Bible  Romans 2:1-29 Russian Synodal Version (RUSV)
 (Ру́сская Синода́льная Ве́рсия)

1 Ита́к, неизвинителен ты, вся́кий челове́к, судя́щий друго́го, и́бо тем же судо́м,
ee-TAHK tih VSYAH-kiy cheh-lah-VEK soo-DYAH-shhiy droo-GAW-vah EE-bah tem zheh soo-DOM
1 So You [Any, Every, Everyone, Whoever, Whosoever] [Man, Human, Person] Judging [Another, The Other One] [For, Because] [By That, That] [But, Same, Then] [By The Court, Judgement]
каки́м судишь друго́го, осуждаешь себя́, потому́ что, судя друго́го, де́лаешь то же.
kah-KEEM droo-GAW-vah see-BYAH pah-tah-MOO shtoh SOO-dyah
droo-GAW-vah DEH-lah-eesh taw zheh
[How, What] [Another, The Other One] [Itself, Myself, Yourself] [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] [What, That, Why] [Judging, Prosecute, Sue] [Another, The Other One] [Doing, You Do] That [But, Same, Then.]
2 А мы зна́ем, что пои́стине есть суд Бо́жий на де́лающих таки́е дела.
ah mih ZNAH-eem shtoh pah-EES-tee-nee yest soot BAW-jiy nuh DEH-lah-yoo-shheehh tah-KEE-ee DEH-lah
2 [While, And, But] [We, We Are] [Know, We Know] [What, That, Why] [Truly, Truth] [There Are, There Is] [Court, Judgment, Tribunal] [God, God's] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] [Doing, Making] Such [Affairs, Business, Deeds, Works.]
3 Неуже́ли ду́маешь ты, челове́к, что избежишь суда́ Божия,
nee-oo-JEH-lee DOO-mah-eesh tih cheh-lah-VEK shtoh soo-DAH baw-jee-yah
3 [Greater, Indeed, Really, Surely] [Believe, Consider, Do You Think, Suppose, Think] You [Man, Human, Person] [What, That, Why] [Ships, Judgment] [God, God's]
осуждая де́лающих таки́е дела и сам де́лая то же?
DEH-lah-yoo-shheehh tah-KEE-ee DEH-lah
ee sahm DEH-lah-yah taw zheh
[Doing, Making] Such [Affairs, Business, Deeds, Works] And [Himself, Itself, Myself, Self] [Doing, Making] That [But, Same, Then?]
4 И́ли пренебрегаешь бога́тство благости, кротости и долготерпения Божия,
EE-lee bah-GAHTST-vah ee baw-jee-yah
4 Or [Riches, Treasure, Wealth] And [God, God's]
не разумея, что благость Божия ведёт тебя́ к покая́нию?
nyeh shtoh baw-jee-yah vee-DYOT tee-BYAH k pah-kah-YAH-nee-yoo
[Never, Not] [What, That, Why] [God, God's] Leads You [To, For, By] Repentance?
5 Но, по упорству твоему́ и нераскаянному се́рдцу, ты сам себе́
noh pah tvah-ee-MOO ee SER-tsoo tih sahm see-BEH
5 [But, Yet] [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] Yours And [Heart, To The Heart] You [Himself, Itself, Myself, Self] [Himself, Myself, Thyself, To Myself, Yourself]
собира́ешь гнев на день гне́ва и открове́ния пра́ведного суда́ от Бо́га,
sah-bee-RAH-yesh gnef nuh den GNEH-vah ee ahtk-rah-VEH-nee-yah PRAH-veed-nah-vah soo-DAH ot BAW-gah
[Collect, Collecting, You Are Collecting, You Collect] [Anger, Rage, Wrath] [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] Day [Anger, Rage, Wrath] And [Revelation, Revelations] [Righteous, The Righteous One] [Ships, Judgment] From God
6 Кото́рый возда́ст ка́ждому по дела́м его́:
kah-TAW-riy vahz-DAHST KAHJ-dah-moo pah dee-LAHM yeh-VOAH
6 [Which, Which The, Who] [Reward, Will Reward] [Any One, Each, To Each] [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] Business [His, Him, It]
7 Тем, кото́рые постоянством в добром де́ле
tem kah-TAW-rih-ee (v)- DOB-rahm
7 [By That, That] [Which, Who] [At, In, Of, On] [Good, Kind] Business
и́щут сла́вы, чести и бессмертия, жизнь ве́чную;
EE-shhoot SLAH-vih CHES-tee ee jeezn VECH-noo-yoo
[Looking, Looking For] Glory Honor And [Life, Living] [Eternal, Everlasting]
8 А тем, кото́рые упорствуют и не покоряются
ah tem kah-TAW-rih-ee ee nyeh
8 [While, And, But] [By That, That] [Which, Who] And [Never, Not]
и́стине, но предаются непра́вде, я́рость и гнев.
