Bible  Genesis 42:1-38 New Russian Translation (NRT)
 (Но́вый Ру́сский Перево́д)

1 Когда́ Иа́ков узна́л, что в Еги́пте есть зерно́,
kah-g'DAH ee-AH-kahf ooz-NAHL shtoh (v)- yee-GHEEP-tee yest zeer-NAW
1 When [Jacob, James] (Found Out) [What, That, Why] [At, In, Of, On] Egypt [There Are, There Is] [Corn, Grain, Seed, Seeds]
он сказа́л сыновья́м: Что вы смотрите друг на дру́га
ohn skuh-ZAHL sih-nahv-YAHM shtoh vih SMOT-ree-tee
drook nuh DROO-gah
He [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Sons, To The Sons] [What, That, Why] [Ye, You] See Friend [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] Friend
2 и продолжил: Я слы́шал, что в Еги́пте есть зерно́. Иди́те
ee yah SLIH-sheel shtoh (v)- yee-GHEEP-tee yest zeer-NAW ee-DEE-tee
2 And I Heard [What, That, Why] [At, In, Of, On] Egypt [There Are, There Is] [Corn, Grain, Seed, Seeds.] [Come, Go, Go Ahead]
и купите его́ там для нас, что́бы мы выжили и не поги́бли.
ee KOO-pee-tee
yeh-VOAH tahm dlyah nahs SHTOH-bih mih ee nyeh pah-GHEEB-lee
And [Buy, Purchase] [His, Him, It] There For [Us, We] [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] [We, We Are] And [Never, Not] Died.
3 Де́сять бра́тьев Ио́сифа отпра́вились в Еги́пет, что́бы купи́ть зерна,
DEH-syaht BRAHT-yeef ee-AW-see-fah ahtp-RAH-vee-lees (v)- yee-GHEE-peet SHTOH-bih koo-PEET zeer-NAH
3 Ten [Brethren, Brothers] Joseph [Departed, Set Off, We Went] [At, In, Of, On] Egypt [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] Buy Grains
4 но Вениами́на, бра́та Ио́сифа, Иа́ков не отпусти́л с
noh vee-nee-ah-MEE-nah BRAH-tah ee-AW-see-fah ee-AH-kahf nyeh aht-poos-TEEL (s)-
4 [But, Yet] Benjamin Brother Joseph [Jacob, James] [Never, Not] [Let Go, Release, Released] [And, From, In, Of, With]
остальными, потому́ что он сказа́л: Вдруг с ним случи́тся беда́.
pah-tah-MOO shtoh ohn skuh-ZAHL vdrook (s)- neem sloo-CHEET-syah beh-DAH
[Because, That Is Why, Therefore] [What, That, Why] He [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [All Of A Sudden, Suddenly] [And, From, In, Of, With] Him [Happen, It Will Happen, Will Happen] Trouble.
5 Так среди́ мно́гих други́х и сыновья Изра́иля пришли́
tahk sree-DEE MNAW-gheehh droo-GHEEHH ee sih-NOV-yah eez-RAH-ee-lyah preesh-LEE
5 So Among [Many, Most] Other And Sons Israel Came
покупа́ть зерно́, потому́ что в земле́ Ханаа́на был го́лод.
pah-koo-PAHT zeer-NAW pah-tah-MOO shtoh (v)- zeem-LEH hhah-nah-AH-nah bihl GAW-lod
Buy [Corn, Grain, Seed, Seeds] [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] [What, That, Why] [At, In, Of, On] [Earth, Ground, Land, World] Canaan [Be, To Be, Was, Were] Hunger.
6 Ио́сиф правил всей страной; он и продавал зерно́ наро́ду по
ee-AW-seef vsay ohn ee zeer-NAW nah-RAW-doo pah
6 Joseph [All, The Whole, Whole] He And [Corn, Grain, Seed, Seeds] [To The People, Nation] [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto]
всему́ Египту, и когда́ бра́тья Ио́сифа пришли́, они́ поклони́лись ему́ до земли.
vsee-MOO ee kah-g'DAH BRAHT-yah ee-AW-see-fah preesh-LEE ah-NEE pahk-lah-NEE-lees yee-MOO daw ZEM-lee
[All, Everything] And When Brothers Joseph Came [They, They Are] [Bowed, They Bowed] [Him, It, To Him] [Before, Until] Earth.
