Israel,
therefore am I come baptizing with water.
John 1:31 KJV
 John 2:6 NRT
6 Ря́дом стоя́ло шесть больших ка́менных сосу́дов,
6 [Beside, Near, Nearby] [it was worth, it stood] six [big, big ones, large] stone vessels,
кото́рые иуде́и испо́льзовали для обря́довых омове́ний.
[which, who] jews used for ritual [ablutions, washing].
В ка́ждый сосу́д вмеща́лось по две и́ли по три ме́ры.
[At, In, Of, On] [each, every] [box, flask, jar, jars, vessel] [fit, accommodated] [along, by, in, on, to, unto] two or [along, by, in, on, to, unto] three measures.
Now there were six stone water jars there for the Jewish rites of purification,
each holding twenty or thirty gallons.
John 2:6 ESV

And there were set there six waterpots of stone,
after the manner of the purifying of the Jews,
containing two or three firkins apiece.
John 2:6 KJV
 John 4:28 NRT
28 Же́нщина оста́вила свой кувши́н для воды,
28 Woman [i left it, left] [mine, my own] [box, flask, jar, jug, pitcher, vessel] for [lake, water, waters],
верну́лась в го́род и сказа́ла лю́дям:
[returned, she is back] [at, in, of, on] [city, town] and ((she) said) people:
So the woman left her water jar and went away into town and said to the people,
John 4:28 ESV

The woman then left her waterpot,
and went her way into the city,
and saith to the men,
John 4:28 KJV
 John 4:35 NRT
35 Ра́зве вы не говори́те:
35 [Is, Perhaps, Really] [ye, you] [never, not] [say, speak]:
«Ещё четы́ре ме́сяца,
«[Again, Also, Another, Even, Further, More] four months,
и бу́дет жа́тва»?
and [will be, would be] harvest»?
А Я говорю́ вам:
[While, And, But] I [i am talking, say, talking, tell] [to you, ye, you]:
подними́те глаза и посмотрите на по́ля,
raise eyes and [look, see] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] fields,
как они́ уже́ созре́ли для жа́твы!
[how, what, as, like (comparison)] [they, they are] already [ripe, mature] for harvest!
Do you not say,
&#;There are yet four months,
then comes the harvest&#;?
I tell you,
lift up your eyes,
and see that the fields are white for harvest.
John 4:35 ESV

Say not ye,
There are yet four months,
and then cometh harvest?
I say unto you,
Lift up your eyes,
and look on the fields;
for they are white already to harvest.
John 4:35 KJV
 John 4:36 NRT
36 Жнец получа́ет свою́ награ́ду.
36 Reaper [gets, receives] [its, my, thy, your] reward.
Он собира́ет урожа́й для жи́зни ве́чной,
He [collects, gather, gathereth] harvest for life eternal,
что́бы ра́довались вме́сте и се́ятель,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] rejoiced together and sower,
и жнец.
and reaper.
Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life,
so that sower and reaper may rejoice together.
John 4:36 ESV

And he that reapeth receiveth wages,
and gathereth fruit unto life eternal:
that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.
John 4:36 KJV
 John 5:34 RUSV
34 Впро́чем Я не от челове́ка принима́ю свиде́тельство,
34 [However, Nevertheless] I [never, not] from human [accept, i accept, receive] [certificate, evidence, testimony, witness],
но говорю́ э́то для того́,
[but, yet] [i am talking, say, talking, tell] [that, this, it] for that,
что́бы вы спасли́сь.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [ye, you] [escaped, saved].
Not that the testimony that I receive is from man,
but I say these things so that you may be saved.
John 5:34 ESV

But I receive not testimony from man:
but these things I say,
that ye might be saved.
John 5:34 KJV
 John 6:6 NRT
6 Он спроси́л э́то для того́,
6 He asked [that, this, it] for that,
что́бы испыта́ть Фили́ппа,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] experience Philip,
а Сам Он уже́ знал,
[while, and, but] [Himself, Itself, Myself, Self] He already [knew, know],
что бу́дет де́лать.
[what, that, why] [will be, would be] [to do, to make].
He said this to test him,
for he himself knew what he would do.
John 6:6 ESV