EES-tee-nee noh neep-RAHV-dee YAH-rahst ee gnef
[True, Truth] [But, Yet] [Untruth, Falsehood] [Fury, Rage] And [Anger, Rage, Wrath.]
9 Скорбь и теснота вся́кой душе челове́ка,
skorp ee VSYAH-ki DOO-shee
9 Sorrow And Any Soul Human
делающего зло́е, во-первых, Иуде́я, пото́м и Еллина!
ZLAW-ee ee-oo-DEH-yah pah-TOM ee
Evil Judea [Then, Later] And
10 Напро́тив, сла́ва и честь и мир
nahp-RAW-teef SLAH-vah ee chest ee meer
10 [Against, In Front Of] [Glory, Fame] And [Honor, Honour] And [Peace, The World, World]
вся́кому, делающему до́брое, во-первых, Иуде́ю, пото́м и Еллину!
VSYAH-kah-moo DOB-rah-ee ee-oo-DEH-yoo pah-TOM ee
[Everyone, To Everyone] [Good, Kind] [Judaea, Judea] [Then, Later] And
11 И́бо нет лицеприятия у Бо́га.
EE-bah net oo BAW-gah
11 [For, Because] [No, Not] [At, By, With, Of] God.
12 Те, кото́рые, не име́я зако́на, согрешили, вне зако́на и
teh kah-TAW-rih-ee nyeh ee-MEH-yah zah-KAW-nah vneh zah-KAW-nah ee
12 Those [Which, Who] [Never, Not] Having Law Outside Law And
поги́бнут; а те, кото́рые под зако́ном согрешили, по зако́ну осудятся,
pah-GHEEB-noot ah teh kah-TAW-rih-ee pot zah-KAW-nahm pah zah-KAW-noo
[Die, Perish, They Will Die, Will Perish] [While, And, But] Those [Which, Who] [Below, Beneath, Under, Underneath] [By Law, Law, Legislation] [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] Law
13 Потому́ что не слушатели зако́на пра́ведны
pah-tah-MOO shtoh nyeh zah-KAW-nah PRAH-veed-nih
13 [Because, That Is Why, Therefore] [What, That, Why] [Never, Not] Law [Holy, Righteous]
пред Бо́гом, но исполнители зако́на оправданы бу́дут,
pret BOH-gahm noh zah-KAW-nah BOO-doot
[Before, Front] [By God, God] [But, Yet] Law [Will, Be]
14 И́бо когда́ язы́чники, не име́ющие зако́на, по природе
EE-bah kah-g'DAH yee-ZICH-nee-kee nyeh ee-MEH-yoo-shhee-ee zah-KAW-nah pah
14 [For, Because] When Pagans [Never, Not] Having Law [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto]
законное де́лают, то, не име́я зако́на, они́ са́ми себе́ зако́н:
DEH-lah-yoot taw nyeh ee-MEH-yah zah-KAW-nah ah-NEE SAH-mee see-BEH zah-KON
[Are Doing, Do, Doing, Make] That [Never, Not] Having Law [They, They Are] Themselves [Himself, Myself, Thyself, To Myself, Yourself] Law
15 они́ показывают, что де́ло зако́на у них напи́сано в сердца́х, о чём
ah-NEE shtoh DEH-law zah-KAW-nah oo neekh nah-PEE-sah-nah (v)- seer-TSAHH oah chom
15 [They, They Are] [What, That, Why] [Affair, Business] Law [At, By, With, Of] [Them, They] Written [At, In, Of, On] Hearts About [How, Than, What, Whence, Which, Why]
свиде́тельствует со́весть их и мы́сли их, то обвиняющие, то оправдывающие одна́ другу́ю,
svee-DEH-teelst-voo-eet SAW-veest eehh ee MIS-lee eehh taw taw ahd-NAH droo-GOO-yoo
Testifies Conscience [Them, Their] And [Think, Thoughts] [Them, Their] That That One [Another, Other]
16 В день, когда́, по благовествованию моему́, Бог
(v)- den kah-g'DAH pah mah-ee-MOO bohh
16 [At, In, Of, On] Day When [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] My God
бу́дет суди́ть та́йные дела челове́ков чрез Иису́са Христа́.