7 Как то́лько Ио́сиф уви́дел бра́тьев, он сра́зу узна́л их, но притворился незнакомцем и заговори́л
kahk TOL-kah ee-AW-seef oo-VEE-deel BRAHT-yeef ohn SRAH-zoo ooz-NAHL eehh noh ee zah-gah-vah-REEL
7 [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] [Alone, Only, Just] Joseph [Had Seen, Saw, Seeing, Seen, Seeth] [Brethren, Brothers] He [At Once, Immediately, Straightaway] (Found Out) [Them, Their] [But, Yet] And [Spake, Spoke]
с ни́ми сурово. Отку́да вы пришли́? спроси́л он. Из земли Ханаа́на, что́бы купи́ть еды́, отве́тили они́.
(s)- NEE-mee aht-KOO-dah vih preesh-LEE sprah-SEEL ohn ees ZEM-lee
hhah-nah-AH-nah SHTOH-bih koo-PEET yee-DIH aht-VEH-tee-lee ah-NEE
[And, From, In, Of, With] Them . [Whence, Where, Where From] [Ye, You] Came? Asked He. [From, In, Of, Out] Earth Canaan [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] Buy Food Answered [They, They Are.]
8 Ио́сиф узна́л свои́х бра́тьев, но они́ не узна́ли его́.
ee-AW-seef ooz-NAHL svah-EEHH BRAHT-yeef noh ah-NEE nyeh ooz-NAH-lee yeh-VOAH
8 Joseph (Found Out) Their [Brethren, Brothers] [But, Yet] [They, They Are] [Never, Not] [Found Out, Known, Learned] [His, Him, It.]
9 Он вспо́мнил свои́ сны про них и сказа́л: Вы
ohn VSPOM-neel svah-EE snih praw neekh ee skuh-ZAHL vih
9 He Remembered Their Dreams [About, For] [Them, They] And [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [Ye, You]
шпионы! Вы пришли́ вы́смотреть уязвимые места в на́шей земле́.
vih preesh-LEE VIS-maht-reet MES-tah
(v)- NAH-shiy zeem-LEH
[Ye, You] Came [Look, Look Out, See, To Look Out] Places [At, In, Of, On] Our [Earth, Ground, Land, World.]
10 Что ты, господи́н, отве́тили они́, твои́ рабы́ пришли́ купи́ть еды́.
shtoh tih gahs-pah-DEEN aht-VEH-tee-lee ah-NEE tvah-EE rah-BIH preesh-LEE koo-PEET yee-DIH
10 [What, That, Why] You [Lord, Master, Mister] Answered [They, They Are] [Thy, Your] [Handmaiden, Servant, Servants, Slaves] Came Buy Food.
11 Мы все сыновья одного́ отца́. Твои́ рабы́ че́стные лю́ди, не шпионы.
mih (v)syeh
sih-NOV-yah ahd-nah-VAU aht-TSAH tvah-EE rah-BIH CHES-nih-ee LEW-dee nyeh
11 [We, We Are] [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] Sons One [Father, The Father.] [Thy, Your] [Handmaiden, Servant, Servants, Slaves] [Honest, True] People [Never, Not] .
12 Он сказа́л им: Нет, вы пришли́ вы́смотреть, где в на́шей земле́ уязвимые места.
ohn skuh-ZAHL eem net vih preesh-LEE VIS-maht-reet gdeh (v)- NAH-shiy zeem-LEH MES-tah
12 He [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [It, Them] [No, Not] [Ye, You] Came [Look, Look Out, See, To Look Out] [Somewhere, Where, Wherever] [At, In, Of, On] Our [Earth, Ground, Land, World] Places.