And this he said to prove him:
for he himself knew what he would do.
John 6:6 KJV
 John 6:9 RUSV
9 здесь есть у одного́ ма́льчика пять хлебов ячме́нных и две ры́бки;
9 [here, there] [there are, there is] [at, by, with, of] one boy five [bread, loaves] barley and two fish;
но что э́то для тако́го мно́жества?
[but, yet] [what, that, why] [that, this, it] for [such, this] [sets, multitude, plenty, plethora, many]?
&#;There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish,
but what are they for so many?&#;
John 6:9 ESV

There is a lad here,
which hath five barley loaves,
and two small fishes:
but what are they among so many?
John 6:9 KJV
 John 6:38 NRT
38 Ведь Я пришёл с небе́с не для того́,
38 [Because, After All, Indeed] I [arrive, came, come] [and, from, in, of, with] heaven [never, not] for that,
что́бы де́лать то,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [to do, to make] that,
что Сам хочу́,
[what, that, why] [Himself, Itself, Myself, Self] [i want, want],
но что́бы исполня́ть во́лю Того́,
[but, yet] [to, so that, in order to, because of] [execute, perform] will That,
Кто посла́л Меня́.
Who sent [I, Me, Self].
For I have come down from heaven,
not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me.
John 6:38 ESV

For I came down from heaven,
not to do mine own will,
but the will of him that sent me.
John 6:38 KJV
 John 6:38 RUSV
38 и́бо Я сошел с небе́с не для того́,
38 [for, because] I [came down, descended, got off] [and, from, in, of, with] heaven [never, not] for that,
что́бы твори́ть во́лю Мою,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] create will [My, Mine],
но во́лю посла́вшего Меня́ Отца́.
[but, yet] will (who sent) [I, Me, Self] [Father, The Father].
For I have come down from heaven,
not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me.
John 6:38 ESV

For I came down from heaven,
not to do mine own will,
but the will of him that sent me.
John 6:38 KJV
 John 6:65 RUSV
65 И сказа́л:
65 And [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
для того́-то и говори́л Я вам,
for (that is it) and spoke I [to you, ye, you],
что никто́ не мо́жет придти ко Мне,
[what, that, why] [no one, nobody] [never, not] [can, may, maybe] come to [Me, To Me],
е́сли то не дано́ бу́дет ему́ от Отца́ Моего́.
[if, a, when, unless] that [never, not] given [will be, would be] [him, it, to him] from [Father, The Father] My.
And he said,
&#;This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father.&#;
John 6:65 ESV

And he said,
Therefore said I unto you,
that no man can come unto me,
except it were given unto him of my Father.
John 6:65 KJV
 John 7:6 NRT
6 Иису́с сказа́л им:
6 Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
Моё вре́мя ещё не подошло́,
My [hour, time] [again, also, another, even, further, more] [never, not] [approached, it came up],
для вас же подхо́дит любо́е вре́мя.
for you [but, same, then] [approach, fits] any [hour, time].
Jesus said to them,
&#;My time has not yet come,
but your time is always here.
John 7:6 ESV

Then Jesus said unto them,
My time is not yet come:
but your time is alway ready.
John 7:6 KJV
 John 7:6 RUSV
6 На э́то Иису́с сказа́л им:
6 [On The, It, At, To, In, By] [that, this, it] Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [it, them]:
Моё вре́мя ещё не наста́ло,
My [hour, time] [again, also, another, even, further, more] [never, not] [it is time, now, time],
а для вас всегда́ вре́мя.
[while, and, but] for you [always, is always] [hour, time].
Jesus said to them,
&#;My time has not yet come,
but your time is always here.
John 7:6 ESV

Then Jesus said unto them,
My time is not yet come:
but your time is alway ready.
John 7:6 KJV
 John 7:45 RUSV
45 Ита́к служи́тели возврати́лись к первосвяще́нникам и фарисе́ям,
45 So servants [came back, returned] [to, for, by] (high priests) and pharisees,
и сии́ сказа́ли им:
and [these, those] [said, say, tell, they said] [it, them]:
для чего́ вы не привели́ Его́?
for what [ye, you] [never, not] [bring, brought] [His, Him, It]?
The officers then came to the chief priests and Pharisees,
who said to them,
&#;Why did you not bring him?&#;
John 7:45 ESV