BOO-deet soo-DEET TIE-nih-ee DEH-lah
chee-lah-VEH-kahf chres ee-ee-SOO-sah hhrees-TAH
[Will Be, Would Be] [Judge, To Judge] [Mystery, Secret] [Affairs, Business, Deeds, Works] [Men, People] Through Jesus Christ.
17 Вот, ты называешься Иуде́ем, и успокаиваешь себя́ зако́ном, и хвалишься Бо́гом,
vot tih ee-oo-DEH-eem ee see-BYAH zah-KAW-nahm ee BOH-gahm
17 [Behold, Here, There] You [A Jew, Jew] And [Itself, Myself, Yourself] [By Law, Law, Legislation] And [By God, God]
18 И зна́ешь во́лю Его́, и разумеешь лу́чшее, научаясь из зако́на,
ee ZNAH-eesh VAU-lew yeh-VOAH ee LOOCH-shee-ee ees zah-KAW-nah
18 And [Know, Knowest, Understand, You Know] Will [His, Him, It] And (The Best) [From, In, Of, Out] Law
19 И уве́рен о себе́, что ты путеводитель слепы́х, свет для находя́щихся во тьме,
ee oo-VEH-reen oah see-BEH shtoh tih slee-PIHH sveht dlyah nah-hhah-DYAH-shheehh-syah voh t'myih
19 And [Certain, Convinced, I Am Sure, Sure] About [Himself, Myself, Thyself, To Myself, Yourself] [What, That, Why] You Blind Light For Located [In, On] Darkness
20 Наста́вник невежд, учи́тель младе́нцев, име́ющий
nahs-TAHV-neek oo-CHEE-teel mlah-DEN-tseef ee-MEH-yoo-shhiy
20 [Master, Mentor] [Master, Teacher, Tutor] Babies Having
в зако́не образец ведения и и́стины:
(v)- zah-KAW-nee ee EES-tee-nih
[At, In, Of, On] Law And [Truth, Truths]
21 Как же ты, уча́ друго́го, не у́чишь себя́ самого?
kahk zheh tih oo-CHAH droo-GAW-vah nyeh OO-cheesh see-BYAH SAH-mah-vah
21 [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] [But, Same, Then] You [Learn, Taught, Teach, Teaching] [Another, The Other One] [Never, Not] [Instruct, Learn, Teach, Teachest, You Teach] [Itself, Myself, Yourself] [Himself, Myself?]
22 Пропове́дуя не красть, крадешь? говоря́:
prah-pah-VEH-doo-yah nyeh krahst gah-vah-RYAH
22 [Preaching, Proclaiming] [Never, Not] Steal ? [Saying, Talking]
«не прелюбоде́йствуй», прелюбодействуешь? гнушаясь и́долов, святотатствуешь?
nyeh pree-lew-bah-DAYST-vooy EE-dah-lahf
[Never, Not] [Adultery, Commit Adultery, Fornicate] ? Idols ?