13 Но они́ отве́тили: Рабо́в твои́х бы́ло двена́дцать бра́тьев, сынове́й одного́ отца́, кото́рый
noh ah-NEE aht-VEH-tee-lee rah-BOF tvah-EEHH BIH-lah dvee-NAHD-tsaht BRAHT-yeef sih-nah-VAY ahd-nah-VAU aht-TSAH kah-TAW-riy
13 [But, Yet] [They, They Are] Answered [Servant, Servants, Slaves] [Your, Yours] [It Was, Was] Twelve [Brethren, Brothers] Sons One [Father, The Father] [Which, Which The, Who]
живёт в земле́ Ханаа́на. Мла́дший и сейча́с с отцо́м, а одного́ бо́льше нет.
jee-VYOT (v)- zeem-LEH hhah-nah-AH-nah MLAHD-shiy ee siy-CHAHS (s)- aht-TSOM ah ahd-nah-VAU BOL-shee net
[Dwell, Lives, Living] [At, In, Of, On] [Earth, Ground, Land, World] Canaan. [Junior, Young] And Now [And, From, In, Of, With] Father [While, And, But] One [Again, Great, More] [No, Not.]
14 Ио́сиф сказа́л им: Я же сказа́л, что вы шпионы!
ee-AW-seef skuh-ZAHL eem yah zheh skuh-ZAHL shtoh vih
14 Joseph [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [It, Them] I [But, Same, Then] [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [What, That, Why] [Ye, You]
15 И вот как я вас проверю: кляну́сь жи́знью фарао́на,
ee vot kahk yah vahs klee-NOOS JEEZN-yoo fah-rah-AW-nah
15 And [Behold, Here, There] [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] I You [I Swear, Swear, Sworn, Vow] Life [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh]
вы не уйдете отсю́да, пока́ не придёт сюда́ ваш мла́дший брат.
vih nyeh aht-SEW-dah pah-KAH nyeh pree-DYOT sew-DAH vahsh MLAHD-shiy braht
[Ye, You] [Never, Not] (From Here) [Bye, While] [Never, Not] [Come, Comes, Cometh, Coming, Will Come] [Here, Hither] [Your, Yours] [Junior, Young] Brother.
16 Пошлите одного́ из вас за бра́том, а остальны́е бу́дут сиде́ть в темни́це. Так я проверю
ahd-nah-VAU ees vahs zah BRAH-tahm ah ahs-tahl-NIH-ee BOO-doot see-DET (v)- teem-NEE-tsee tahk yah
16 One [From, In, Of, Out] You [After, Around, At, Behind, Over] Brother [While, And, But] [Others, Rest, The Others] [Will, Be] Sit [At, In, Of, On] [Dungeon, Prison, The Dungeon.] So I
ва́ши слова пра́вду ли вы мне говори́те. Е́сли нет, то кляну́сь жи́знью фарао́на, вы шпионы!
VAH-shee SLAW-vah
PRAHV-doo lee vih mneh gah-vah-REE-tee YES-lee net taw klee-NOOS JEEZN-yoo fah-rah-AW-nah vih
[Your, Yours] [Speech, The Words, Word, Words] [The Truth, Truth] Whether [Ye, You] [Me, To Me] [Say, Speak.] [If, A, When, Unless] [No, Not] That [I Swear, Swear, Sworn, Vow] Life [Pharaoh, The Pharaoh] [Ye, You]
17 И он отда́л их всех под стра́жу на три дня.
ee ohn aht-DAHL eehh vsehh pot STRAH-joo nuh tree dnyah
17 And He Gave [Them, Their] [All, Everyone] [Below, Beneath, Under, Underneath] [Guard, Watch] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] Three [Days, Of The Day.]
18 На тре́тий день Ио́сиф сказа́л им: Сде́лайте, что
nuh TREH-tiy den ee-AW-seef skuh-ZAHL eem SDEH-lie-tee shtoh
18 [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] Third Day Joseph [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [It, Them] [Do, Make] [What, That, Why]
я скажу́, и бу́дете жить, потому́ что я бою́сь Бо́га.
yah skah-JOO ee BOO-dee-tee jeet pah-tah-MOO shtoh yah bah-YOOS BAW-gah
I [I Will Say, Say, Tell] And [Will, Will Be] Live [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] [What, That, Why] I [Afraid, Fear, I Am Afraid] God.
19 Е́сли вы че́стные лю́ди, пусть оди́н из вас оста́нется здесь
YES-lee vih CHES-nih-ee LEW-dee poost ah-DEEN ees vahs ahs-TAH-neet-syah zdes
19 [If, A, When, Unless] [Ye, You] [Honest, True] People Let [Alone, One] [From, In, Of, Out] You [It Will Remain, Remain, Will Remain] [Here, There]
в темни́це, а остальны́е пойду́т и отнесут зерно́ ва́шим голодающим семьям.