Then came the officers to the chief priests and Pharisees;
and they said unto them,
Why have ye not brought him?
John 7:45 KJV
 John 8:50 NRT
50 Я не ищу́ сла́вы Себе́,
50 I [never, not] [looking, looking for, seek] glory [Himself, Myself, Thyself, To Myself, Yourself],
но есть Тот,
[but, yet] [there are, there is] That,
Кто и́щет её для Меня́,
Who [looking, looking for] her for [I, Me, Self],
пусть Он и су́дит.
let He and [judge, judges, judgeth, to judge].
Yet I do not seek my own glory;
there is One who seeks it,
and he is the judge.
John 8:50 ESV

And I seek not mine own glory:
there is one that seeketh and judgeth.
John 8:50 KJV
 John 9:3 NRT
3 –Нет,
3 –[No, Not],
э́то не и́з-за его́ греха́ и́ли греха́ его́ роди́телей отве́тил Иису́с,
[that, this, it] [never, not] (because of) [his, him, it] [of sin, offences, sin] or [of sin, offences, sin] [his, him, it] parents answered Jesus,
э́то произошло́ для того́,
[that, this, it] happened for that,
что́бы на нем бы́ли я́влены Бо́жьи дела.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [dumb, him, mute, speechless] [been, has been, were] revealed [God, God's] [affairs, business, deeds, works].
Jesus answered,
&#;It was not that this man sinned,
or his parents,
but that the works of God might be displayed in him.
John 9:3 ESV

Jesus answered,
Neither hath this man sinned,
nor his parents:
but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.
John 9:3 KJV
 John 9:3 RUSV
3 Иису́с отвеча́л:
3 Jesus answered:
не согреши́л ни он,
[never, not] sinned neither he,
ни роди́тели его́,
neither parents [his, him, it],
но [э́то для] [того́],
[but, yet] [[that, this, it] for] [that],
что́бы на нем яви́лись дела Божии.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [dumb, him, mute, speechless] came [affairs, business, deeds, works] [God, God's].
Jesus answered,
&#;It was not that this man sinned,
or his parents,
but that the works of God might be displayed in him.
John 9:3 ESV

Jesus answered,
Neither hath this man sinned,
nor his parents:
but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.
John 9:3 KJV
 John 9:39 NRT
39 Иису́с сказа́л:
39 Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
Я пришёл в э́тот мир для суда́,
I [arrive, came, come] [at, in, of, on] this [peace, the world, world] for [ships, judgment],
что́бы слепы́е ви́дели,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] blind [have you seen, seen],
а те,
[while, and, but] those,
кто ви́дят,
who [see, they see],
ста́ли слепы́ми.
[be, become, get] blind.
Jesus said,
&#;For judgment I came into this world,
that those who do not see may see,
and those who see may become blind.&#;
John 9:39 ESV

And Jesus said,
For judgment I am come into this world,
that they which see not might see;
and that they which see might be made blind.
John 9:39 KJV
 John 10:7 NRT
7 Тогда́ Иису́с сказа́л:
7 Then Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
Говорю́ вам и́стину:
[I Am Talking, Say, Talking, Tell] [to you, ye, you] [the truth, truth]:
Я дверь для ове́ц.
I door for sheep.
So Jesus again said to them,
I say to you,
I am the door of the sheep.
John 10:7 ESV

Then said Jesus unto them again,
I say unto you,
I am the door of the sheep.
John 10:7 KJV
 John 10:10 NRT
10 Вор прихо́дит то́лько для того́,
10 Thief [came, comes, cometh] [alone, only, just] for that,
что́бы укра́сть,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] steal,
уби́ть и разру́шить,
[destroy, kill, murder, slew, to kill] and destroy,
а Я пришёл,
[while, and, but] I [arrive, came, come],
что́бы дать жизнь,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [give, to give] [life, living],
и прито́м в избы́тке.
and moreover [at, in, of, on] [abundance, abundantly, excess, surplus].
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.
I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
John 10:10 ESV