23 Хвалишься зако́ном, а преступлением зако́на бесчестишь Бо́га?
zah-KAW-nahm ah zah-KAW-nah BAW-gah
23 [By Law, Law, Legislation] [While, And, But] Law God?
24 И́бо ра́ди вас, как напи́сано, и́мя Божие хулится у язы́чников.
EE-bah RAH-dee vahs kahk nah-PEE-sah-nah EE-myah baw-jee-yeh oo yee-ZICH-nee-kahf
24 [For, Because] (For The Sake Of) You [How, What, As, Like (comparison)] Written Name [God, God's] [At, By, With, Of] [Gentiles, Pagans.]
25 Обрезание полезно, е́сли исполняешь зако́н; а е́сли
YES-lee zah-KON ah YES-lee
25 Circumcision [If, A, When, Unless] Law [While, And, But] [If, A, When, Unless]
ты престу́пник зако́на, то обрезание твоё ста́ло необрезанием.
tih prees-TOOP-neek zah-KAW-nah taw ahb-REH-zah-nee-ee
tvah-YAW STAH-lah
You Criminal Law That Circumcision [Thy, Your] [Became, It Became] .
26 Ита́к, е́сли необре́занный соблюда́ет постановления зако́на, то
ee-TAHK YES-lee nee-ahb-REH-zahn-niy sahb-lew-DAH-eet zah-KAW-nah taw
26 So [If, A, When, Unless] Uncircumcised [Complies, Keep, Keepeth, Keeps, Observes] Law That
его́ необрезание не вменится ли ему́ в обрезание?
yeh-VOAH nyeh lee yee-MOO (v)- ahb-REH-zah-nee-ee
[His, Him, It] [Never, Not] Whether [Him, It, To Him] [At, In, Of, On] Circumcision?
27 И необре́занный по природе, исполня́ющий зако́н, не
ee nee-ahb-REH-zahn-niy pah ees-pahl-NYAH-yoo-shhiy zah-KON nyeh
27 And Uncircumcised [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [Acting, Performing] Law [Never, Not]
осу́дит ли тебя́, преступника зако́на при Писа́нии и обрезании?
ah-SOO-deet lee tee-BYAH zah-KAW-nah pree pee-SAH-nee-ee ee
[Condemn, Denounce, Will Condemn] Whether You Law [At, In] Scripture And ?
28 И́бо не тот Иуде́й, кто тако́в по
EE-bah nyeh tot ee-oo-DAY ktoh tah-KOF pah
28 [For, Because] [Never, Not] That [Jew, The Jew] Who [Such, Such Is] [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto]
нару́жности, и не то обрезание, кото́рое наружно, на плоти;
nah-ROOJ-nahs-tee ee nyeh taw ahb-REH-zah-nee-ee
kah-TAW-rah-ee nuh PLAW-tee
Appearances And [Never, Not] That Circumcision Which [At, By, In, It, On The, To, Toward, Upon] Flesh
29 Но тот Иуде́й, кто вну́тренно тако́в, и то обрезание, кото́рое в се́рдце, по
noh tot ee-oo-DAY ktoh VNOOT-reen-nah tah-KOF ee taw ahb-REH-zah-nee-ee
kah-TAW-rah-ee (v)- SER-tseh pah
29 [But, Yet] That [Jew, The Jew] Who Internally [Such, Such Is] And That Circumcision Which [At, In, Of, On] [Heart, Hearts] [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto]
ду́ху, а не по букве: ему́ и похвала́ не от люде́й, но от Бо́га.
DOO-hhoo ah nyeh pah yee-MOO ee pahh-vah-LAH nyeh ot lew-DAY noh ot BAW-gah
Spirit [While, And, But] [Never, Not] [Along, By, In, On, To, Unto] [Him, It, To Him] And Praise [Never, Not] From [Human, Of People, People] [But, Yet] From God.
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 Revision: 11/25/2024 6:20:33 AM
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