(v)- teem-NEE-tsee ah ahs-tahl-NIH-ee pie-DOOT ee zeer-NAW VAH-sheem
[At, In, Of, On] [Dungeon, Prison, The Dungeon] [While, And, But] [Others, Rest, The Others] (Will Go) And [Corn, Grain, Seed, Seeds] [Your, Yours] .
20 Но вы должны́ привести́ ко мне ва́шего мла́дшего бра́та, что́бы
noh vih dahlj-NIH pree-vees-TEE kaw mneh VAH-shee-vah MLAHD-shee-vah BRAH-tah SHTOH-bih
20 [But, Yet] [Ye, You] [Must, Should] Lead To [Me, To Me] (Your His) [Junior, The Younger One, Younger] Brother [To, So That, In Order To, Because Of]
ва́ши слова подтвердились и вы оста́лись в живы́х. Так они́ и сде́лали.
VAH-shee SLAW-vah
ee vih ahs-TAH-lees (v)- jee-VIHH tahk ah-NEE ee SDEH-lah-lee
[Your, Yours] [Speech, The Words, Word, Words] And [Ye, You] Stayed [At, In, Of, On] [Alive, Living.] So [They, They Are] And Made.
21 Они́ сказа́ли друг дру́гу: Я́сно, что мы терпим наказа́ние за на́шего бра́та. Мы ви́дели его́
ah-NEE skah-ZAH-lee drook DROO-goo YAHS-nah shtoh mih nah-kah-ZAH-nee-ee zah NAH-shee-vah BRAH-tah mih VEE-dee-lee yeh-VOAH
21 [They, They Are] [Said, Say, Tell, They Said] Friend Friend [It Is Clear, I See Clearly] [What, That, Why] [We, We Are] Punishment [After, Around, At, Behind, Over] Our Brother. [We, We Are] [Have You Seen, Seen] [His, Him, It]
отчаяние, когда́ он умоля́л нас, но мы не ста́ли слу́шать, и вот нас постигла э́та беда́.
kah-g'DAH ohn oo-mah-LYAHL nahs noh mih nyeh STAH-lee SLOO-shaht ee vot nahs EH-tah beh-DAH
When He Begged [Us, We] [But, Yet] [We, We Are] [Never, Not] [Be, Become, Get] [Hear, Listen, To Hear] And [Behold, Here, There] [Us, We] [That, These, This] Trouble.
22 Руви́м отве́тил: Я же говори́л вам не грешите про́тив
roo-VEEM aht-VEH-teel yah zheh gah-vah-REEL vahm nyeh PRAW-teef
22 Reuben Answered I [But, Same, Then] Spoke [To You, Ye, You] [Never, Not] Against
ма́льчика, но вы не послу́шали! Тепе́рь наступа́ет расплата за его́ кровь.
MAHL-chee-kah noh vih nyeh pahs-LOO-shee-lee tee-PER nahs-too-PAH-eet zah yeh-VOAH krov
Boy [But, Yet] [Ye, You] [Never, Not] [Hear, Listen, Listened, We Listened] Now Coming [After, Around, At, Behind, Over] [His, Him, It] Blood.
23 Они́ и не ду́мали, что Ио́сиф понима́ет
ah-NEE ee nyeh DOO-mah-lee shtoh ee-AW-seef pah-nee-MAH-eet
23 [They, They Are] And [Never, Not] [Supposing, Thought] [What, That, Why] Joseph [Know, Knoweth, Understandeth, Understands]
их, потому́ что он говори́л с ни́ми че́рез переводчика.
eehh pah-tah-MOO shtoh ohn gah-vah-REEL (s)- NEE-mee CHEH-res
[Them, Their] [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] [What, That, Why] He Spoke [And, From, In, Of, With] Them [Across, By Way Of, Through] .
24 Он отвернулся от них и запла́кал, пото́м сно́ва поверну́лся и заговори́л с
ohn ot neekh ee zahp-LAH-kahl pah-TOM SNAW-vah pah-veer-NOOL-syah ee zah-gah-vah-REEL (s)-
24 He From [Them, They] And [Cried, Wept] [Then, Later] Again (Turned Around) And [Spake, Spoke] [And, From, In, Of, With]
ни́ми. Он взял от них Симео́на и связа́л его́ у них на глаза́х.