The thief cometh not,
but for to steal,
and to kill,
and to destroy:
I am come that they might have life,
and that they might have it more abundantly.
John 10:10 KJV
 John 10:10 RUSV
10 Вор прихо́дит то́лько для того́,
10 Thief [came, comes, cometh] [alone, only, just] for that,
что́бы укра́сть,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] steal,
уби́ть и погуби́ть.
[destroy, kill, murder, slew, to kill] and [destroy, ruin, to destroy].
Я пришёл для того́,
I [arrive, came, come] for that,
что́бы име́ли жизнь и име́ли с избы́тком.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [had, have had] [life, living] and [had, have had] [and, from, in, of, with] [abundant, abundantly, excess, surplus].
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.
I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
John 10:10 ESV

The thief cometh not,
but for to steal,
and to kill,
and to destroy:
I am come that they might have life,
and that they might have it more abundantly.
John 10:10 KJV
 John 11:4 NRT
4 Когда́ Иису́с услы́шал об э́том,
4 When Jesus heard about this,
Он сказа́л:
He [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
Э́та боле́знь не к сме́рти,
[That, These, This] [disease, illness, sickness] [never, not] [to, for, by] [death, of death],
она́ для сла́вы Бо́жьей,
[she, she is] for glory [God, God's],
что́бы Сын Бо́га был просла́влен че́рез неё.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] Son God [be, to be, was, were] glorified [across, by way of, through] her.
But when Jesus heard it he said,
“This illness does not lead to death.
It is for the glory of God,
so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.”
John 11:4 ESV

When Jesus heard that,
he said,
This sickness is not unto death,
but for the glory of God,
that the Son of God might be glorified thereby.
John 11:4 KJV
 John 11:42 RUSV
42 Я и знал,
42 I and [knew, know],
что Ты всегда́ услы́шишь Меня́;
[what, that, why] You [always, is always] (you will hear) [I, Me, Self];
но сказа́л [сие́] для наро́да,
[but, yet] [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [this] for [people, the people],
здесь стоящего,
[here, there] [stand, standing],
что́бы пове́рили,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] believed,
что Ты посла́л Меня́.
[what, that, why] You sent [I, Me, Self].
I knew that you always hear me,
but I said this on account of the people standing around,
that they may believe that you sent me.&#;
John 11:42 ESV

And I knew that thou hearest me always:
but because of the people which stand by I said it,
that they may believe that thou hast sent me.
John 11:42 KJV
 John 11:50 NRT
50 Вы не мо́жете поня́ть,
50 [Ye, You] [never, not] [be able to, can, you can] understand,
что лу́чше для вас,
[what, that, why] [better, expedient] for you,
что́бы оди́н челове́к у́мер за наро́д,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [alone, one] [man, human, person] died [after, around, at, behind, over] [crowd, nation, people],
чём поги́б бы весь наро́д.
[how, than, what, whence, which, why] [perish, perished] would [all, entire, everything, the whole, whole] [crowd, nation, people].
Nor do you understand that it is better for you that one man should die for the people,
not that the whole nation should perish.&#;
John 11:50 ESV

Nor consider that it is expedient for us,
that one man should die for the people,
and that the whole nation perish not.
John 11:50 KJV
 John 11:52 NRT
52 и не то́лько за иуде́йский наро́д,
52 and [never, not] [alone, only, just] [after, around, at, behind, over] jewish [crowd, nation, people],
но и для того́,
[but, yet] and for that,
что́бы собра́ть воеди́но рассе́янных повсю́ду дете́й Бо́жьих.
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [collect, gather, harvest, to collect] together scattered [everywhere, throughout] [child, children] [God, God's].
and not for the nation only,
but also to gather into one the children of God who are scattered abroad.
John 11:52 ESV

And not for that nation only,
but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad.
John 11:52 KJV
 John 11:55 NRT
55 Приближа́лся иуде́йский пра́здник Па́схи,
55 Approached jewish [holiday, feast] [Easter, Passover],
и мно́гие жи́тели страны шли в Иерусали́м для обря́дового очище́ния пе́ред Па́схой.
and many [citizens, multitude, people, residents, village] [countries, country] walked [at, in, of, on] Jerusalem for ritual [cleansing, purification] before [Easter, Passover].
Now the Passover of the Jews was at hand,
and many went up from the country to Jerusalem before the Passover to purify themselves.
John 11:55 ESV