NEE-mee ohn vzyahl ot neekh see-mee-AW-nah ee svee-ZAHL yeh-VOAH oo neekh nuh glah-ZAHH
Them. He Took From [Them, They] Simeon And [Bind, Linked, Tied] [His, Him, It] [At, By, With, Of] [Them, They] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] Eyes.
25 Ио́сиф приказа́л напо́лнить их су́мки зерно́м, положи́ть серебро́ ка́ждого из них обра́тно
ee-AW-seef pree-kah-ZAHL nah-POL-neet eehh SOOM-kee zeer-NOM pah-lah-JEET seh-reb-RAW KAHJ-dah-vah ees neekh ahb-RAHT-nah
25 Joseph Ordered Fill [Them, Their] [Bag, Bags] Grain [Lay, Put] [Silver, Silverware] [Everyone, Whosoever] [From, In, Of, Out] [Them, They] Back
ему́ в мешо́к и дать им запасов на доро́гу; так и бы́ло испо́лнено.
yee-MOO (v)- mee-SHOK ee daht eem nuh dah-RAW-goo tahk ee BIH-lah ees-POL-nee-nah
[Him, It, To Him] [At, In, Of, On] [Bag, Moneybag, Pouch, Purse, Sack] And [Give, To Give] [It, Them] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [Make Way, The Way, Way] So And [It Was, Was] [Completed, Executed.]
26 Они́ погрузили зерно́ на осло́в и отпра́вились в путь.
ah-NEE zeer-NAW nuh ahs-LOF ee ahtp-RAH-vee-lees (v)- poot
26 [They, They Are] [Corn, Grain, Seed, Seeds] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [Asses, Donkeys] And [Departed, Set Off, We Went] [At, In, Of, On] [Path, The Way, Way.]
27 Когда́ они́ останови́лись на ночле́г, оди́н из них развязал мешо́к,
kah-g'DAH ah-NEE ahs-tah-nah-VEE-lees nuh nahch-LEK ah-DEEN ees neekh mee-SHOK
27 When [They, They Are] Stopped [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [Accommodation, Lodging, Overnight Stay] [Alone, One] [From, In, Of, Out] [Them, They] [Bag, Moneybag, Pouch, Purse, Sack]
что́бы взять корм для осла́, и уви́дел в отве́рстии мешка своё серебро́.
SHTOH-bih vzyaht dlyah ahs-LAH ee oo-VEE-deel (v)- aht-VERS-tee-ee MESH-kah
svah-YAW seh-reb-RAW
[To, So That, In Order To, Because Of] [Take, To Take] For [Donkey, The Donkey] And [Had Seen, Saw, Seeing, Seen, Seeth] [At, In, Of, On] [Holes, Mouth, Opening] [Bag, Moneybag, Pouch, Purse, Sack] (Its Own) [Silver, Silverware.]
28 Моё серебро́ вернулось! сказа́л он бра́тьям. Вот оно́, в моем мешке. Се́рдце у них
mah-YAW seh-reb-RAW skuh-ZAHL ohn BRAHT-yeem vot ah-NOH (v)- MAW-eem
SER-tseh oo neekh
28 My [Silver, Silverware] [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] He Brothers. [Behold, Here, There] It [At, In, Of, On] [My, Mine] [Bag, Sack, The Bag.] [Heart, Hearts] [At, By, With, Of] [Them, They]
замерло; они́ в стра́хе повернулись друг к дру́гу и сказа́ли: Что э́то сде́лал с на́ми Бог?
ah-NEE (v)- STRAH-hhee drook k DROO-goo ee skah-ZAH-lee shtoh EH-tuh SDEH-lahl (s)- NAH-mee bohh
[They, They Are] [At, In, Of, On] [Fear, Terror] Friend [To, For, By] Friend And [Said, Say, Tell, They Said] [What, That, Why] [That, This, It] Did [And, From, In, Of, With] [Us, We] God?