And the Jews&#;
passover was nigh at hand:
and many went out of the country up to Jerusalem before the passover,
to purify themselves.
John 11:55 KJV
 John 12:5 RUSV
5 Для чего́ бы не прода́ть э́то ми́ро за три́ста дина́риев и не разда́ть ни́щим?
5 For what would [never, not] [sell, sold] [that, this, it] myrrh [after, around, at, behind, over] (three hundred) [denarii, denarius, pence] and [never, not] [distribute, give, given] [beggars, poor]?
&#;Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?&#;
John 12:5 ESV

Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence,
and given to the poor?
John 12:5 KJV
 John 12:9 NRT
9 Тем вре́менем мно́жество иуде́ев узна́ло,
9 [By That, That] [by time, time] [lots of, many] jews (learned about),
что Иису́с там.
[what, that, why] Jesus there.
Они́ пришли́ не то́лько для того́,
[They, They Are] came [never, not] [alone, only, just] for that,
что́бы уви́деть Иису́са,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] see Jesus,
но и посмотре́ть на Ла́заря,
[but, yet] and [look, view] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] Lazarus,
кото́рого Иису́с воскреси́л из мёртвых.
[which, which one, whom] Jesus resurrected [from, in, of, out] [dead, the dead].
When the large crowd of the Jews learned that Jesus was there,
they came,
not only on account of him but also to see Lazarus,
whom he had raised from the dead.
John 12:9 ESV

Much people of the Jews therefore knew that he was there:
and they came not for Jesus&#;
sake only,
but that they might see Lazarus also,
whom he had raised from the dead.
John 12:9 KJV
 John 12:9 RUSV
9 Мно́гие из Иуде́ев узна́ли,
9 Many [from, in, of, out] Jews [found out, known, learned],
что Он там,
[what, that, why] He there,
и пришли́ не то́лько для Иису́са,
and came [never, not] [alone, only, just] for Jesus,
но что́бы ви́деть и Ла́заря,
[but, yet] [to, so that, in order to, because of] [behold, find, see, to see, watch, witness] and Lazarus,
кото́рого Он воскреси́л из мёртвых.
[which, which one, whom] He resurrected [from, in, of, out] [dead, the dead].
When the large crowd of the Jews learned that Jesus was there,
they came,
not only on account of him but also to see Lazarus,
whom he had raised from the dead.
John 12:9 ESV

Much people of the Jews therefore knew that he was there:
and they came not for Jesus&#;
sake only,
but that they might see Lazarus also,
whom he had raised from the dead.
John 12:9 KJV
 John 12:20 NRT
20 Среди́ прише́дших на пра́здник для поклоне́ния бы́ло не́сколько гре́ков.
20 Among (those who came) [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [holiday, feast] for worship [it was, was] [a few, not many, several, some, somewhat] [greeks, the greeks].
Now among those who went up to worship at the feast were some Greeks.
John 12:20 ESV

And there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast:
John 12:20 KJV
 John 12:25 NRT
25 Тот,
25 That,
кто лю́бит свою́ жизнь,
who [loves, loveth] [its, my, thy, your] [life, living],
тот потеря́ет её,
that [lose, will lose] her,
но кто возненави́дит свою́ жизнь в э́том ми́ре,
[but, yet] who (will hate) [its, my, thy, your] [life, living] [at, in, of, on] this [peace, the world, world],
тот сохрани́т её для ве́чной жи́зни.
that save her for eternal life.
Whoever loves his life loses it,
and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
John 12:25 ESV