29 Придя к своему́ отцу́ Иа́кову в зе́млю Ханаа́на, они́
pree-dyah k svah-ee-MOO aht-TSOO ee-AH-kah-voo (v)- ZEM-lew hhah-nah-AH-nah ah-NEE
29 [Came, Coming] [To, For, By] [To His, Your Own] Father [Jacob, James, To Jacob] [At, In, Of, On] [Earth, Land] Canaan [They, They Are]
рассказа́ли ему́ обо́ всем, что с ни́ми случи́лось. Они́ сказа́ли:
rahss-kah-ZAH-lee yee-MOO ah-BAW vsem shtoh (s)- NEE-mee sloo-CHEE-lahs ah-NEE skah-ZAH-lee
[They Told Me, Told] [Him, It, To Him] About [Everyone, To Everyone] [What, That, Why] [And, From, In, Of, With] Them [It Happened, Happened.] [They, They Are] [Said, Say, Tell, They Said]
30 Челове́к, кото́рый правит той землёй, говори́л
cheh-lah-VEK kah-TAW-riy toy zeem-LYOY gah-vah-REEL
30 [Man, Human, Person] [Which, Which The, Who] That Earth Spoke
с на́ми сурово и при́нял нас за шпионов.
(s)- NAH-mee ee PREE-neel nahs zah
[And, From, In, Of, With] [Us, We] And Accepted [Us, We] [After, Around, At, Behind, Over] .
31 Но мы сказа́ли ему́: «Мы че́стные лю́ди, не шпионы.
noh mih skah-ZAH-lee yee-MOO mih CHES-nih-ee LEW-dee nyeh
31 [But, Yet] [We, We Are] [Said, Say, Tell, They Said] [Him, It, To Him] [We, We Are] [Honest, True] People [Never, Not] .
32 Нас бы́ло двена́дцать бра́тьев, сынове́й одного́ отца́. Одного́
nahs BIH-lah dvee-NAHD-tsaht BRAHT-yeef sih-nah-VAY ahd-nah-VAU aht-TSAH ahd-nah-VAU
32 [Us, We] [It Was, Was] Twelve [Brethren, Brothers] Sons One [Father, The Father.] One
бо́льше нет, а мла́дший сейча́с с отцо́м в Ханаане».
BOL-shee net ah MLAHD-shiy siy-CHAHS (s)- aht-TSOM (v)-
[Again, Great, More] [No, Not] [While, And, But] [Junior, Young] Now [And, From, In, Of, With] Father [At, In, Of, On] .
33 Тогда́ челове́к, кото́рый правит той землёй, сказа́л нам: «Вот как я узнаю, че́стные вы лю́ди и́ли
tahg-DAH cheh-lah-VEK kah-TAW-riy toy zeem-LYOY skuh-ZAHL nahm vot kahk yah ooz-NAH-yoo
CHES-nih-ee vih LEW-dee EE-lee
33 Then [Man, Human, Person] [Which, Which The, Who] That Earth [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [To Us, Us] [Behold, Here, There] [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] I [Discover, I Recognize, I Will Find Out, Know, Recognize] [Honest, True] [Ye, You] People Or
нет: оста́вьте одного́ бра́та здесь со мной, возьми́те еды́ для ва́ших голодающих семей и иди́те свое́й дорогой;
net ahs-TAHV-tee ahd-nah-VAU BRAH-tah zdes saw mnoy vahz-MEE-tee yee-DIH dlyah VAH-sheehh ee ee-DEE-tee svah-YAY daw-RAW-goy
[No, Not] [Leave, Leave It] One Brother [Here, There] [After, With] Me Take Food For [Thy, Your] And [Come, Go, Go Ahead] [His, Mine] [Dear, Expensive, Way]
34 но приведи́те ко мне ва́шего мла́дшего бра́та так я узнаю, что вы не
noh pree-vee-DEE-tee kaw mneh VAH-shee-vah MLAHD-shee-vah BRAH-tah tahk yah ooz-NAH-yoo
shtoh vih nyeh
34 [But, Yet] [Bring, Bring Me] To [Me, To Me] (Your His) [Junior, The Younger One, Younger] Brother So I [Discover, I Recognize, I Will Find Out, Know, Recognize] [What, That, Why] [Ye, You] [Never, Not]
шпионы, а че́стные лю́ди. Тогда́ я отда́м вам ва́шего бра́та и позволю торгова́ть в э́той земле́».
ah CHES-nih-ee LEW-dee tahg-DAH yah aht-DAHM vahm VAH-shee-vah BRAH-tah ee tahr-gah-VAHT (v)- EH-tie zeem-LEH
[While, And, But] [Honest, True] People. Then I [I Will Give, I Will Give It Back, Repay] [To You, Ye, You] (Your His) Brother And [Trade, Trading] [At, In, Of, On] This [Earth, Ground, Land, World.]