He that loveth his life shall lose it;
and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.
John 12:25 KJV
 John 12:27 NRT
27 Сейча́с Моя́ душа взволно́вана.
27 Now My soul excited.
Что Я могу́ сказа́ть?
[What, That, Why] I [can, i can] [say, speak, tell, to say, to tell]?
Сказа́ть ли:
[Say, Speak, Tell, To Say, To Tell] whether:
изба́вь Меня́ от э́того ча́са»?
[deliver, save] [I, Me, Self] from this [hour, hours]»?
Но ведь для э́того ча́са Я и пришёл!
[But, Yet] [because, after all, indeed] for this [hour, hours] I and [arrive, came, come]!
&#;Now is my soul troubled.
And what shall I say?
save me from this hour&#;?
But for this purpose I have come to this hour.
John 12:27 ESV

Now is my soul troubled;
and what shall I say?
save me from this hour:
but for this cause came I unto this hour.
John 12:27 KJV
 John 12:30 NRT
30 Иису́с сказа́л:
30 Jesus [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
Э́тот го́лос был не для Меня́,
This voice [be, to be, was, were] [never, not] for [I, Me, Self],
а для вас.
[while, and, but] for you.
Jesus answered,
&#;This voice has come for your sake,
not mine.
John 12:30 ESV

Jesus answered and said,
This voice came not because of me,
but for your sakes.
John 12:30 KJV
 John 12:30 RUSV
30 Иису́с на э́то сказа́л:
30 Jesus [on the, it, at, to, in, by] [that, this, it] [he said, said, say, saying, tell]:
не для Меня́ был глас сей,
[never, not] for [I, Me, Self] [be, to be, was, were] voice this,
но для наро́да.
[but, yet] for [people, the people].
Jesus answered,
&#;This voice has come for your sake,
not mine.
John 12:30 ESV

Jesus answered and said,
This voice came not because of me,
but for your sakes.
John 12:30 KJV
 John 12:31 NRT
31 Тепе́рь наста́ло вре́мя суда́ для ми́ра,
31 Now [it is time, now, time] [hour, time] [ships, judgment] for [of the world, peace, world],
и князь э́того ми́ра бу́дет и́згнан вон.
and [prince, ruler] this [of the world, peace, world] [will be, would be] [banished, cast out, expelled] out.
Now is the judgment of this world;
now will the ruler of this world be cast out.
John 12:31 ESV

Now is the judgment of this world:
now shall the prince of this world be cast out.
John 12:31 KJV
 John 12:43 NRT
43 Похвала́ люде́й была́ для них доро́же одобре́ния Бо́га.
43 Praise [human, of people, people] was for [them, they] (more expensive) [endorsements, approval] God.
for they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God.
John 12:43 ESV

For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.
John 12:43 KJV
 John 12:48 NRT
48 Для того́,
48 For that,
кто отверга́ет Меня́ и не принима́ет Мои́х слов,
who rejects [I, Me, Self] and [never, not] accepts [Mine, My, Of Mine] words,
есть судья́;
[there are, there is] [judge, referee];
Моё сло́во бу́дет суди́ть его́ в после́дний День.
My [saying, the word, word] [will be, would be] [judge, to judge] [his, him, it] [at, in, of, on] [last, final] Day.
The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge;
the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day.
John 12:48 ESV

He that rejecteth me,
and receiveth not my words,
hath one that judgeth him:
the word that I have spoken,
the same shall judge him in the last day.
John 12:48 KJV
 John 13:12 NRT
12 Око́нчив мыть ученика́м ноги,
12 (After Finishing) [wash, rinse] [for students, disciples] [legs, feet],
Иису́с сно́ва оде́лся и,
Jesus again (got dressed) and,
[return, returned, returning],
возлёг на Своём ме́сте за столо́м.
[lay, lay down, reclined, sat, sat down] [on the, it, at, to, in, by] His location [after, around, at, behind, over] table.
Вы понима́ете,
[Ye, You] [do you understand, understand, you see],
что Я сде́лал для вас?
[what, that, why] I did for you?
спроси́л Он их
asked He [them, their]
When he had washed their feet and put on his outer garments and resumed his place,
he said to them,
&#;Do you understand what I have done to you?
John 13:12 ESV