35 Разбирая мешки, ка́ждый обнаружил там свой узелок с
KAHJ-diy tahm svoy (s)-
35 [Bags, Sacks] [Each, Every] There [Mine, My Own] [And, From, In, Of, With]
серебром. Уви́дев серебро́, и они́, и их оте́ц испуга́лись.
oo-VEE-deef seh-reb-RAW ee ah-NEE ee eehh ah-TYETS ees-poo-GAH-lees
. [Having Seen, Saw, Seeing, Seen] [Silver, Silverware] And [They, They Are] And [Them, Their] Father [Afraid, Fearful, Scared, They Were Scared, Troubled.]
36 Иа́ков сказа́л им: Вы лишили меня́ дете́й. Ио́сифа бо́льше нет, и
ee-AH-kahf skuh-ZAHL eem vih mee-NYAH
dee-TAY ee-AW-see-fah BOL-shee net ee
36 [Jacob, James] [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] [It, Them] [Ye, You] [I, Me, Self] [Child, Children.] Joseph [Again, Great, More] [No, Not] And
Симео́на бо́льше нет, а тепе́рь вы хоти́те взять Вениами́на. Все обернулось про́тив меня́!
see-mee-AW-nah BOL-shee net ah tee-PER vih hhah-TEE-tee vzyaht vee-nee-ah-MEE-nah (v)syeh
PRAW-teef mee-NYAH
Simeon [Again, Great, More] [No, Not] [While, And, But] Now [Ye, You] [Want, Want To, You Want] [Take, To Take] Benjamin. [All, Any, Every, Everybody, Everyone] Against [I, Me, Self]
37 Руви́м сказа́л отцу́: Предай сме́рти обо́их мои́х сынове́й, е́сли я не приведу́
roo-VEEM skuh-ZAHL aht-TSOO SMER-tee ah-BAW-eehh mah-EEHH sih-nah-VAY YES-lee yah nyeh pree-vee-DOO
37 Reuben [He Said, Said, Say, Saying, Tell] Father [Death, Of Death] [Both, Both Of Them] [Mine, My, Of Mine] Sons [If, A, When, Unless] I [Never, Not] (I Will Bring You)
его́ наза́д к тебе́. Поручи его́ мое́й заботе, и я приведу́ его́ обра́тно.
yeh-VOAH nah-ZAHT k tee-BEH yeh-VOAH mah-YAY ee yah pree-vee-DOO yeh-VOAH ahb-RAHT-nah
[His, Him, It] Back [To, For, By] [Thee, You.] [His, Him, It] My And I (I Will Bring You) [His, Him, It] Back.
38 Но Иа́ков отве́тил: Мой сын не пойдёт туда́ с тобо́й; его́ брат мёртв, он оста́лся оди́н.
noh ee-AH-kahf aht-VEH-teel moy sin nyeh pie-DYOT too-DAH (s)- tah-BOY yeh-VOAH braht myortf ohn ahs-TAHL-syah ah-DEEN
38 [But, Yet] [Jacob, James] Answered [Mine, My] Son [Never, Not] [Depart, Will Go] There [And, From, In, Of, With] You [His, Him, It] Brother Dead He [Remained, Stay, Stayed, Tarried, Tarry] [Alone, One.]
Е́сли в пути́ с ним случи́тся беда́, то э́той ско́рбью вы сведете мою седую го́лову в мир мёртвых.
YES-lee (v)- poo-TEE (s)- neem sloo-CHEET-syah beh-DAH taw EH-tie SKORB-yoo vih MAW-yoo
GAW-lah-voo (v)- meer MYORT-vihh
[If, A, When, Unless] [At, In, Of, On] [Ways, Path, Road] [And, From, In, Of, With] Him [Happen, It Will Happen, Will Happen] Trouble That This [Grief, Sorrow] [Ye, You] [My, Mine] Head [At, In, Of, On] [Peace, The World, World] [Dead, The Dead.]
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 Holy Bible, New Russian Translation (Но́вый Перево́д на Ру́сский Язы́к)
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