So after he had washed their feet,
and had taken his garments,
and was set down again,
he said unto them,
Know ye what I have done to you?
John 13:12 KJV
 John 14:2 NRT
2 В до́ме Моего́ Отца́ мно́го ко́мнат,
2 [At, In, Of, On] [home, house] My [Father, The Father] [a lot of, many] rooms,
и е́сли бы э́то бы́ло не так,
and [if, a, when, unless] would [that, this, it] [it was, was] [never, not] so,
то ра́зве Я сказа́л бы вам:
that [is, perhaps, really] I [he said, said, say, saying, tell] would [to you, ye, you]:
«Я иду́ пригото́вить ме́сто для вас»?
«I [coming, going, i am coming, i am going] [cook, prepare] place for you»?
In my Father's house are many rooms.
If it were not so,
would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?
John 14:2 ESV

In my Father's house are many mansions:
if it were not so,
I would have told you.
I go to prepare a place for you.
John 14:2 KJV
 John 14:8 RUSV
8 Фили́пп сказа́л Ему́:
8 Philip [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [Him, It, To Him]:
[Lord, God]!
покажи́ нам Отца́,
[shew, show, show me] [to us, us] [Father, The Father],
и дово́льно для нас.
and [enough, quite, sufficiently, suffice] for [us, we].
Philip said to him,
show us the Father,
and it is enough for us.&#;
John 14:8 ESV

Philip saith unto him,
shew us the Father,
and it sufficeth us.
John 14:8 KJV
 John 16:4 RUSV
4 Но Я сказа́л вам сие́ для того́,
4 [But, Yet] I [he said, said, say, saying, tell] [to you, ye, you] this for that,
что́бы вы,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [ye, you],
когда́ придёт то вре́мя вспо́мнили,
when [come, comes, cometh, coming, will come] that [hour, time] remembered,
что Я ска́зывал вам о том;
[what, that, why] I [said, he told me] [to you, ye, you] about [that, volume];
не говори́л же сего́ вам снача́ла,
[never, not] spoke [but, same, then] (with his) [to you, ye, you] first,
потому́ что был с ва́ми.
[because, that is why, therefore] [what, that, why] [be, to be, was, were] [and, from, in, of, with] you.
But I have said these things to you,
that when their hour comes you may remember that I told them to you.
&#;I did not say these things to you from the beginning,
because I was with you.
John 16:4 ESV

But these things have I told you,
that when the time shall come,
ye may remember that I told you of them.
And these things I said not unto you at the beginning,
because I was with you.
John 16:4 KJV
 John 16:7 RUSV
7 Но Я и́стину говорю́ вам:
7 [But, Yet] I [the truth, truth] [i am talking, say, talking, tell] [to you, ye, you]:
лу́чше для вас,
[better, expedient] for you,
что́бы Я пошёл;
[to, so that, in order to, because of] I [gone, went];
[for, because],
е́сли Я не пойду́,
[if, a, when, unless] I [never, not] (i will go),
Утеши́тель не приидет к вам;
[Comforter, Helper] [never, not] [come, he will come, will come] [to, for, by] [to you, ye, you];
а е́сли пойду́,
[while, and, but] [if, a, when, unless] (i will go),
то пошлю́ Его́ к вам,
that [i will send, send, send it] [His, Him, It] [to, for, by] [to you, ye, you],
I tell you the truth:
it is to your advantage that I go away,
for if I do not go away,
the Helper will not come to you.
But if I go,
I will send him to you.
John 16:7 ESV

Nevertheless I tell you the truth;
It is expedient for you that I go away:
for if I go not away,
the Comforter will not come unto you;
but if I depart,
I will send him unto you.
John 16:7 KJV
 John 20:31 NRT
31 А то,
31 [While, And, But] that,
что здесь напи́сано,
[what, that, why] [here, there] written,
напи́сано для того́,
written for that,
что́бы вы пове́рили,
[to, so that, in order to, because of] [ye, you] believed,
что Иису́с есть Христо́с,
[what, that, why] Jesus [there are, there is] Christ,
Сын Бо́га,
Son God,
име́ли бы жизнь во и́мя Его́.
[had, have had] would [life, living] in name [His, Him, It].
but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ,
the Son of God,
and that by believing you may have life in his name.
John 20:31 ESV

But these are written,
that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ,
the Son of God;
and that believing ye might have life through his name.
John 20:31 KJV
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